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OK Abortion Law: Details To Be Publicly Posted Online

Posted: Oct 15, 2009

Oklahoma Abortion Law: Details To Be Publicly Posted Online

The Huffington Post | Elyse Siegel
First Posted: 10- 8-09 11:05 AM | Updated: 10- 8-09 03:28 PM

A new Oklahoma law requires physicians to disclose detailed information on women's abortions to the State's Department Of Health, which will then post the collected data on a public website. The controversial measure comes into effect on November 1 and will cost $281,285 to implement, $256,285 each subsequent year to maintain.

Oklahoma women undergoing abortion procedures will be legally forced to reveal:

1) Date of abortion
2) County in which abortion is performed
3) Age of mother
4) Marital status of mother
5) Race of mother
6) Years of education of mother
7) State or foreign country of residence of mother
8) Total number of previous pregnancies of the mother

Proponents of the legislation claim that women should not be concerned over their privacy since no names or "personal information" will be reported. This defense is questionable. Feminists For Choice argues, "In reviewing the actual text of the law, the first 8 questions that will be asked and reported could easily be used to identify any member of a smaller community."

The Center For Reproductive Rights, former state Rep. Wanda Jo Stapleton (D-Okla.), and Okla. resident Lora Joyce David have filed a lawsuit to prevent this contentious abortion bill from going into effect, on the grounds that it violates the state's constitution.


Someone will challenge that law - it is unconstitutional NM

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It's not unconstitutional - lalala

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Most hospitals already report information to government agencies for statistical reasons. If they don't release any PPI then I don't see how it can be unconstiutional.

You didn't get the point. - sm

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Providing stats to government agencies is a different thing and posting someone's personal info on a public website is definately unconstitutional.

I don't know where HIPAA stands in this case?

Yes I did - lalala

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It states that "no personal information" ie, PPI, will be released. The person/group who is against this says that a person will be 'easliy recognizable' in a small community. I'm not sure how small a community they are talking about - based on counties I suppose - but race, marital status, income status, etc, certainly won't identify anyone.

already available - cj

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We've had this discussion a couple of days ago. Anyway, all those stats are all available to the public now if you know where to look.

as usual, not one question about the father? - linda

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like: whothebabydaddy? where is the baby daddy, is HE married, how many other abortions can be laid at his door and/or babies?

Good point! - Me

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I agree with the other poster - I think this will be challenged successfully, as it should be.

Asking questions about him would imply... - Kendra

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that he has some legal choice in whether or not a baby is aborted, which he does not. I think that it is a crying shame that I could get pregnant and abort the baby with absolutely no input from my husband whatsoever, related to the abortion. What if he wants to keep the child? What if I am unmarried and the father would like to raise the child with or without me? You are absolutely right, this is NOT only a women's issue and should not be treated this way. Not just what about whether the father has fathered other aborted babies, what about the father's rights concerning the aborted baby at hand?

I agree with you Kendra - NMMT

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I think women falsely believe that because they are the "vessel" the gift belongs to them to do with as they choose. If my husband and I buy a car together, we're both paying for it but we have a 2-car garage (my side and his) and one day he parks the car on my side, it doesn't mean I can sell it. A baby belongs to 2 people and destroying it should not be the woman's option. When a woman decides to have sex, she has the obligation to take that into consideration. Many men have been emotionally devastated over a woman's "choice" but that is never discussed. Abortion hurts everyone involved and especially the baby.

Fathers and abortion. - Smitty

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It is not the father's body. No man should have the right to force any woman to carry a child for 9 months and give birth against her will. If a man wants to have a child, he needs to find a woman who is willing to get pregnant and give birth for him. If he does not want to have a child and is against abortion, he should either abstain from sexual intercourse or use birth control.
Very nicely put! - nm - NJ
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But... - NMMT
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who would you say is the owner of the baby's body? That would be the baby, right? The baby should have the right to decide whether it wants to live or die. All of us who are alive today relied on our mothers to make the right choice and I'm sure 100% of us are glad she did. I think any woman/teenager understands that having sex could lead to a pregnancy. It is ultimately her responsibility to say no and, in the case of rape, she should carry the baby and give it up if she can't care for it. No one has the right to take a life. The fact that it's been happening for over 30 years still doesn't make it right. Any man who wants to have a child is still at the mercy of any woman who decides she doesn't want it. Many men want babies of their own and abstaining is not the way to get one. I only agree with you that men who do not want babies should not have sex or use protection. The same goes for a woman but women know they have the opportunity to destroy it if they so choose. Abortion is just a brutal form of birth control.
baby's right to decide - dusty
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That would probably not be legally binding until they were 18, and by then its a moot point . . . . .
That's why we have... - NMMT
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laws that protect babies and children, because there are those who kill and abuse them but I'm sure, if they could decide, they would decide life over death. An unborn baby is STILL a baby. We live in a jacked up country that puts a person in jail who harms a pregnant woman and the baby dies but yet give that same woman the right to kill that very baby. Crazy lawmakers....
some say - dusty
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The physical body is the mere container of the soul. If the fetal tissue is extracted, the soul survives and moves to a more hospitable home in another womb. If you are meant to be here on earth, you will be. If souls are immortal, they cannot be destroyed, simply relocated.

