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Bachmann falsely claims she never made a penny from

Posted: Jun 28, 2011

Before attacking Karl Bremer, be sure to check out Bachmann's own financial disclosure forms (conveniently linked to in the article) which tend to back up every single claim he makes.  There are a ton of alternate sources out there reporting on this, but I chose this piece because it is thorough yet concise, well referenced and very much to the point. 

By Karl Bremer

Michele Bachmann kicked off her presidential campaign in the farm state of Iowa by lying about the federal farm subsidies she's profited from on her family's farm.

When asked about her apparent hypocrisy in profiting from government subsidies while at the same time campaigning against them and calling them "outrageous pork," Bachmann told Chris Wallace on Fox News that she and her husband had "never gotten a penny of money from the farm."

Either Bachmann lied to a national TV audience when she said that, or she's been filing false federal financial disclosure forms with Congress since 2007.

Bachmann has claimed between $32,503 and $105,000 in income from the Bachmann Farm Family Limited Partnership since 2007, according to her congressional financial disclosure forms for 2007, 2009 and 2010. She still has not reported her 2008 income from the farm on her disclosure form from that year—an apparent violation of congressional reporting requirements. And as in years past, Bachmann hasn't bothered to file her financial disclosure form for 2011 and has been granted an extension.

The Bachmann Farm Family Partnership comprises 951 acres with at least one home on 38 parcels in Independence, WI, with a total assessed value of $664,950. Michele and Marcus Bachmann are partners in the farm partnership, which was established April 12, 2001, with an ownership share valued at between $100,001 and $250,000. Its corporate records on file with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions still list Paul Bachmann of Independence, WI, as the partnership’s general partner and registered agent, even though Paul Bachmann (Marcus Bachmann's father) has been dead since May 2009.

The Bachmann Family farm has collected a total of $154,755 in federal farm subsidies since the partnership was formed in 2001, most of it in corn and dairy subsidies. Paul Bachmann collected a total of $259,332 in federal farm subsidies from 1995-2009. However, it’s not known whether Michele and Marcus were involved in the farm prior to the establishment of the family partnership in 2001.

I broke the Bachmann farm subsidies story in 2007 here, and it's been re-reported by numerous news organizations over the years, including the Los Angeles Times last week. But it hasn't been until recently that Bachmann has outright lied about having profited from the very farm subsidies she rails against.

Will the media let Bachmann get away with lying about profiting from farm subsidies? Or will they stay focused on Chris Wallace asking Bachmann if she's a "flake?" I'll give you one guess. 



link - indmt

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Wait a second. The first link takes me to a Fox News story. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/26/after-new-york-vote-bachmann-suggests-constitutional-amendment-against-gay/

I thought Fox was supposed to pro-Bachmann and right wing and full of lies. How can that be? What's up with that?

MB made the false claim during the Fox interview - with Chris Matthews. sm

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Bremer is providing references in support of his article and further reading for those who are so inclined. In response to your sarcastic quip, MB has a way of hanging herself with her own words. In this case, as the article states, she either lied to the TV audience or falsified her financial disclosure forms. She also placed herself in pickle by doing so in a Fox News interview...the only outlet willing to give "fair and balanced" reporting on behalf of the cons and tpots, n'est-ce pas? She cannot exactly declare media wars on Matthews or Fox (ala SP vs Couric and lamestream media), unless she wants to cut her nose off to spite her own face, now can she?

She set her own trap by vocalizing undeniable blatent hypocrisy and it is up to her and only her to fight her way out of it, now that she has tossed her hat into the ring. That's what's up with that.

Cut Bachmann some slack - no1joe

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Perhaps she was "fibbing" to fit Fox's standards. When in Rome...

You people are such hypocrits! - sm

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Please show me a perfect democrat who has never been caught in a lie. Go ahead...I dare you!

perfect democrat - anon

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How about Blago? Oops, never mind.

OK, how about Wiener? Oops, never mind.

How about Rangel?

