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2012--End of Evangelical Dominance in Politics.

Posted: Nov 13, 2012

Election 2012 Marks the End of Evangelical Dominance in Politics

By Jonathan Merritt

And that just might help save the evangelical movement

Jerry Falwell, seen giving a news conference in 1985 before a trip to the Philippines, urged the U.S. to offer aid to fight Communists insurgents in the country. (Reuters)

Ever since Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980, evangelicals have been a powerful political force. Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority organization were credited in part with Reagan's election, having registered millions of evangelicals to vote. Their influence would only grow over the next 25 years: Evangelicals were instrumental in Reagan's reelection, the Republican Revolution of 1994, and both of George W. Bush's victories. But on November 6, 2012, their reign came to an end.

"I think this [election] was an evangelical disaster," Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, told NPR. He's right, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

The late Falwell's Liberty University gave former governor Mitt Romney its keynote spot at its 2012 commencement and backed off previous language calling Mormonism a "cult." Billy Graham uncharacteristically threw his support behind the Republican candidate, and his evangelistic association bought full-page newspaper ads all but endorsing Romney. Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition spent tens of millions in battleground states to get out the religious vote.

As a result, 79 percent of white evangelicals voted for Romney on Tuesday. That's the same percentage that Bush received in 2004, and more than Senator John McCain received in 2008. The evangelical vote was 27 percent of the overall electorate -- the highest it's ever been for an election.

Their support wasn't enough. Not only did Obama win soundly, but four states voted to allow same-sex marriage.

Mohler blamed the loss on a "seismic moral shift in culture." Americans' values are indeed changing, but more seems to be at work here.

First, evangelicals' size is a limitation. While white evangelicals comprised a quarter of the electorate, other religious groups that lean Democratic have grown substantially. Hispanic-American Catholics, African-American Protestants, and Jewish-Americans voted Democratic in overwhelming numbers. Additionally, the "nones" -- those who claim no religious affiliation -- are now the fastest growing "religious" group, comprising one-fifth of the population and a third of adults under 30. Seven out of 10 "nones" voted for Obama.

Second, evangelicals' influence is waning. Conservative Christian ideas are failing to shape the broader culture. More than 3,500 churches close their doors every year, and while Americans are still overwhelmingly spiritual, the institutional church no longer holds the sway over their lives it once did. The sweeping impact of globalization and the digital age has marginalized the church and its leaders.

Conservative Christian leaders often blame America's so-called secularization, but as Peter Berger of Boston University argues, "Modernity is not necessarily secularizing; it is necessarily pluralizing. Modernity is characterized by an increasing plurality, within the same society, of different beliefs values, and worldviews." Evangelicals once presided like chairmen in America's political boardroom, but they must now sit down with others at a common table to dialogue and search for common ground.

Third, evangelical leadership is wanting. A quarter-century ago, Christian mobilization efforts were rising, Christian advocacy groups were sprouting, and charismatic Christian leaders were popping up in every corner of the country. This is no longer the case.

Politically influential pastors like Jerry Falwell and D. James Kennedy have died, James Dobson retired, and Pat Robertson has been relegated to the fringes of his own community. By any reckoning, few charismatic figures are able or willing to fill these voids.

The leadership vacuum became painfully obvious during the Republican primaries, when 150 "high-powered" evangelical leaders, including Tony Perkins and Gary Bauer, met behind closed doors in Texas to determine which candidate should receive their endorsement. They chose Rick Santorum, but in the South Carolina primaries a week later, New Gingrich and Romney split two-thirds of the state's evangelical vote.

Additionally, organizations like the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition are either defunct or defunded, while Focus on the Family has made clear its intention to move in a less political direction. The number and influence of evangelical organizations shaping the public square is greatly diminished.

These converging trends create a perfect storm for evangelicals and radically transform the American public square. As Shaun Casey, professor at Wesley Theological Seminary, says, "The understanding that the evangelical vote is a kingmaking vote, I think, is now dead."

But death often creates an opportunity for new life. As I survey the rising generation of Christians in America, I see many who recognize the ways in which the thirst for power has corrupted the faith. They're eschewing partisan politics as a way to coerce and control the country, and they are finding ways to work with others they may disagree with. They are looking for new ways to live their faith in our rapidly changing world, and they give me hope that American Christians may be on the cusp of a healthier engagement with the public square.

American morality is certainly changing, but this in itself doesn't account for the waning influence of evangelicals. To the extent that the faithful continue to blame their diminished influence on a shift in morality alone, they will continue their descent into irrelevance. If, however, they recognize the opportunity before them to reform their strategy and tactics, this so-called evangelical disaster might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.


Hear, hear! (nm) - It's about time.

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My heart goes out to both of you! - Sad day when people feel this way.

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I'm trying to get my heart right because soon we will all meet our maker and be judged.

So I take it you would prefer a theocracy? - sm

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Perhaps like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan, Malaysia? No thanks.
So I take it you prefer a dictatorship - Like Comrade Obama
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That doesn't even make sense, **********. - :::::::::::::::
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brilliant. There are just a few shades of grey between - theocracy and communism
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This is the best you have to offer? That the alternative to a theocracy is communism? We live in a secular society. I think you know that. If you don't like that...well...you know the alternative.

This is simply a return to a spiritual focus from a - corrupting wrangling over money and candidates. nm

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Obama or Romney...The Story is Already Written - Shellbell

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I voted for Romney - b/c of the two choices, he was the most aligned with my Biblical beliefs, even though neither man is a Christian. Now, I know that this is all in God's hands...so I wonder why other Christians don't have the faith that they are called to have and just keep living for the Lord. We will be persecuted...count on it - b/c God said we will. But, Praise Him, that we already know the end of the story. Wonderful for those who believe, Terrifying for those who don't. Keep doing what you were created to do...Glorify Him in everything. Lead as many lost souls to Him as is possible for you to do.