Some say... - NMMT
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but God doesn't. ;-)
Surrender - dusty
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What did God specifically say about it?
With all due respect ~ sm - Anoni~
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Women have been aborting babies since the beginning of time by whatever means they had ~ eat this bark, drink this tea, use this coathanger, etc.

Early man often killed newborn babies in time of famine because it took too much food to sustain the mother and child, plus she couldn't contribute to hunting/gathering if she had a baby on her back.

This is not something that is going to go away if made illegal, it'll just go underground and thousands of women around the world will die needlessly due to lack of proper medical care. In fact, they already do in countries where abortion is illegal.

I'm not a religious person, so when it came time to give my kids the talk, I put it very simply ~ if you choose to have a child you're "life" will be over. No more going out with your friends, etc, you will be home taking care of your baby. They were provided with all the facts regarding birth control and told to use it if they chose to mess around. I never threw in abortion, it's not my place to tell another person what to do with their body.

Sorry for the ramble, but making abortion illegal will not stop it from happening, and anyone who thinks it will is delusional.
Just like making murder illegal did not stop it from happening? It is still illegal.... - watcher
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and still happening, but legalize it and see what happens.
Actually ~ sm - Anoni~
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I've read statistics showing that the number of abortions has actually gone down over the past few years. We have differing opinions, I don't consider it taking a life when done before the fetus has any chance of survival. In a perfect world all chidren would have a shot at a good life. Sadly, this world is far from perfect, but people seem more down on women who chose to terminate a pregnancy than junkies/alcoholics, etc. who chose to give birth to another messed up kid.

As far as murder, I guarentee you that the murder rate would drop if the murders were all punished by the death penalty! I get really pyst off whenever I think of how we have to support them for the rest of their miserable lives. Grrrrr
We will agree to disagree....because every fetus has a very good chance at survival... - watcher
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if it is not killed. You take away that chance and obviously end ANY chance of survival with an abortion. It is ending a life no matter how you "slice it."

That being said...I think statistics bear out that yes, the murder rate does decrease some in states where the death penalty is enforced, but not all. A lot of murders are just committed in fits of rage or by lunatics and the thought of the death penalty does not deter them.

However, very few abortions are committed in a fit or rage or by lunatics...and if it were limited by law to special circumstances i.e. rape, incest, danger to mother's life...that would seriously curtail the number of abortions we do; instead of using it as a rather barbaric form of birth control, which I find morally repugnant....and flat-out WRONG. So we agree to disagree... :)
But... - CB
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Abortion has been practiced since the dawn of man. It will continue to be performed one way or another. Get over it. I'll stay out of your uterus if you stay out of mine.
Guess the woman need not be concerned.... - watcher
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about abstaining or birth control...she has the option of "disposing" of her "mistake." Yep, 9 months of her life to give a life is wayyyyyy too much to ask, right? Even if someone is ready and willing to take on the responsibility for the child? Must be too much to ask, seeing as millions are killed every year....and you cannot make me believe that all of them are rape, incest, or birth control didn't work....
I believe... - NMMT
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very few abortions are the result of rape or incest. And the few that are still do not justify the millions of babies who are killed every year. Men need to be made responsible when they rape women and women need to be made responsible for their rash decisions. Parents need to be held liable for teaching their children the facts. I know I did. There were 3 pregnant girls in my daughters senior class. I told my daughter what would happen were she to get pregnant and we had our first grandchild when she was 21 and married. There would be no babies murdered in our household and even our sons were held to a higher standard. Parents are either too lazy or too "busy" to teach and guide their children, or they just don't care so we have millions of deaths. It's inexcusable.
That's horrible... - BadHorse
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So if your 13-yr-old virgin daughter got pregnant by some aggressive teenager who took advantage of her at a party, a guy whom she just met that night, you would FORCE her to carry that child to term? Unbelieveable.
My 13-year-old teenager - NMMT
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wasn't allowed to go to parties alone. She was never put in a position where that event could have occurred. It's called being a responsible parent. She might have complained at the time but there were no dead babies on her conscience or ours. I know grown women now who are very troubled after the fact. It's not always over with once the baby is gone. Any female of child-bearing age can be raped. Some people like throw around the "rape" word to justify killing a baby. It doesn't fly any more. Most abortions are for convenience only--a form of birth control.
good evasion... - BadHorse
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... but that doesn't answer the question.

