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Sharpton passes threatening collection bucket at rally

Posted: Apr 2, 2012

I must have missed the part where he called for the escalation of violence and denounced all the white supporters who showed up at the rally and march.   

It’s been an eventful weekend for the Trayvon Martin case.  Two independent voice analyses found the voice calling for help on the 911 tapes was not that of George Zimmerman.  Fire Department records show the call for a second ambulance for GZ was cancelled, casting further doubt on his claim to have sustained life threatening injuries, in line with police surveillance video images.  The video shows GZ in handcuffs, indicating he was under arrest.  Standard operating procedure would typically call for him to be booked, fingerprinted, held in custody and given a bond hearing.  Instead, GZ was magically UN-arrested.

The Martin family will submit a formal request to the Justice Department to broaden their current investigation based on possible direct interference by State Attorney Norm Wolfinger in the decision by Sanford PD’s Chief Bill Lee and Captain Robert O’Connor, the investigation’s supervisor, to over-ride Detective Chris Serino’s call for Zimmerman’s arrest.  Wolfinger, who drove a considerable distance late that night, was physically present at the PD while the deliberations were being made, a fact that was somehow omitted from the official report, which instead stated they had spoken to a female assistant at the state attorney’s office on the phone.  Equally as unusual (especially considering GZ already has a history of disappearing criminal records), members of Zimmerman’s family were also present at the PD that night right alongside the powers that be.  Cozy, huh? 

Meanwhile, the FBI is in Sanford investigating possible civil right violations.  The burden of proof criteria are that the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person acted intentionally and with the specific intent to do something which the law forbids – the highest level of intent in criminal law. Negligence, recklessness, mistakes and accidents are not prosecutable under the federal criminal civil rights laws. 







Huh? What are you trying to say? - confused

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RE: Thread from Fri entitled Sharpton's Threat - and 2 dozen or so replies

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Here's the original post link


My opening comments were directed to posters who participated in that thread. If you read it you will find accusations against Sharpton of being racist and of his alleged incitement to violence from the right wingers. Some of the conservative outlet reports predicted Sharpton would elaborate a plan for escalation of civil disobedience and economic sanctions this past weekend at the NAACP march in Sanford on Saturday and the Miami rally on Sunday, based on a comment IMO they miscontrued that Sharpton had made. Details of that are in the thread.

I was just observing that about the most threatening thing that Sharpton did at these events was to pass a collection bucket for contributions to the Martin Family legal expenses. You take it from there. Sorry for the confusion.

Did you see the newly enhanced video showing - Zimmerman's obvious head injury?!!

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Of course not, or you ignored it. Sharpton is a media hog and a thug. He has been on the wrong side so many times, only because he paid attention to the color of someone's skin before all the evidence was out there as to a crime. HE is the true racist! The details also of the so-called voice experts are laughable. They said there is a 48-percent chance it IS Zimmerman too. Did you see that? Also, they have no idea if it was Treyvon's voice. However there are EYE witnesses who state George was on the bottom yelling for help. Do they not count? This case is sickening. Convicting anyone before due process. Our country is getting so good at that, and the media should be ashamed!

shame - me

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Killing someone for the sheer pleasure of doing so, as GZ obviously did, is what should have people hanging their heads in shame. Letting him go free, still BEING free is a shame.

Had the races been reversed, you can bet your life GZ the black guy would have been taken into custody, likely sustain injuries on the way, and would still be sitting there.

I'm sick to death of the "pro-life, gun-toting" wing nuts who think the white race is the end all be all and that anyone who is not white is disposable.

Shame on you - America is growing tired of you

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The ones who should be hanging their heads in shame are the leftist racist rabble rousers. You should really get your facts straight before spewing such vile and disgusting remarks.
...and you have the audacity to think you speak - for all of America? nm
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My first thoughts exactly. - sm
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...but pretty safe to say most of us are rather fond of due process. Arrest Zimmerman NOW so the Martin Family can have their day in court.

as dreadful as this event is... - sm

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I seriously doubt Mr. Zimmerman shot Mr. Martin for the "sheer pleasure of doing so". Further, I don't think it's fair to assume that someone who is pro-life totes a gun or is a racist. That would be as small-minded as the wingnuts you criticize. (Prochoice lib here, by the way.)
I should add... - sm
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I too believe the shooter would have been arrested if the races were reversed. The shooting is an absolute tragedy, and the police's mishandling of the case has made it a social disaster.