Romans 14:10 So why do you condemn another believer[a]? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.

Romans 14:11 For the Scriptures say,

“‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,
‘every knee will bend to me,
and every tongue will confess and give praise to God.[b]’”

Romans 14:12 Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. 13 So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.

Oh, please. - RC

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No amount of preaching is going to change anyone's mind. Especially those of us who don't subscribe to your particular brand of dogma.

oh, please - shellbell

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Sadly, you will subscribe one day, whether you choose to or not. Not trying to change minds...I couldn't do that if I wanted to. If you read my post more closely, you will notice that I was speaking to other Christians.
note to shellbell - sm
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I thought those who believe in Christ are Christians; thus, both of our candidates are Christians. Is there a new and special way to believe in Christ?
read up on christianity - shellbell
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When someone truly believes in Christ and is led by the Holy Spirit, they do not belive in abortion, under any circumstance. They would not willingly conceed to the murder of an innocent creation of God under any circumstance. Saying you believe in Christ does not make you a Christian. Truly accepting Jesus and living by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, repenting and turning away from sin (not openly sinning to get votes), makes you a Christian. Both candidates are not Christians just because they profess to be. If it were that easy, all would be saved, would they not, by their words alone and not by their heart. Christianity abides in the heart, not in the voice.
thank goodness we have an authority. - sm
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I just love it when "Christians" know who will be damned and tell others how to be Christians in the same breath. I am glad you realize faith is in the heart, for your words belie something else altogether.
authority - shellbell
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Not sure what happened to my last post, but in short the Bible is the only Authority as it is the written Word of God, and I believe it to be completely true. I am one of those people who do not pick and choose what God says to believed based on what is popular in the world.
Question for you - shellbell
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Are you a Christian? If so, do you believe that abortion is acceptable? Do you believe in homosexual marriage? Do you believe that if one can work, they should work? Do you believe that we are to care for the widows and orphans and those who CANNOT care for themselves? Do you believe there is only one way to salvation, or many roads? Just curious how you would answer these questions. If you are not a Christian, then no reply is necessary.
I believe that God loves us all. - period.
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your self-righteousness notwithstanding.
figured you would say that... - shellbell
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God does love us all...in fact, He died for us all. Wonder why He died for us if everything is acceptable? Seems like an unusually worthless gesture if sin doesn't matter, doesn't it? It's a shame that we don't all love Him back and just simply do what He asked us to do. Thanks for not answering any of the questions, though. I figured you would not. God loves everyone and judges no one...think about how little sense that makes.
"think about how little sense that makes" ?! - better take that up with the almighty
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You are way too off the path for me. I don't think the good Lord would enjoy your word games.
Okay, believe what you will - shellbell
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Here is the bottom line, a true Christian accepts Jesus Christ into his heart as the only path to salvation. If this person is truly saved, he/she will be changed and his works will be a reflection of that. Christ died to cover your sins so that God will not judge a man/woman as guilty. However, if one does not accept Jesus Christ and become changed by Him, then you will be judged Guilty by God, and rightly so. If EVERYONE is accepted by God whether they accept His gift or not, then what is the point of the Crucifixion? THAT IS WHAT MAKES LITTLE SENSE. God loves everyone, but he is the Supreme Judge of sin and He does not accept the sin of everyone. I agree with you that I am too off the path for you...that is because the path of Christ that I travel is narrow, and most "christians" in this world follow a very wide path that allows everyone to travel it, no matter what their beliefs, and then tricks them into thinking that they are right with God simply because they are not a bad person. I have no idea whether you are a Christian or not - if you believe that Christ died for your sin and rose on the third day and came into your heart when you asked Him to....and then changed your life and your ideals and your behavior so that all that you do is to Glorify Him and not merely pander His love to the masses as something all inclusive, then I am so happy for you. If you believe anything else, you cannot call yourself a Christian in the way the Bible defines it. I know these are not the words that make everyone feel are warm and fuzzy, but they are true words. Christ dying is not warm and fuzzy - but it was the strongest act of love ever performed on this earth. That's it. I politely bow out of this conversation and leave you with a challenge to read ALL of the Bible - and not just the 'feel good' parts. Blessings.
take care of your own house before you look into mine - nm
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Beware of the sin of pride. nm - grits
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Question for you - mbmt
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First of all, I doubt that "God" is concerned with politics. Secondly, why exactly do you think it was necessary to crucify Christ to save us? That never made sense to me.
mbmt - reason for death of Christ - shellbell
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Hopefully, this is a true question and you are looking for a Biblical answer. God desires that all of His children be present with Him in heaven. However, because of sin and because there can be no imperfection in heaven, we are all doomed to death and eternal damnation, separated from God. We are guilty of sinning against Him and, like anyone guilty, we deserve a just punishment. However, because He loved us so much, He Himself became flesh and took our punishment for sin on the cross. Jesus, if you accept Him, stands between your sinful human self and God, the Judge of Sin, as a payment for your sin. He took your punishment (and mine) upon Himself so that you could be purified and found innocent of that sin. Once you are 'washed in the blood of the Lamb' you are sinnless in God's eyes and, therefore, given the gift of eternal life. Without the sacrifice of the Lamb (Jesus), even the smallest sin would make you unable to be in the presence of God the Father. Prophecy in Old Testament fortold of the coming of the Lamb so that no other sacrifices would be needed, no other traditions or works necessary, for a child of God to be right with Him. Hope that answers your question.
I no longer subscribe to your set of beliefs - grits
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...and am much more content for it, but I do seem to remember a line about how believers are not supposed to judge. That's God's purview, and I understand that he takes that kind of insubordination pretty seriously.

Better check yourself.

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