Was she never allowed to go to a party with her girlfriends? You never know what can happen at a party unless you're right there by her side, which makes me feel sorry for your kids on a whole 'nother level.

Young girls have been impregnated by male relatives also. An uncle you would trust with your children could have been abusing them for years without your knowledge...until someone turns up pregnant.

You have an awfully callous attitude towards victims of rape.
Not callous at all... - NMMT
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Rape is terrible but death is worse. As I said before, any female of child-bearing age can be raped. The man should be punished, not the innocent baby. The female can always give the baby up. That's what used to happen years ago. Death was never an option and it shouldn't be today.
whatever.... - BadHorse
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You are either very naive or very stupid if you belive that women haven't been having abortions for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
Yes, they have been... - NMMT
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People have been killing each other for many, many years. Just because something has been happening for a long time, doesn't make it right. How naive or stupid can you be?
not stupid or naive - BadHorse
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You said that death was not an option years ago. I said that was not true. No one asked you (or me) whether it was "right" or not.

IMO, it is nothing short of child abuse to force a young girl to carry a child to term against her wishes. And if the female in question is an older teen or of legal age, to force her to carry a child she doesn't want is reprehensible.
In your opinion... - NMMT
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No one ever asks the baby. It might give a different answer and opinion. ;-)
Again, no 'baby' here - me
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and no 'murder' or 'killing.'

There is a baby....moving, heart beating.... - watcher
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as alive as you are. So why would chopping you into little pieces with a whirling dicer be murder most foul and slicing and dicing that moving, heart beating baby not?

Which of you is most valueable? You bemoan innocent victims of war, yet perfectly okay to kill a trapped baby, the MOST innocent among us...you really see nothing completely and uttery wrong with that picture? Seriously??

If left alone, it would continue to grow. That means it is alive. You cannot in any way justify killing it, so to avoid the guilt that comes with knowing that, you just use selective reasoning. Oh, its not alive. It grows and its heart beats, but its not alive.

just curious.... - cj
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What do you feel about those cases where the mother's health in endangered by the pregnancy? Two things my mom always said I think you might do well to consider. one was "never say never" and the other was "people who live in glass houses...." You really are quick to judge others. I wonder how your story would change if you actually found yourself or a love one in the situation of having to make that decision.
Not at all... - NMMT
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That's why C-sections are so popular now. Engdangering the mother is a rarity and another one of those "justifications." God is going to judge us all, even those of us who opted to get rid of our children. I would rather risk dying myself than do that. But that's just me. ;-)
You ducked the question - Me
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just sayin
No I didn't... - NMMT
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you just didn't like my answer.
you may have misread the question - cj
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It isn't the delivery that is a danger to the mother but the actual pregnancy, such as in the case of a brittle diabetic or a person with schizophrenia who could not take their meds in the pregnancy. This person may also post a danger to others around them. What then?
Maybe there's another reason why C-sections (sm) - Nikki
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are so popular now. They've now been placed in the category of a "pre-existing condition" with health insurance companies, so that gives these companies the opportunity to UNinsure an entire group of women.

(Sorry to be off topic but I just found this out the other day.)
It depends on if you have the courage of your convictions or not.... - watcher
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It is a choice. Many women choose not to abort and take that chance, because they feel it is wrong to choose themselves over the child. And it is their choice to make. Just as the opposite choice is theirs to make. If you want to have the choice to abort, fine. Just call it what it is...it is not terminating a pregnancy, it is terminating a life. They can spin it, call it a fetus, call it whatever they want to. It is a living child, heart beating, taking nourishment, growing. Alive by every definition.

If they want the right to choose, for whatEVER reason....the choice is to terminate a LIFE. THAT is the issue.

