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Make your vote for President really count
Posted: Sep 24, 2012
Love this ad.

Here's what I tell my kids... - SK1
[ In Reply To ..]
If you don't vote, I don't want to hear you gripe for four years." (Okay, I don't say "gripe," but I figured using the "b" word would get my post cut.)
Here's what I tell my kids - The Sarge - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
I fought for your right to gripe, complain, object, protest, or agree. Whether you vote or don't vote that is your choice. If you vote that means you believe in one of the candidates. If you don't vote you don't believe in either one. Or you can go to the voting booths and write in another persons name. That is your right as an American citizen. But if you don't vote at all that is okay too. You will still be an American, you will still have the same rights as those who feel their vote actually counts. There are those set in their own ways that will probably try to tell you if you don't vote you don't have the right to say anything, but don't let it bother you. As the saying goes "Forgive them father for they do not know".
But don't worry, whether you vote for a candidate preselected, write in a candidates name, or express your freedom by not voting, you will still be an American citizen and you will still have the same rights to say what is on your mind and I won't love you any less if you don't vote. I will always be proud of you.
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