I agree with your entire post. - 1000%. nm

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Absolutely agree with this post - and I might add SM

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so what if GZ had a bump on his head or a laceration? From what I have heard about this case, it is my theory that something like this happened: When GZ got close enough to confront TM and demand to know what he was doing (and we don't know just how close he got) TM perhaps pushed him to get him out of his face (I don't know exactly what he did) but it does not matter. GZ then shot him. Put yourself in TM shoes. What would you do? I know women are not taught to be aggressive and defend themselves but it comes natural to men. If anyone was standing their ground, TM was IMO. GZ felt enboldened because he had that gun, which tends to make a little man a big man. I totally believe that whatever TM did to GZ it was to protect himself and not a reason for GZ to shot and kill him. GZ should have been arrested that night, and there is some connection to the SA office with his family that prevented it.

Yeah shame on you - Noticed you couldn't post without insulting

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a whole lot of people and spewed a lot of hate for those not with you. Your insulting posts shows us first hand the hatefulness of SOME.
Not the poster you replied to, but wondering - what part did you find insulting
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Not saying I agree or disagree with you or the poster you replied to. I've read her post and I don't know which part of the post you found insulting.
pretty much the whole post - was insulting - SM
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Pretty much the entire post "killing someone for sheer pleasure", presuming to know exactly what ZImmerman was thinking without being there, not knowing anything about the situation (and ABS, NBC have edited their broadcast to bias this towards race; currently being investigated). And especially entire last paragragh; just could not pass up the opportunity to insult people that had nothing to do with the situation. Is it impossible for poster to write a post without calling someone a "wing-nut" or just stating her POV without the insults...guess not.

"Killing someone for the sheer pleasure of doing so, as GZ obviously did, is what should have people hanging their heads in shame. Letting him go free, still BEING free is a shame.

Had the races been reversed, you can bet your life GZ the black guy would have been taken into custody, likely sustain injuries on the way, and would still be sitting there.

I'm sick to death of the "pro-life, gun-toting" wing nuts who think the white race is the end all be all and that anyone who is not white is disposable."

Okay - see your point now - Thanks for clarifying
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I can definitely understand what you are saying and I agree with you. Must have not been paying attention that closely when I first read it. Yes, it is insulting. Whoever came up with the term wing nuts is an idjit. A wing nut is a piece of hardware. Otherwise there is no such term.
there is a tree called the Caucasian Wingnut - nm
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There you again with the insults - Guess bad attention is better
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than none at all for you.
Not the OP but it is true. - sm
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thanks for your support! - nm
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how ridiculous. you have got to be kidding !! - sm
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I was responding to the poster who was wondering where the word wingnut came from. She referenced the piece of hardware. I was sharing a piece of trivia, as I enjoy horticulture. I remember cracking up the first time I saw this tree in an arboretum. Now why don't you knock it off?
even more ridiculous - sm
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...is that 3 people "liked" the post that accused me of being insulting. What is wrong with people? Why go out of your way to see malice where there is none? It's absurd.

I didn’t mention it because I didn’t see the report - Until after I posted

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Now that you have brought it up, I notice you failed to mention is that the “wound” required enhancement before it could be detected, meaning that the photo you are looking at with the lit circled area has superimposed a computer enhanced image onto an area where it previously was not readily visible. You also didn’t post anything about Dr. Vidor Friedman, president of the Florida College of Emergency Physicians who, according to the ABC report linked below, is not convinced that the enhancement necessarily support GZs claims. He says if his head were repeatedly banged against the concrete, there would be visible scraping, noting that a professional or whoever supposedly treated him at the scene (remembering that the second ambulance called for GZ was cancelled) would be expected to apply bandages to the area. Dr. Friedman also said, “all of the ridges in his nose are clearly defined. You would expect significant swelling in the hour or two after a break. There appears to be none.” BTW, the enhancement failed to reveal any blood on Zimmerman’s clothing, despite Fox News reports that Zimmerman was (boo-hoo) left “bloodied and battered” with a broken nose.

All this tells us is there was some sort of altercation between them before GZ killed Trayvon, and let’s not lose sight of the fact that TRAYVON had just as much right as GZ had to fight for HIS life, didn’t he? The surveillance video also tells us GZ, who claimed to have been so severely beaten that he almost lost consciousness, was walking around perfectly lucid without any sign of pain within half-an-hour after he shot Trayvon.

Hate to break this to ya, but 48% gives Zimmerman an “F” on the voice analysis. To be considered a match, it needs to exceed 90%. Did you see that? It’s odd you would condemn the experts in one breath, then turn around and try to use their 48% calculation to support your argument. I doubt a jury would be that selective. Though they do not have a sample of Trayvon’s voice yet the experts, whose testimony IS admissible in a court of law regardless of how much disdain you hold for them, BOTH concluded that the voice was that of a young person by its tone., so if not GZ, then who? would be the question put before a jury. To my knowledge, there was no third young person hanging around screaming for help.