I know what I HOPE I would do in that situation, but if I chose the abortion, I would KNOW I was terminating a LIFE.
So easy to judge - Me
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Your post contains nonfactual information: In fact the majority of 'on demand' abortions occur at a gestational age of 12 weeks. *You* may call a 'fetus' a baby, but the law and medicine do not. Characterizing it as "killing a baby" just doesn't fly.

Society needs to have more concern for the actual full-term babies born to parents who do not want them and do not properly care for them. Our jails are full of people who were abused as children - who then went on to abuse others.
So easy to judge.... - watcher
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So easy for you to dismiss life. It is a child who takes nourishment, has a heartbeat, and grows. Removing it kills it. Medicine says it...what a joke. What happened to first do no harm??

You know in your heart of hearts a life is being terminated. You are human.
How sad for anyone who does this... - Kendra
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Neither of my boys were in my plans, but you know what they say about God laughing. Heaven help me if I had terminated either pregnancy. How much I would have missed! How sad for me that would be, so killing babies aside, how sad for women who never get the chance to love their children.
and men, too, for that matter. - Kendra
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Agree.... - watcher
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and have read enough stories from women who have had abortions and how real the loss is...tell them it wasn't alive. They know better. Any woman knows better.
self righteousness is boring...... - CB
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How many deaths have occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan? No one likes abortion but it is a reality and I find your judgmental attitude inexcusable. No one has the right to interfere with someone elses free will.
And a BIG Amen to you! - Colleen
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Could not have said it better myself. I will never understand how so many (notice, I did NOT say all) of the same people who call themselves "pro-life" were totally behind this war. I do not, and frankly, I do not think I want to understand how someone can call themselves "pro-life" and then be cavalier about "collateral damage" and killing innocent people, and not just Americans. I think most are really just pro-birth, because there seems to be this force to bring them into the world but not to make sure that they are fed and clothed, have good health care, aren't born to people who are abusive and should not really have children. I, for one, would like to see more emphasis placed on taking care of those humans that are already here and respecting those "lives."
Great post, Colleen. I couldn't agree more. (nm) - Nikki
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What a bunch of crap. - Kendra
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I have two children. Neither one of them was planned, but they are unexpected miracles. Just because the man or the woman was not trying to get pregnant does not mean that both of them did not realize that pregnancy is a possble outcome of sex. Should we not be forced to deal with the consequences of our actions? As far as consequences go, a baby is a pretty good one. Clearly, you are aware that it takes two people to create a baby, why is it okay that it only takes one to destroy it? Why should the man be held to a higher standard than the woman? I absolutely think that if a woman gets pregnant and the man wants to keep the baby that she SHOULD be forced to carry the child for 9 months and give birth to him/her.
?? - NMMT
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What is a bunch of crap????? I agree with everything you've said. It is not okay for anyone to destroy a baby, regardless of how it came about. I was implying that our daughter and sons were held to equal standards when it came to being responsible. I agree with you.
This is under Smitty's post, not yours. NM - Kendra
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Ok...sorry. :-) - NMMT
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After the birth - NJ
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If you want to force a woman to bear a child that she does not want but the man does, he should have total responsibility for that child. Let's put that into law and see how many guys keep fighting against abortion. Some will, but the numbers will dwindle for sure.

If a guy.... - NMMT
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is fighting against abortion, he obviously cares about life and would not subject one of "his" children to a death sentence. I think that's a good law. If the man wants the child, he obviously would not mind being responsible for it.
In theory maybe - NJ
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I don't believe you can assume guys would take responsibility for the kids, or that they wouldn't cut and run.

Back when I was drinking, it struck me as pretty hypocritical that some guys sat on their bar stools getting sloshed and complaining about how much child support they had to pay. They seemed to have enough to support their alcohol habit, but not enough for their kids.

I would bet anything that if men got pregnant, abortion would be legal 'most everywhere.

It doesn't matter... - NMMT
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whether it's the guy or girl, both should share in the responsibility and not just "get rid of it." All the arguments in the world do not justify killing a baby that didn't ask to be here in the first place.
You are so right about... - BadHorse
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"I would bet anything that if men got pregnant, abortion would be legal 'most everywhere."
if men got pregnant... - cj
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and had to endure labor and delivery, the human race might well go the way of the dinosaurs!
And if... - NMMT
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my aunt had testicles, she'd be my uncle. :-)
After the birth - Just me
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Excellent point. It is nothing short of child abuse to force a girl to have a child she does not want.

