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NY Board of Health Passes Soda Ban

Posted: Sep 13, 2012

What a stupid law. Beginning March 12, the city will prohibit restaurants, mobile food carts, delis and concessions at movie theaters, stadiums or arenas from selling sugary drinks in cups or containers larger than 16 ounces. The city will begin fining sellers for violating the ban in mid-June.

Yet you can buy as many 16 ounce drinks as you want. That's a waste of time and taxpayer money, don't you think? 



pretty soon they are going to ...... - anontoo

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install in every single bathroom in America a machine that counts exactly how many sheets of toilet paper a person uses and automatically stop at 16! If you need more than that...oh well! Govt regulations, you know. Use your hand! (ewww).

Which actress was it - sm

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who said we should only use a few sheets at a time? Remember that? Like, she does herself, I suppose.

I think it was Cheryl Crow... and she was joking - but nobody has a sense of humor anymore

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I do - I thought it was hilarious.
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"Never say 'never'."
Sheryl Crow was actually referring to an - Trigger Happy
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article about prisons limiting prisoners to something crazy like 1 square of TP per toilet usage. That was her response to that article. I cannot imagine being limited to just 1 square. Ewwww!

It is pretty ridiculous - I agree

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Plus when my kids were little we did occasionally go out for fast food, and it was a whole lot cheaper to get one large soda and split it between them. I don't think the once-a-month-soda did them any lasting harm.

I don't know...I mean pop is such an - Trigger Happy

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issue. It is much more important than the chaos going on the Middle East or the $16 Trillion national debt or the high number of people who are unemployed. Those issues are nothing compared to people drinking a 32 oz fountain drink. (please be sure to read this with much sarcasm).

I actually called into a local radio station because they wanted to know what their listeners thought. I basically told them that government needs to butt out and I'll drink a 32 oz. pop is I wanna.

Tomorrow I plan on getting another 32 oz. and say a big SCREW YOU GOVERNMENT while I drink it and enjoy it! ;)

Reminds me of Edgar Friendly in Demoltion Man - The Sarge

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Banning sodas? Really? What's next? Salt? Salt is bad for you, hence illegal. When I first read the stories and that the ninnies actually approved it this is the line that came to mind.

Edgar Friendly: You see, according to Cocteau's plan, I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy who likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green Jell-o all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener".

I don't get it. Do many here enjoy paying for other - folks' morbid obesity?

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Do you realize how much morbid obesity costs taxpayers? Do I really need to start a list of all the conditions, tests, equipment, medications, etc., not to mention total disability being paid to those who should be working for a living instead of eating? And, since soda/sugar drinks are a huge source of 100% empty calories and a huge contributor to obesity... which is a public health concern... why not try to do something about it?

Also, no one is going after soda.... they're going after the super sized marketing tool which takes advantage of people's inability to pass up a bargain. You do realize that the taxpayers are already basically paying for the raw ingredients... making soda dirt cheap... and then we're left to foot the bill for those who overindulge. In a place like 7-11, the cups actually cost the company more than the product being put in it. I don't feel the least bit sorry for places who can't use the super size or endless refill tactic in order to get folks in their store. In a place like NYC where many people walk to get from point A to point B, this may actually work... you can either stop at the Sev and get 16 ounces of high fructose corn syrup, or you can make 2, 3, 4, or however many trips back and forth to get your Double Gulp quota in.

I'm actually in favor of taxing HFCS drinks with zero nutritional value the same as liquor and cigarettes. That way those who treat themselves once in a while won't feel it so badly, and those who overindulge, get fat, and get sick can help pay for their own insulin and power scooters and other swell stuff. The portion ban is just a baby step in the right direction... and this comes fron someone who is not a big fan of Bloomie.

Instead of looking at it as "government telling you what to eat," try looking at it as "taking responsibility for your own actions."

Please forgive any typos... didn't have time to proofread this.


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You got that right! - Texan

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This is ridiculous - sm

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We are talking NYC, morbid obesity, and high fructose corn syrup ingestion here... not birth control, Sandra Fluke, or abortion. If you want to chime in on that subject or get a cheap shot in on Ms. Fluke (or possibly remind women to keep their legs closed since that's so popular on here), start another post or chime in on one of the multiple posts already started on the subject instead of trying to highjack this one.
It's all the same thing""when someone tries to force - anything on someone else - Just
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you don't like the answer, you want to highjack someone else's free speech.

There is no difference in either of these situations, other than the item being forced upon an individual. You don't like the post, too bad.

The point is-they ban soda over 16 oz. but don't ban the number you can buy - backwards typist

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You want a 32 oz. drink? You will now have to buy two 16 oz. sodas now. Get it now?

The law wasted time, not to mention the money it will cost companies to get rid of their larger cups and re-order smaller cups to please the legal eagle, when they could be working on jobs, the economy, etc. After all, NY has one of the highest taxes in the country, now don't they? Why don't they try to figure out how to give the taxpayers of NY some relief? Nope. That's too hard.

If it means that someone will have to make 2 - trips - on foot - in NYC

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to get their Double Gulp in, or if it means that you will have to buy two 16-ounce drinks at full price in a movie theater or stadium, it might just stop people from drinking themselves to fatness and having others foot the bill. You can only carry a certain amount of 16-ounce drinks at a time. It's about making it more difficult to become fat... not limiting choice.

I just typed a report yesterday on a 45-year-old man granted full disablity because he's too obese to work. Does that sound good? If so, keep drinking unlimited soda.

I live in NY and I am 100% for taxing HFCS saturated drinks. Just the way I don't like paying for others smoking themselves to COPD, continuous oxygen, chemotherapy/radiation, etc., or drinking themselves to cirrhosis, etc., I don't like paying for fat people's morbid obesity related illnesses. The portion control measure is just a very small step in the right direction. Let the user of the product pay for their own future problems through taxing it (and if there was ever a motivator to stop smoking, it's the price of cigarettes in NYC, so it is effective to a certain degree).

Those who are in a squawk about it are either A) People who ingest too much soda and if not fat yet... they probably will be, or B) People who think that a 16-ounce serving is more than appropriate but are sticking up for those who don't want to be responsible for their own actions. You don't need soda to live. If you need a refill, try water, or pay for your own diabetes.
Oh... add this to the list: C) The soda industry - sm
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or pharmaceutical companies who make big $$ off people ingesting HFCS.

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