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Finally talked my hubby into letting me have a "little" dog...

Posted: Apr 29, 2010

Any suggestions which breed is good for companioship, behavior, llow shedding, etc?  Thanks in advance for your help!


Little Dog - Christine

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Congratulations! How about a darling Bichon Frise? A Miniature Poodle, Toy Poodle or Poodle mix would be wonderful too. A Maltese is a beautiful breed as well. I am not sure about the shedding factor with the Maltese. My hair stylist just got a Pekingese/Poodle mix and he is adorable! Good luck with your new best friend. My family had Scottish Terriers, a Wirehaired Fox Terrier and a West Highland White Terrier. They were all just precious!

Getting sa little dog - sheepwhisperer

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I am a HUGE animal lover and raise Shelties (like a small collie). They are very smart and definitely beautiful. Although it is not a small dog, IMO the best dog to have is a golden retriever. We have one and by far, he is the smartest and best dog we have ever had, and we have had several. Right now, we have 6 Shelties and 2 golden retrievers. Goldens are so gentle and well-behaved. Good luck with finding a new member of your family and hope you find a good fit.

Sheltie - Christine

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I was also going to mention the Sheltie. This is one gorgeous breed, and when I attend the dog shows it is breathtaking to see them go around the ring. It is no surprise they are herders. Just had to comment about this wonderful breed! You are one lucky "dog" to live with a Sheltie!

My best dog ever... - J

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Was a rat terrier named Winnie. She weighed in at about 7 lbs, about the size of a chiuaha (sp?), but had the heart and soul of a much bigger dog. She would sleep with me and sit on my lap while I worked, almost too attached! The only downside is she required lots of play time when she was young, chasing balls and sticks and long walks. She lived nearly 20 years, and finally I had to put her down because she became blind and feeble.

I stick with cats now, but would love to have another dog like Winnie. Good luck!

Rat Terriers! - Christine
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That is what we have now! What a ball of fire she is! Someone forgot to tell her she is little. I just couldn't love her more. She is human in a dog suit.
I've had rat terriers, too (sm) - RubySoho
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Great little dogs with a huge heart and really intelligent, too. I understand personality-wise they're comparable to a Jack Russell, but I've never had a Jack Russell so I can't compare the two.

But, yes, just wanted to chime in that rat terriers are definitely a hearty, intelligent little dog that I would think anyone would love.
My experience with pound puppies... - J
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Is that really small dogs like the min pins or ratters are harder to come by. If by small you mean 20 pounds or over,definitely look for your new best friend at the pound, and if you can, take home a kitty too!

Also had a sheltie... - sheltie

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He was gorgeous and super smart, but they seem to be 1-person dogs - hated my husband from almost day one. My Gram said the same thing about hers - he hated my grandfather but loved Gram. And not sure if it was just him because we got him when our youngest was 4 or 5, but he didn't like little kids much. Loved the cats, though.

Be careful - shipwrecked

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When you choose your breed, please, please, please, don't buy one from a pet shop. They buy their dogs from puppy mills, who crank out puppies only to make money. Their dogs live in horrible conditions, kept in dirty cages, and bred every time the bitch is in heat. The more popular the breed, the more puppy millers cramk them out, with no regard to health and genetic issues.

Research the breeds on line. They will tell you about any health-related issues for the breed. You want a healthy puppy. Vets are expensive.

Look for a reputable breeder (you'll probably spend less money). Go online. Each breed usually will have a list of breeders, and also a rescue. site.

Let us know what you pick!

Get a Corgi! - old mt

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They shed - but if you brush them or take them to the groomer its manageable. We are on our second and just love the breed (and the dog). They are the Queen's dogs afterall!!! They are very intelligent and great company.

Corgi - anon

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I love my Corgi so much! He is the smartest dog I've ever had - it's almost scary. He seems to understand everything you say. The shedding can be a bit of a problem though.