Oh shoot - I just can't think of any!
None of them are running for - the highest office in the land.
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Evidently it does not bother her supporters that when it comes to personal profit, suddenly those government-is-too-big (at the expense of taxpayers) tea party principles don't really amount to squat and when confronted, lying like a dog is okey-dokey/status quo. Translation: Getting rich at our expense and the acquisition of raw power are the only things that really count. I think I get it now.
Okay. - sm
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Obama ordered air strikes on Libya without the approval of congress and yet he wants re-elected. That is a major issue with a lot of people and yet many on the left excuse this and would rather focus on a woman who lied about receiving money from farm subsidies. I could see where that is much worse than ordering unconstitutional air strikes against another country..but whatever floats ya'll's boats. Let's not mention the lies Obama said about closing Gitmo and being transparent...even though he had all those closed door meetings and Gitmo is still obviously open for business...but whatever. I guess lies are okay when they are told by certain people, huh?
The issues you cited - sm
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are highly debatable and subject to interpretation (the historically ignorable War Powers Act, missing definitions of what war is, troopless combat and the like). Congress has even sent mixed signals in this regard, symbolically condemning the operation on one hand, while funding it on the other. Obama has complied with what Boehner has asked of him, after Boehner hijacked Kucinich's efforts to force Obama's hand and instead introduced a watered down, more permissive approach to the constitutionality question at hand. In any case, they went ahead and funded it after staging the rebuke vote for the benefit of those such as yourself trying to gin up phoney outrage, thus seizing the opportunity to play to the base out of one side of their mouths while lending back-door support to the NATO operation and Libya's rebel factions out of the other.

This is the same kind of phoney outrage being propagated over alleged closed door meetings which in reality are status quo when national security, the War on Terror and intelligence gathering are at stake...a precedent set and sanctioned by the previous administration, I might add. Like you said, there is enough transparency there to know that Gitmo is still open, but not for lack of effort on Obama's part to close it. The issue of transfer of the detainees and trial dispositions were played out in Congress. The Defense Authorization Bill of January 2011 has multiple provisions designed to prevent the transfer of detainees to the mainland or foreign countries. Obama signed the bill OVER HIS OWN STRONGLY VOICED OBJECTIONS, stating he would continue to pursue facility closure with Congress, who remains solidly opposed. Gee, I wonder why. Obstructionist tactics are also transparent and can be misconstrued with attempts to transfer blame from themselves to the president (who they then claim broke campaign promises) by those bold enough to insult the intelligence of the American people by suggesting we did not notice all this political maneuvering.

With this in mind, Obama will be judged by the voters based on his record, which includes numerous attempts on his part to close the facility. Accordingly, MB will be judged not only on her Congressional record and media coverage, but also on her performance during the upcoming primary races. She is off to a really bad start with a bald-faced lie that illustrates a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do approach to alleged cherished Tea Party foundational principles when personal enrichment and profits are at stake. Just sayin.

You (just you and not you people) - no1joe

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are ridiculous. Do you live under a rock? If not, turn on the news... Blago just found guilty, recent little thing (no pun intended) called Weinergate. Of course there are dems out there who have been caught in a lie... plenty of 'em.

And before you respond to one of my posts and insinuate that I am one of those hypocrites, my post was not saying that lying is exclusive to Republicans or Democrats... it's exclusive to Fox. Geez.
Hardly exclusive to Fox... - Zville MT
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How quickly we forget Dan Rather.
And we forget acknowledgement, apologies and - personal ownership
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even quicker, huh? Comparing this incident to Fox's ongoing daily deliberately deceptive content is ludicrous. Acknowledging, apologizing and assuming personal ownership of every single falsehood they have ever propagated would be someody's fulltime job. Get real.
Wow. The Fox Machine -vs- Dan Rather - Kinda Goliath and David/Dan?
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Like Jon Stewart said, when Fox says they are fair and balanced, their intrepretation of balanced is their version against the world.

Problem is she's running for president. - All eyes on her for the duration.

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So if democratic pols lie, it somehow makes MB's deliberate dishonesty more what? Palatable? Respectable? Excusable? Acceptable? The norm? No biggie? Am I getting warm?

