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Obama may be in real trouble for 2012...

Posted: Jul 21, 2011



How likely do you think it is the GOP will nominate - a moderate

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upon whose health plan Obama modeled HCR? They have consistently demonstrated their inability to take yes for an answer and a pronounced tendency to go screaming into the night, running as fast as they can away from good news in search of bad. The polls have been showing Romney to be their only viable choice for a couple of months now, yet they continue to search high and low for The One who can save them from their own front runner.

The the only way Romney will ever get that nomination would be for the GOP to suddenly come to their senses, shed their tea party/ultra-conservative albatross and move drastically toward the center. I wouldn't hold my breath for that.

We have already established that Gen-GOP cannot run (unless the GOP finds a way to change the rules in the middle of the game, which they have been known to try), so that eliminates him or her from the dark horse running. Have you checked out the polls when Obama is matched up against the remaining ponies? His margins suddenly become quite impressive.

The election is 16 months away. If fundraising is any indication (in a country where elections are often won by the highest bidders), there may be more to the polls than meets the eye. My crystal ball clouds up when I ask it future state-of-the-economy questions. The reality is that, despite all the GOP drama downplaying the importance of raising the debt ceiling, they know very well how much is riding on the outcome of that measure in terms of whether the economy will continue on its slow track toward improvement vs tanking behind tea party recalcitrance.

Obama knows that too, and for that reason, I believe he may just have a few tricks up his sleeve to insure that won't happen and that he will have more than a 50th birthday to celebrate on August 3rd. Beyond that is anybody's guess, but as it stands now, the GOP continues to overlook their potential winner and search for a sure-fire loser. Go figure.

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