Forgive me if I opt to reserve judgment on the alleged eyewitness (that’s singular, not plural) who George Sooner claims saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman. and who Hannity and Shannon Butler talked about. They have about as much credibility as Joe Oliver who tells us all we have to do is trust his “gut feeling” that George (they always get away….F’ing coon) Zimmerman couldn’t possibly be a racist. I prefer to wait for the scientific evidence that will be disclosed in the autopsy findings once they become available, though I find it rather interesting that the funeral director who prepared Trayvon for burial did not see ANY marks on Trayvon’s knuckles to indicate he had been repeatedly punching the gun-toting self-appointed neighborhood vigilante with anger management problems.

I have elected to ignore your racist Sharpton rant but would be curious to know if the indignation you express over the media "convicting" someone before due process also extends to the media who seeks to exonerate George Zimmerman.


ABC, NBC and the rest of the alphabet news - have lost all credibility

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Nuff said!!!

ABC didnt say that stuff. The board certified president of the FL College - of Emergency Medicine did.
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What you choose to believe not the issue here. It's what the special prosecutor, investigators, FBI, Grand Jury and potential jurors believe that matters.

brava - nm

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You are wrong about the handcuffs indicating - arrest. I just talked to a retired cop in my stat

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He said MANY times people are cuffed for questioning and then released without arrest. Heck, if you have ever watched the show "Cops", they will commonly handcuff people on the street, question them, and then let them go... happens all the time. So, I don't think you are any "expert" yourself either.

If you are not free to go and are handcuffed you are - "arrested". nm

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Wrong! They used the cuffs to temporarily - "restrain" many times. nm

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The detective's recommendation - to arrest for manslaughter

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was reversed AFTER the cuffed killer's daddy, who just happened to be a retired judge, showed up at the police department along with the police chief and state prosecutor, then POOF! no charges were brought and the shooter walked. Keep in mind that the criteria for arrest and bringing charges is probable cause, not the same as prosecution where the case must be proven beyond reasonable doubt. Another indicator that GZ was arrested is the fact that the police kept his gun....or at least they said they did. Wouldn't that indicate at some point in the process it was marked as evidence? If he was not arrested that night, shouldn't he have left with ALL of his belongings? Just sayin.

Sharpton and ilk ... - Evelyn

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use tragedy for their own benefit and promotion and I ignore them, as do many.

Regarding Zimmerman I believe he stalked Trayvon, and menaced to the point that the kid was pushed to the "fight or flight" mentality. If he punched Zimmerman, he had a right to as Zimmerman was the aggressor.

Zimmerman head injury looks like a scrape, not a laceration. Every head wound I've seen bleeds profusely and Z. had no blood on his jacket, collar, or shirt.

I think Zimmerman should be charged with something, manslaughter, negligent homicide, etc. How many folks strap on a gun to go to Targets? Why was he rejected for the police academy?

I think Z. has some problems of his own with anger, via his previous history, and toward certain people who do not fit his criteria of looking non suspicious, he's a closet bully.

I think if Z. gets away with this he will be in the news again in the future for something similar.

Just saying - Trigger Happy

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My brother is always packing a gun. That is just him. Never once has he shot anyone on purpose or on accident. We have a constitutional right to bare arms. Just because someone carries a gun or has many guns in their home doesn't make them insane or out to kill people. Some are just collectors. Some want it there for protection just in case. Just my 2 cents on that.

As for Zimmerman, I don't think there is enough evidence to prove he pursued Trayvon with the intent of killing him. I do, however, believe he should be charged for something because I don't believe the "stand your ground" law applies here. Zimmerman did follow Trayvon after the 911 dispatcher told him not to. I think that right there would be enough to charge him on something....however, I don't know that it was a hate crime. I know many believe it was merely because Zimmerman is a white hispanic...which I am still trying to figure out what that is exactly...and Trayvon was black. The media has spun this around so many ways with one side doctoring Trayvon's pics and the other side doctoring 911 calls, videos, pics, etc. of Zimmerman. There is a lot of hate flying around over this incident and a lot of misinformation and lack of facts.

I agree - Evelyn

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that packing a gun doesn't make one crazy. My brother has an arsenal, avid hunter and collector.

There's a time and place for strapping on a gun and that's the person's judgment as to when and where.

I'm not sure if this is a hate crime either. Although the "bias" does seem to apply somewhat in that he profiled Trayvon as looking suspicious for no other reason than he was walking around etc., and Z. comments that "these a--holes always get away."

The media plays for ratings and I have to take everything with a big grain of salt.

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