When a politician disparages, obstructs and otherwise opposes government policies that they themselves secretly take advantage of for financial gain, what does it say about the strength of the political convictions they exspouse to their constituents? Her supporters will need to develop very thick skins but quick, then fasten their seatbelts and prepare for one very long and bumpy ride.
Once again....who doesn't take - sm
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advantage of government politicies when it benefits them. I don't think any politician is innocent of that fact as well as most Americans in general. At least she is trying to fix those policies to stop it so NO ONE gets money from it. Would you refuse money that was given to you by a government policy you didn't agree with? Like all those democrats who opposed the Bush tax cuts....did ya'll give that money back? Yeah...I didn't think so. Even the politicians who disagreed with the Bush tax cuts and wanted them stopped didn't hand back their money either.
Umm... But she LIED about it - mthead
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it's not that she TOOK the money; it's that she LIED about it.
And I get that but we are talking about - politicians here.
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They are all liars especially when they are trying to get elected. Bachmann just got caught in the lie. I agree that she should have been unfront about it, but she wasn't and if people find that to be a huge deal, it will hurt her when it comes time to vote.
Not just politicians. Bachmann's fans hacked Wiki and - tried to edit the
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John Wayne and John Quincey Adams pages in a lame effort to provide more lies to cover her gaffes ala SP loyalists who did the same when she botched up her rendition of Paul Revere's midnight ride. Predictable. Ridiculous. Desperate. Truly sad.


Bashing Bachmann - jbmt

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Bashing Bachmann: A Review of Liberal Media's Most Obnoxious Attacks on the GOP Presidential Contender

Today's official announcement by Republican Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann that she is running for the GOP nomination for President could spawn a whole new round of frenzied attacks by the liberal media on the Tea Party favorite.

A review of the MRC's archives shows a particular disdain for Bachmann coming from the likes of MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who once accused her of being a "zombie," even going as far to ask her on live Election Night coverage if she "hypnotized?" 

Not to be outdone, Matthews's former colleague Keith Olbermann claimed Bachmann's rise to Tea Party prominence was because she was one of the "evolutionary regressives" that appealed to, as actress Janeane Garafolo, put it, "the white power movement" of "tea***" and "9-12ers."  (***edited by poster due to board rules)

The following is a collection of some of the left-wing media's most obnoxious quotes about the congresswoman:


Chris Matthews: "Congresswoman Bachmann, are you hypnotized tonight? Has someone hypnotized you? Because no matter what I ask you, you give the same answer. Are you hypnotized? Has someone put you under a trance tonight? That you give me the same answer no matter what question I put to you?"

Rep. Michele Bachmann: "I think the American people are the ones that are finally speaking tonight. We're coming out of our trance....I think people are thrilled tonight. I imagine that thrill is probably maybe quite not so tingly on your leg anymore."

-From MSNBC's election night coverage, November 2, 2010


MSNBC's Chris Matthews: "Let's listen to Michele Bachmann, your new boss. By the way she may be a zombie answering to somebody out there — Boris Karloff, I don't know who's giving her orders — but here she is on the debt ceiling. Let's listen to her."

Clip of Michele Bachmann: "I am not in favor of raising the debt ceiling. As a matter of fact, I have a petition that I'm urging people to sign at MichelePAC.com to urge their member of Congress not to raise the debt ceiling."

Matthews: "Do you hear that? Who does she get her orders from?"

-Matthews to GOP strategist Todd Harris on Hardball, January 4, 2011

And then there's Michele Bachmann. I have said before that she has zombie-like qualities. I have never -- I think she's on hypnosis, but it turns out she just doesn't know anything. What she did this weekend was say, basically, that we did not have slavery after the days of the Founding Fathers because they were so great, they managed somehow that we didn't notice to get rid of slavery.

This is an incredible statement. The American people lost 600,000 lives in the Civil War, the worst catastrophe in our history, because of slavery continuing well past the mid-point of the 19th century. And this person - and you have to use the word "balloon head" -- said that we had slavery eradicated in the days of the Founding Fathers. I have never heard anything -- people like that should not be in politics. They didn't go to first grade in history. What is this person doing on the national stage? Go home to grade school. Start around 3rd, and you might be able to catch up with the class. Anyway, she's going out tonight as the spokesperson for the Tea Partiers. They must be really desperate.