Bottom line on this topic: Abortion is a personal decision that should remain the woman and her doctor. I personally would not want one, but I will fight to the death to protect the rights of other women to choose differently. Man, there are some judgemental people on this forum.
We all make... - NMMT
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judgements about what's right or wrong. It comes with a belief in what we perceive as right and wrong. That's why we have laws, some of which are immoral. But God is the supreme judge and will decide our fate.
You go right ahead - Just me
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and be judgemental and Christian. I am not superstitious. Nor do I judge others for most of the things they do. It is not my business, and it is not yours or anyone elses, nor is it our place to judge. I have a very definite sense of right and wrong. However, I am also open minded and educated enough to understand and accept that others may have a slightly different moral code that they live by, and I do not have the right to try to force them to live by MY moral code. But I tell you what, if my son got some girl pregnant, I would support them whatever their decision was, but ultimately, it would be their decision.
Correction--it would be HER decision... - Kendra
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She could keep the baby if he wanted to get rid ot it, she could get rid of it if he wanted to keep it. Your son would have no say, unless she chose to allow him one.
My son - Just me
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That is right. He understands that ultimately it is the woman that would bear the brunt of the pregnancy and likely most of the child rearing. We have taught him that with sex comes responsibility.
It appears to me you are making a huge judgment.... - watcher
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that this person is being judgmental and "Christian." Are you not being judgmental? Sounds like a little guilt may be rolling around in there.

We force people to live by a moral code in this country. We have laws against murder. We have laws against theft. We have laws against lying under oath. Forcing everyone to live by the same moral code under penalty of law. It is just that those protections apparently do not extend to the unborn....yes, unborn, but still ALIVE.

WHY is it that 10 seconds before a baby is born it is not alive but 10 seconds after it is? That a mother can kill her child in the womb, no harm no foul, but if it takes a breath outside the whom anyone who kills the child is a murderer.

Sorry, that makes absolutely NO sense to me. And to me it is a HUGE judgment to judge that child NOT alive and so much trash to flush. THAT to me is morally reprehensible. We ALL have a soul and we ALL have a sense of right and wrong. Unless you want to suggest that only Christians are moral people and only Christians have souls.

I believe in your heart of hearts you know it is wrong, still you condone the act in the name of "choice." Sadly, I don't think it is a fence you can straddle... :(
Good try, but I have no reason to feel guilty. - Just me
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And to me, to try to push my moral code on you or anyone else, or vice versa is morally reprehensible. Each person has to figure out where they stand on the "when it is a child" debate and act on their own conscience. It is no one elses business, period.
I do believe you just defined the term PRO-CHOICE. nm - Nikki
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The man has no say. - Kendra
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But if the woman decides to keep the child, he is on the hook for child support no matter what. Why is it that the father has no say on one side and no say on the other? Why is it only up top the woman and if she decides to keep the baby, he has to pay, but if he wants to keep the baby, no child support or anything, he cannot? It just seems a shame that men have no rights where this is concerned.
assuming... - cj
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That the sex was consensual. If not, then why should the woman have to deal with all the psychological consequences of a forced act?
Thank G-d you don't write the laws - me
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Fathers and abortion - Colleen
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And a BIG Amen to that Smitty!
Fathers and AB - CB
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His rights end at your body - Me

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To say otherwise suggests that you could be forced to carry a pregnancy to term against your wishes.

It's not any worse than the questions on the Census - have you checked that out? - Shrugs.......nm

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census - dusty

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I understand repub Michele Bachmann warns that if you answer the census questions you might end up in an interment camp.

Out of context.... - watcher

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What she said was census data was used during WWII by the FDR administration to identify Japanese Americans for removal to internment camps. That is a fact. Census data was used. She said she was uncomfortable with the degree of personal information the census asked. I agree with her. Did she say you might end up in an internment camp? No. Do I think this administration would use census data in an illegal way? Not specifically, but I don't trust them any further than I could throw any one of them with one hand.

Eugenics - Sheeples

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Don't think for one solitary minute there isn't a method to the data-collecting madness.

Courtesy of Justice Ginsburg:

“Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.

Courtesy of John Holdren, Science Czar, published book, Ecoscience:

Page 786Single mothers should have their babies taken away by the government; or they could be forced to have abortions 

Page 838Nothing is wrong or illegal about the government dictating family size 

*groans* - NJ

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To Ginsberg's comment, I would agree. I find it entirely plausible that abortion would be allowed by some whose intention would be to keep the US "pure". I don't believe in that method any more than Ginsberg does, but I think other nutcases might.

