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I have been transcribing for 32 years now, am 54 years old. I started menopause 1-1/2 years ago (so I guess since they say you have to have missed a period for 1-full year that I am officially menopausal). My world seems topsy turvy. Is there light at the end of the tunnel. I have tried working a second job for the past year off and on, but it has been too difficult to concentrate. After 10 years of working from home, because of the slump in production decided to get an in-house job at a hospital paying about $17.00 an hour with excellent benefits and retirement (though the pay is much less than what I was accustomed to when I bought my home 16 years ago. Because mortgage got behind, I was able to get a modification but they did not lower my payment. I have had to rent my home because I could no longer afford the mortgage, stayed with my kids for 6 months, just moved into a townhouse. I have fallen 3 times in the past year, torn cartilage in left knee, torn cartilage in right shoulder, now standing in a chair to hang curtains, twisted knee and tore cartilage in left knee and probably will need surgery for this one. I am edgy, lonely, uncertain. My kids and grandkids are involved in my life as much as I will allow. I am active in my church as much as I am able to with the second job and all. How long does one go through this, and is this menopause or what?