-Matthews on Hardball, January 25, 2011

"The Republican strategy was 'Don't show your ugly faces tonight.' Today they kept all the crazies — all the crazies were in the closet....Michele Bachmann was not allowed to show up today. Joe Wilson from South Carolina was not there in evidence....[After clip of Republican participants using similar language] Look at these terms! ‘Start over,' 'clean sheet of paper,' ''scrap the bill,' 'step by step,' repeated like robotics....This is what it must be like at those North Korean assembly meetings where they all get together before the Dear Leader."

-Matthews discussing GOP's health care summit with Barack Obama on Hardball, February 25, 2010


"It's obvious to anybody who has eyes in this country that tea*** (edited by poster due to board rules), the 9-12ers, these separatist groups that pretend that it's about policy — they are clearly white-identity movements. They're clearly white power movements. What they don't like about the President is that he's black....These people, who are also being led by the Glenn Becks, the Michelle Bachmans, the Rush Limbows [presumably Limbaugh], whomever, they are no different than any other white identity movement that's part of our history."

-Left-wing activist and actress Janeane Garofalo on HBO's Real Time, October 2, 2009

"If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart, along with blind hatred, a total disinterest in the welfare of others, and a full-flowered, self-rationalizing refusal to accept the outcomes of elections, or the reality of democracy, or the narrowness of their minds and the equal narrowness of their public support. On Saturday, that support came from evolutionary regressives like Michele Bachmann and Jon Voight. On a daily basis that support comes from the racists and homophobes of radio and television: the Michael Savages and the Rush Limbaughs."

-MSNBC's Keith Olbermann on Countdown, March 22, 2010

"They're attractive, especially to the Republican Party, which is not known as a party that really does well with the opposite sex. Usually they're doughy white men, and I think they look on Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin, as you know, MILFs. And I agree — they're morons I'd like to forget."

-HBO's Bill Maher on MSNBC's Hardball, April 14, 2010


"You feel very strongly that government should be limited to what it is allowed to do in the Constitution. Now, the fact is, when we have to change things in society, government has had to provide incentives to capital to move into certain areas. Think about energy, think about the environment. Do you really believe that the federal government should offer no incentives, should undertake no planning with anything that doesn't have to do with powers granted to them in the Constitution?"

Exposing a deliberate lie that flies in the face of - Tea Party principles told by

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their most favored primary candidate who THEY have chosen to represent them is legitimate journalistic practice. She earned the exposure by lying in the first place and is NOT a victim here, so put that card back in the deck. Nobody forced her to run. She chose to and now that she has, it's a brand new ball game. This incident is just the starting pitch.

Zzzzzzzz....this is getting old - as if your side doesn't lie?

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If they are a politician they are going to lie.

Just a fact of life. And you think your club is free from lying? LOL. Needed a good laugh before shutting down.
Of course they do - but
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somes lies are more damaging than others. In MBs case, the nature of the lies go straight to core issues on which her party was founded. It would take all day to document the different ways the tpots want to do away with government. That is the subject of a different thread but within this context, we are talking about government subsidies, Medicaid and other programs that require tax dollar spending, which she has attaked on the record on many, many occasions. Like her counterparts in Congress, she has staged plenty of political theater on this particular issue, both recently and in the past. It is a personal battle cry, yet behind the scenes she is scarfing up taxpayer bucks left and right, getting up on national TV and lying about it, being caught and having the hypocrisy of it all exposed and dissected all over the place.

If this were a democratic candidate caught in this kind of self-inflicted web of deceit, you would want to see a media blitz obsessing over it 24/7 and you would have it plastered all over this forum for days and days. Sound familiar, Weinergate being the most recent case in point? However, his self-destrucitve sexless sex scandal transgressions and the lies that followed do not violate core party principles and are instead of a personal nature. When that happens, as it has with MB, there is the added spectre of partisan hypocrisy, which is legendary within the GOP and something the media latches onto with much glee.

If these things are tiresome to you or you find them comical and trite, then just ignore the post and decline to reply, but do not expect stories that involve major falsehoods pouring out of GOP and tpot candidates mouths to go quietly into the night during a primary campaign race. Just a fact of life. I for one, along with my fellow partisans, intend to watch the GOP candidate field like a hawk and to remain prepared to introduce such issues into the political discourse every chance I get. After all, there is nothing more American than free speech and the right to cast an informed vote, is there?

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