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I thought it would be China, (Romney's Olympics)

Posted: Jul 16, 2012

I just knew Romney had outsourced the 2002 Olympic uniforms, but I was surprised to learn it was to Burma/Mayanmar. Oh well, I was pretty close. ***** Mitt Romney was noticeably unwilling Friday to engage in a controversy around the manufacturing of U.S. Olympic uniforms in China, despite criticism from Republican and Democratic lawmakers alike. Congress was up in arms Thursday over the discovery that the U.S. team's uniforms for the opening ceremony of this year's Olympics games were manufactured in China -- snubbing the U.S. textile industry at a time when it has yet to recover from the struggling economy. For the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, who has repeatedly promised on the trail to "get tough" on China, opposing the manufacturing seemed a likely stance, except that while at the helm of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Romney outsourced the production of torchbearer uniforms to Burma. For Romney, the 2002 Olympics anecdote represents another instance of outsourcing under his stewardship, as President Barack Obama's reelection team continues to assail him for shipping jobs overseas while at private equity firm Bain Capital. It also exposes an embarrassing oversight in allowing the uniforms to be manufactured in Burma, which until just last year was controlled by a brutal military regime. According to reports in 2002, the decision to outsource the torchbearer uniforms to Burma caused an uproar among human rights advocates and trade groups. It prompted the head of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) to write a letter to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), stating that "No responsible organization or body should make use of products originating in Burma." The American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG) and the Free Burma Coalition (FBC) launched a campaign to protest the uniforms and called on the IOC to apologize and “promise to never support -- indirectly or directly -- the Burmese regime." Torchbearers, too, were shocked to see the “Made in Burma (Myanmar)” label on their tracksuits. "When I looked at the label for the uniform, I went nuts,” said 2002 torchbearer Susan Bonfield in an interview with the Guardian. “When you are sending work representing the U.S. to a military dictatorship, I have an issue with that." More than 10,000 runners wore the uniforms, which are pictured on the Daily Kos, while carrying the Olympic torch to the Winter Games. Perhaps most embarrassing, after receiving emailed protests from more than 1,000 activists, the media relations department at the Salt Lake Organizing Committee confused Burma and Myanmar as two separate countries. After activists correctly identified Burma and Myanmar as the same country, the committee apologized for what it referred to as “misinformation” and confirmed that both the pants and top of the uniform were produced at a textile plant in Burma/Myanmar. The Romney campaign did not immediately return a request for comment. ;

Wow. Congressional Research Svc says US sanctions against Burma - began in 1988

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Don't know which sanctions were in effect in 2002, but currently there is a ban on imported goods:

The United States currently imposes sanctions specifically on Burma via five laws and four presidential documents. These sanctions can be generally divided into several broad categories, such as visa bans, restrictions on financial services, prohibitions of Burmese imported goods, a ban on new investments in Burma, and constraints on U.S. assistance to Burma. Past Congresses have considered a variety of additional, stricter sanctions on Burma.

No wonder the Romney camp is so mute. I'm with you. Since the dust-up last week, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone dug up this predictable and somewhat comical tidbit.


Info - Info

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"Ed Gillespie, a senior adviser to Mitt Romney, said Sunday that the presumptive Republican candidate “believes we shouldn’t politicize the Olympics.”

Mr. Romney, in 1999, stepped in to take over the troubled 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.

Bloggers in recent days have been quick to note that torchbearers for the 2002 Games wore uniforms made in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, which had long been a pariah state due to its brutal military junta. The torch-relay clothing sponsor was Marker, a 60-year-old company based in California. A broad array of U.S. economic sanctions and a trading ban against Myanmar were established in 2008."

Guess we have no control over where American businesses decide to have orders made. I know now that it was Ralph Lauren that had the 2012 uniforms made in China, but since has offered to have the 2014 uniforms made in the US. It's no better and no worse, but at least we can hope it'll be cleared up next time.

Since Romney will never be president - it does not matter

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Mitt, the businessman capitalist who specialized in sending American jobs overseas to make a profit (and then lied about it), then outsourced the US Olympic uniforms, ran the State of Massachusetts down to the 47th lowest in job creation, gets huge tax credits for his horse, ties his dog to the top of his car, will NEVER be president, so it does not matter.

Yes, lets keep talking about some nut named Zimmerman and how the richest private practice docs are going to quit because they will no longer be able to cheat the system. Carry on.

Actually, I was just trying to post - some facts about the issue...

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But if you want to talk about other things, we can talk about how many billions of taxpayer dollars Obama has used to create jobs overseas, including the Mexican drug cartel (and then Executive Privledged himself), the millions of taxapayer dollars he handed out for "green jobs" only to have the company go bankrupt (lose money), had the country's credit rating lowered for the first time in history under his watch (blame congress all you want - it's still on his watch), ate his dog, and will NEVER serve a second term, but unfortunately it does matter because he did this to our entire country and all of us have been affected.

Yes, let's keep talking about mindless distractions and watching the Obama magic show where he tries to make everyone forget all the promises he didn't keep and tries to make terrible unemployment, job, and debt figures look positive. Carry on indeed.
Ate his dog? Give me a break! - nm
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That dog thing is in perfect line with the rest of that post. - nm
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Obama ate Bo? Say it isn't so! - nm
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Out of all that, the dog part is the only thing - you can dispute?
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Good luck,Obama.
No disputing Romney's record - just wish we knew more - tax records please - nm
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No disputing Obama's record either - - personal responsibility please.
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