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Now things are REALLY going too far on guns. See link and

Posted: Jan 23, 2013

I also noticed that this kind of stuff has been happening for quite a while but NEVER really made the news until now. I read an article from 2005 about a kid being suspended for having a paper gun in school. 

This poor kid is scared out of her wits. Her school mates went so far as to call her a murderer! People better start using their brains, especially these school teachers and administrators. There's no reason for them to make these kids hysterical.



A mom believes a South Philadelphia elementary school went too far when she says administrators punished her little girl for pulling out a paper gun in class.

Melody Valentin says she pulled out a paper gun last week and says a school administrator scolded her in front of the entire class.

Her mom, Dianna Kelly, tells FOX 29's Dave Kinchen that school staff even searched her, with other kids watching the whole time.

The paper gun, according to her mom, looks something like a sheet of paper folded over. Her mom says it was made by the girl's grandfather the day before.

Valentin says she went to throw it away, but a boy saw it and called the administrators.


Read more: http://www.myfoxny.com/story/20653505/mom-says-south-philly-school-went-too-far-punishing-child-for-paper-airplane#ixzz2Ioj9ea9x


regarding "NEVER really made the news until now" - sm

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media outlets have a tendency to play to their audience. I would wonder why Fox finds this kind of story so compelling, wouldn't you?

So, I picked a NY TV station and you regard it as Fox News - the so-called vile news reporting?

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from the liberal point of view? i guess you don't watch any programs on Fox TV either, do you?

I'm talking about shows like American Idol, The Simpsons, Glee, Dr. Oz, 30 Rock. Don't watch them? Guess you didn't watch the video either, did you? What a closed mind some of you people have and that's a shame.

hold on a second - sm

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I didn't "regard" it as Fox news. It IS Fox news. But that's beside the point, and I shouldn't have mentioned it. Just for the record, I did watch the video.

My post was meant to address why stuff "never really made the news until now". I maintain: media outlets have a tendency to play to their audience.

We are having a dramatic gun-rights issue currently. Some outlets prefer to highlight gun dangers, some prefer to highlight gun overreactions. What is covered and how it is covered if of interest to me.

Do I believe the school overreacted? Yes. Do I believe overreactions on the part of school adminstrators have anything whatsoever to do with gun control? No. Would I say the same thing regardless of the media outlet? Yes.

Okay. Since some of you praise Yahoo News! and - you think they speak the truth, here you go

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Same difference, difference channel.


Note that the zero-tolerance policies were part of the - move to the right that also brought us

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other things as three strikes, go straight to prison and stay there forever.

Simple answers that got us what we deserved for allowing them to be implemented.

Don't like persecuting children? Expelling them for playing at school the way they do at home? Think what people are actually calling for BEFORE you support it.

Because a LOT of people, including most conservatives, thought this was a good idea, and a lot of people thought it was an absolutely dreadful idea but weren't able to stop it from happening and had to watch it play out for the past 20 years.

Which side did you support when people were calling for harsh, callous measures against school children? This may require some thought because it was couched in different language back then, some mishmash of family values, morality, get tough on crime, take back our country, stop the bleeding hearts from destroying America, protect our children, yadayada blurb.

I say that's an overreaction - RC

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I also understand WHY there are overreactions.

But I also think it's potentially confusing to say we should leave kids alone who bring gun props to school (or use their fingers), but it's not okay for them to play video games where they shoot people or watch movies where they shoot people.

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