As to Holden's writings, they are a philosophical exploration of how certain mindsets might come to being. He makes some statements, then goes on to debunk them. Read his whole piece when you get a chance.


Update on Mr. Holdren....you might read if you get a chance... - watcher

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'Sustainable well-being'

The St. Petersburg Times' fact-check website, Politifact.com, argued that in his Senate confirmation hearings, Holdren disavowed "optimal population" targets, a central thesis of the 1970s textbook, as a proper role of government.

While Holdren may have abandoned "optimal population" targets as a principle of public policy, an address he gave as president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, subsequently published in Science Magazine in January 2008, shows he has adopted instead the standard of "sustainable well-being" as a guiding principle that could be utilized to set targets for acceptable population growth.

In the article, Holdren listed "continuing population growth" as a hindrance to the goal of realizing "sustainable well-being," a point Holdren supported by footnoting Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book "The Population Bomb," thereby linking his current thinking with his 1970s-era thinking.

In that footnote, Holdren wrote that the "elementary but discomforting truth" of Ehrlich's 1968 book "may account for the vast amount of ink, paper, and angry energy that has been expended in vain to refute it."

Holdren's "sustainable well-being" appears to be a nearly identical concept to what is known as the United Nations' "Agenda 21", which articulates the concept of "sustainable development" that is currently institutionalized in the Division for Sustainable Development of the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

Face it...the man is what he is.

Care to point me to your source - Sheeples

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of said rebuttal prior to his appointment as Science Czar?

Sheeples - BA in Sociology 

Get it from your library - NJ
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It is a book about theory, sustainability, what governments might be forced to do if overpopulation becomes critical. It does not advocate those things. It also examines what is currently allowable under the constitution as a warning to us. Grab the info from the link below and have your library snag a copy for you.

Amazon info here.

Once you read it, you will realize it is a warning to the catastrophe that might happen if we don't start cleaning up our acts. It is not something he advocates.


Abortion Addict/Poster Girl? - MTCO

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Hope the link works. This woman really made me cry. I really hope no one buys her books.


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From NPR. ...

Details: "Everything You Need To Know Jan 02, 2013
From the Washington Post: "This is a special edition of Wonkbook for the New Year’s Eve “fiscal cliff” deal.  Suzy Khimm’s summary of the fiscal cliff deal: — Tax rates will permanently rise to Clinton-era levels for families with income above $450,000 and individuals above $400,000. All income below the threshold will permanently be taxed at Bush-era rates. — The tax on capital gains and dividends will be permanently set at 20 perc ...

The Devil Is In The DetailsFeb 24, 2016
So the Pubs are all in a feeding frenzy over the thought that Biden agrees with them regarding not appointing a SC justice.   In the context of Biden's 1992 speech, it was made before Congress left on recess  in anticipation that there might be judges who would resign at the end of the term.  He was simply stating that the process would resume after the recess in a  HYPOTHETICAL (ie, what-if scenario) sense.   He went on to say: In the same remarks, Biden ad ...

Comission Gives More Details On Cutting The DeficitNov 11, 2010
I have a feeling these suggestions won't go very far....especially the gas tax. If it isn't the people against some of the cuts, it will definitely be the federal employees against a wage freeze. I think the Congress will also be against their pet earmarks.  In my opinion, I think the federal employees could and should allow a wage freeze. The rest of America had to swallow it, why shouldn't they? As for earmarks, I think only the frivolous ones, like the ones stu ...

I Read That Romney/Ryan Will Not Give The Details...Aug 15, 2012
...after the election??  If this is true, who on earth would vote that blindly for a Romney administration?   Please tell me this is not true, and where can I read all the features of the tax plan that Romney would like to institute?  Thanks in advance!   ...

State Dept Slams CNN For Releasing Details Of (sm)Sep 23, 2012
Christopher Stevens' journal.  The family did not want it released, but get this, "CNN felt it was newsworthy and the public needed to know." (paraphrasing).  Gee, CNN, if you're that concerned about things we need to know, why don't you try reporting on Obama's relevant past, his many many failures as POTUS, why he got the Nobel prize when he hadn't done a damn thing, his relationships with Marxists and Communists, and all that good stuff.  You' ...

