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Yes, and as long as Obama is stiff necked and... - sam
[ In Reply To ..]
and insists on taxing businesses out the kazoo, they are not going to start hiring again. Let's see what he does when the Republicans suggest extending the tax cuts for ALL income levels, until at least 2012. If he lets them expire on the upper incomes, that includes businesses and the jobs SURE won't come back then. If he supports it, it will pass. If it doesn't, it won't. Let's wait and see how much he REALLY wants jobs to come back.
May I change your sentence a little bit? - Backwards Typist
[ In Reply To ..]
You said: "Let's wait and see how much he REALLY wants jobs to come back."
How about changing it to "Let's wait and see how much he REALLY wants bipartisanship." 
I honestly think the first was better....I would like to know.... - sam
[ In Reply To ..]
that he cared enough about us to tell his party that we need to do this for the people like they signaled us the other night. I don't need a show of holding your nose and shaking John Boehner's hand...I would just like to think he was really the President of all of us and not just the liberal left.
Did I mention I HATE political parties? LOL. Have a great evening, BT! :-)
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