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More on Why We Need To Ban Guns Concealed or Openly Carried

Posted: Feb 17, 2010

BUTLER TWP., Montgomery County — A woman’s BlackBerry cell phone saved her from serious harm after her boyfriend’s concealed handgun discharged inside a restaurant.

The incident occurred about 11 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 6, in Fricker’s on Miller Lane, said Butler Twp. police Capt. Carl Bush.

The gun owner, Anthony J. Holtvogt, 24, of Kettering holds a concealed carry permit for the firearm.

He faces one charge of possession of a firearm in a liquor permit premises. The third-degree felony is punishable by up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Bush said Holtvogt, his girlfriend, 22, and other friends were enjoying beers at Fricker’s, 6834 Miller Lane. The girlfriend lives in Butler Twp.

When they prepared to leave, Holtvogt told police, he picked up his coat and began putting it on. The firearm was in the coat pocket.

The sleeve got caught in the coat, and as Holtvogt reached down, he noticed the slide on the .32-caliber handgun was pulled back. The gun then discharged.

The slug put a hole through his coat and his girlfriend’s jeans, but struck the BlackBerry in her left pants pocket dead center, Bush said. The bullet caused only bruising, and the woman declined medical treatment, Bush said.

“The BlackBerry saved her absolutely,” Bush said. “It could have been pretty serious.”

If Holtvogt is convicted, he faces a mandatory revocation of his concealed carry permit, Bush said.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, which issues the permits, has been notified, Bush said.



Good grief. I have a conceal and carry license. - I am not giving it up. sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Accidents happen whether or not you have a concealed (legal or not) weapon or if it is carried in plain sight. Accidents happen whether you are a law enforcement professional or private citizen.

Get over this "one incident means we gotta change the whole world" perspective.

Talk about paranoia!

This is just wrong in so many ways - anony

[ In Reply To ..]
If a person is going to kill someone there are other ways of doing it. Just because some nut job goes out and attempts to shoot someone is NO reason whatsoever to take the gun rights of other law abiding gun owners away from them. And anyone who thinks otherwise needs to read that little document called The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. And anyone who thinks that needs to be changed needs to go live in another country.

This deal of removing guns from everyone is not going to stop anyone from committing a crime. They'll just use a knife, rod, pole, piece of glass, sling with stones, rope or belt to strangle, or any other item they will get. So are you going to band all rope, belts, glass objects, stones, knifes, etc from everyone?

You can't stop all crime in the world. There are unstable people.

On another side note I worked for a company many many many years ago (1980s), and some lunatic came onto our campus and grabbed a girl, took her to the roof of the garage and was going to throw her off the top. The only way she was saved was the citizen who had a concealed weapon permit and was allowed to carry a gun with him at all times. If it wasn't for him we would have all been attending her funeral. A big thanks goes to all the people who are allowed to carry a firearm, know how to use it and can assist in any situation that may arise.

P.S. - The criminals are surely not going to give up their guns. It will only be the Dick and Janes that obtained them legally, are of sound mind and body, and learn how to use them responsibly that the guns will be taken away from.

I say a huge NO to the insanity of anyone wanting to take away another persons rights.

Can't wait until criminals are the only ones with guns - be safe then you betcha

[ In Reply To ..]
You really don't know much about the hard cold facts regarding concealed carry, do you?

What you have is an opinion in search of any fact or isolated incident that you think supports it, even when the conclusion you want to reach can't be drawn from the evidence you provide.

Now, anyone who cares to could easily examine the other side of the issue. We have all of the statistics regarding the number of people who carry, the numbers of times every year that they successfully defend their lives or the lives of others, the number of times they interrupt felonious crimes, and we have the miserable correlation between states that have "tough" gun laws and the crime rates versus states that have less restrictive gun laws.

We love the notion that we can just "call the police" when we're in trouble, so let's look at some other statistics, specifically the time that it takes to commit the average armed robbery or deadly assault versus the average response time of the police (and that's assuming that the victim is even able to call them).

All of this is available to you, and much, much more. When, and only when, you are in possession of the FULL facts, we'll pick up this little discussion again. Meanwhile, it's enough to remember that gun laws only take guns away from the people in society who should own them, and leave them in the hands of people who shouldn't. It's a plain, inescapable, repeatedly demonstrated fact: Criminals don't obey gun laws!!

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