Romney/Ryan May Regret Fudging All The Details Of Their Plans.Sep 07, 2012
President Clinton alone gave enough numbers and specifics to provide quotes for almost any discussion that comes up. Obviously there was more than just his famous verbosity behind his hitting every single point of the GOP promises and every single point of the Dems' during his long speech. My big question is, when Governor Romney says he'll provide "lots of jobs," is he just keeping it and the rest of his plan simple for the unenquiring mind, or is he that determined not to reveal wha ...

BREAKING: Feds Leak Details Of New Clinton Investigation / Weinergate Oct 30, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBHj4a5pn_w Alex Jones' take on reopening the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails. There is a civil war taking place inside the federal government from the highest to the lowest levels that will determine the future of this very republic.   On Monday, thousands of new emails from Podesta were leaked by Wikileaks.  Within that new data dump was absolute "smoking gun" proof that the White House was colluding with Hillary to cover up the ...

Details Emerge About Trump Dossier Firm’s Media Outreach CampaignJul 14, 2017
Court papers recently filed in London provide new details about the media outreach campaign carried out by opposition research firm Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele. Fusion GPS and Steele, who runs the London-based firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, collaborated to produce a 35-page dossier of research about President Trump’s financial and political ties to Russia. Steele and Orbis are currently being sued in the U.S. and U.K. by Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian tech execut ...

Online BullyingApr 09, 2010
Do you think people use the anonymity of hiding behind the computer screen as an excuse to get away with bullying others? Do you think they would have the nerve to do such a thing in a face to face meeting? I'm curious. Oh and I'm talking about adult bullying. I know there have been cases on FB and other such sites where teens have been bullied to the point of suicide which is horrible. Do you think adult bullying can have a similar affect if the person they are bullying is already hav ...

Online Dating. Sep 17, 2012
Okay, so I had a moment of whats out there so I filled out a profile on a dating site (the only way you can see anything on tha site is the fill out a profile), I didn't put a picture up but I did list likes/dislikes.  I did talk to a few men but no dates, meet ups or whatever.  Well, this morning the site e-mailed me that someone was looking at my profile.  To my shock it was my soon to be ex husband.  We live in a small town and it is obvious who it is.  I was&nbs ...

Does Anyone Do Their Shopping Online?Feb 17, 2013
I've been trying to find a more inexpensive way to buy groceries.  I don't do couponing much because all the coupons are usually for stuff I don't normally buy. I was looking at Amazon and it is amazing all the stuff they sell.  My question is this.  I see for instance a 12 pack of canned beans for 41.84 (pack of 12).  Does that mean 12 cans?  If so, Amazon is selling for 4 times the amount I pay for at the grocery store.  Am I reading that right?&nb ...

Anyone Do Online 'virtual' SchoolJan 21, 2010
I'm considering doing the virtual school for my son next schoolyear, which will be his 6th grade year. He's struggling this year in 5th grade and I'm worried that he might not be ready for middle school in August. In my state, GA, we have an online public school that sounds very good. I'm just wondering if anyone, from any state, has any experience with this and what your thoughts are on this type of education. I'd love to put him in a private school (I think) but right ...

Those Who File Taxes OnlineFeb 03, 2010
which site do you use?I have treid a few different sites .... I always do to compare...and have found there seems to always be a difference.Well I am coming up with few hundred dollars difference among these sites.I have checked and rechecked my math...and can not figure it out.I have tried 4 sites...and not one of them show the exact same amount that I will be refunded.WHY???? ...

Online Tutoring - Crazy But I'll Take ItMar 20, 2014
Stressful juggling more than one student, BUT - no parents at the end of it, wanting a play-by-play recap of how their 4-year-old (or 12-year-old) did - no boss SHARING a play-by-play recap of THEIR stresses throughout the day, both professionally and personally - no driving an old car over a bunch of potholes, agonizing over the suspension, the ball joints, or who knows WHAT...nope, it's going to be a hard job (if I'm not always running out of students), but all that emotional who-haw ...

Selling Avon Online?Oct 21, 2015
One of my friends on FB messaged me the other day about selling avon online.  I guess you set up your own "store" online, and let friends know about it, etc.  I think she is just trying to get reps under her so she can make a commission, I am assuming. Anyway, does anyone know if you can really make much money with this?   ...

Free College Online. For Those Who Want To Use TheirAug 22, 2017
way, there's now free college courses on line. I also take courses at edX.org from major universities. The concept of college is changing rapidly. Goodbye, institutions of higher propaganda. ...

Question About Buying Drugs OnlineJun 07, 2011
My 18 year old nephew was involved in a wreck and was hospitalized with a severely broken leg.  He will be okay, but his parents are very upset that he was loaded!  He was drinking and had drugs in his system.  He will have charges for property damage to a business also. They searched his room, found bottles of xanax, hydrocodone, vicodin, valium and such.  His dad checked the computer and found an account with one of those Canadian and Mexican "pharmacies".  He is in t ...

DWTS: I Did A Little Research Online, ReadingNov 18, 2010
what going on with this Bristol-thing.  The most telling are the right-wing and Teaparty websites.   What seems to be coming to light is that this wasn't just a "call your Teaparty friends and vote for Bristol" deal, it's now starting to look like manipulation and voter fraud for political gain.   One person said he tested ABC's online voting system, and discovered that, although you're limited to 5 votes per email address, you aren't limited to the ...

Online Petition Making The RoundsJan 11, 2013
WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: ban hammers and baseball bats. In 2005, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 445, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 605. In 2006, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 438, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 618. In 2011, there was 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs. It's clearly time to take action on hamm ...

Anyone Have Experience With Online Dating Websites?Nov 14, 2013
I'm sort of, kind of, maybe, possibly considering signing up with an online dating website like Christian Mingle or Plenty of Fish.  Do any of you have experience with either of these?  Divorced 6 years (from 2nd husband), I'm finally feeling ready to share my heart again with a nice man.  Since I'm 50% the reason for both divorces, I know that I'm far from perfect...but I feel like I've learned to spot a man who will end being a verbal abuser.  I hop ...

Has Anyone Ever Used An Online Service To Do A Background CheckJan 07, 2017
I may start slowly dating again,  and I want to be able to check on people.  It's a lot different and a lot worse nowdays than it was 30+ years ago when I was dating at age 18 and you had somewhat better chances of trusting people you met back in those days.   That's sad, but a girl has to look out for herself and use any means to be safe. ...

Govt Wants Names Of Online Commenters WhoJun 10, 2015
The Department of Justice has ordered libertarian website Reason.com to turn over the information of six commenters after they made threats against the federal judge who presided over the Silk Road trial. Ken White of the blog Popehat obtained the grand jury subpoena issued by the Department of Justice last week, which demands "any and all identifying information” the website has pertaining to the threatening commenters. This includes email addresses, telephone numbers, IP addresses, and b ...

Does Anyone Use Any Online Sites For Bible Study?Jun 18, 2015
Something that's easy to follow, for a returning/beginning reader to get back into it.   I want to start reading again,  be able to look up things by subject, and so on.   Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks. ...

George Soros Pushing Online Voting...Sep 10, 2016
seeking to expand the use of electronic and online voting systems nationwide, according to a leaked Foundations document reviewed by Breitbart News. While the directive was issued two years ago, the issue of electronic voting has become a hot button topic in this year’s presidential election amid fears digital voting systems can be compromised. The online voting plan was contained in a 67-page hacked file detailing the September 29-30, 2014 Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting in New Y ...

Keeping An Eye On Online Test-Takers. One More StepMar 03, 2013
New technology eventually bringing education hopefully more affordable--and better--than ever before. I'm also wondering if it could also someday affect us working at home, but that's another issue.  March 2, 2013 Keeping an Eye on Online Test-Takers By ANNE EISENBERG MILLIONS of students worldwide have signed up in the last year for MOOCs, short for massive open online courses — those free, Web-based classes available to one and all and taught by professo ...

Consumers Insist That They Treasure Their Online Privacy. But Mar 31, 2013
Intriguing experiments by Alessandro Acquisti, a behavioral economist, suggest that people often reveal more than they mean to online. By SOMINI SENGUPTA Published: March 30, 2013 ¶SAY you’ve come across a discount online retailer promising a steal on hand-stitched espadrilles for spring. You start setting up an account by offering your e-mail address — but before you can finish, there’s a ping on your phone. A text message. You read it and respond, then retu ...

National Review Online Being Sued For Defamation Jul 24, 2013
NRO being sued by climate scientist, Michael Mann. "Mann has been the target of numerous investigations into his work and has been cleared of any wrongdoing every time. Since some of these investigations were prompted by NRO [National Review Online] and CEI [Competitive Enterprise Institute], they had to know he was cleared of academic fraud, yet they continued to accuse him of it. Oops." "Unsurprisingly, both the NRO and CEI were unhappy with this and tried to block the lawsuit using SLAP ...