We just got a Corgi pup 2 months ago - sm - HLVA

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Cute little bugger. Pembroke Welsh Corgi, the Cardigens are bigger and with tails. He is still not housebroken but getting there. He is 4-months old (17-weeks) figured it would be faster since they are such smart dogs. But we usually use our other dogs to "teach" but as he is so small we have had to limit is exposure to them until he got bigger. We are just now putting them together for prolonged play time. Have a husky that tends to kill smaller animals (squirrels, opossoms, moles), so we had to make sure he knew Chip was a dog and not lunch and a chew toy. The puppy will let me know he has to go out by barking at me only if he is penned in the room with me, otherwise he will just go wherever in the house if he has run of it. I do crate him when we go out and he loves his crate, will go in it for quiet time on his own, we just leave it with the door open. Sleeps in bed wtih us though....cried when we got in on night one and DH took him to bed with him, so one spoiled dog here. Pup can hold his pee all night too. As for the shedding, their fur is just like a husky, undercoat, very thick, and fur over that. Husky's shed 365 days a year....constant grooming is the only way to control it. Supposedly Corgi's are not as bad, they are a lot smaller so that is probably true to some extent. They are active and love getting dirty. Ours will jump in puddles and play in the muck, just gave him a bath last weekend as the kids had taken him down to the pond by us and let him jump in the water and play in the mud. They are very low to the ground so get dirty a lot faster. But so far our experience has been a good one, training him to come currently and doing well with that, also working on general commannds, sit, stay, down, etc. He can be a bundle of energy then zonk out for 3-4 hours. We tire him out by taking him for short walks (remember they has short little legs so cannot walk as far at first) and having him play with the husky who absolutely loves his new buddy. Our Lab wants nothing to do with the puppy, she is less than thrilled with the newest family member. She'll have to get over it though as in the next couple years I expect the husky to pass as he will be 9 soon, and he only has 3 legs so mobility will get him at some point unless an illness does before that. He is 85# so a big boy for a husky and generally they don't live past 10 too much, at least I never have, 9.5 is the oldest I have had a husky reach. That will be a sad day here, and for the new pup who will be losing a buddy. -- But Corgi's are an excellent choice for someone who wants a smart smaller dog and not a yapper. Supposedly the males are more friendly, more lap-dog than the female so that is why we went with a boy (normally we get girl dogs). He is starting now to bark at sounds, etc, and be a little watchdog. They get to be about 25#, small to mid-size dog.
corgi - old mt
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So jealous. I love new puppies and especially Corgis. I'll never have another kind.

Excellent point...sm - sheltie

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I got my sheltie from a woman who had the puppies running free in her living room and all the furniture covered with sheets. The mother was right there with her babies. When I took my little guy to the vet and they found out where he was from, they couldn't say enough nice things about her. I would never go to a pet store. If we ever get another dog, it will be from a shelter, but right now 4 cats are enough.

Here's what I have... - RubySoho

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We have 2 little dogs, a chihuahua and a Chinese crested. Both little dogs with personalities that are totally different.

The chihuahua is pretty much typical chihuahua. She's happy to be around me and follows me everywhere I go. She's really low-key and laid back, not one of those stereotypical shaky ones that snap at everything or get overly defensive. She learns things really fast and, in spite of her short little legs and "beefy" build, she knows some really cute tricks. She's my "baby," lol!

The Chinese crested is a whole different level of crazy (but in a good way). This little dog is a bundle of energy and up for ANYTHING. She's constantly dancing and walks around straight up and down on her back legs about 80% of the time (looks like a gremlin toddler because of her coloring and the "mane" she has). We live in an apartment, so my husband walks her 2-3 times a day to help her burn off her energy. She's constantly entertaining and also very sweet. She'd sit still forever if she had someone rubbing her head or playing with her hair. She's our "clown dog," and I wouldn't change anything about her. If you're looking for an interesting, unique-looking dog that has tons of energy, I'd certainly recommend this breed.

Good luck for you on whichever breed you decide to go with. I love both of our "kids" and wouldn't change a thing about either of them. They balance each other out nicely.

Don't forget to post up some pics when you have your new "baby" so we can all enjoy them!

Cute little dog family RubySoho! nm - Sunshine State MT

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I so "need" my dogs in my life these days!

Thanks...We really love them to pieces, just like kids (nm) - RubySoho

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They make our days a little sunnier :-)

The MinPins are my "little" dogs of choice. - Sunshine State MT

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Although I rescued a chihuaha/terrier mixed, we think, who weighs about 7 pounds wet, who is the sweetest thing ever. We call her our "ham-bone"

She gets along well with my 2 MinPins who try to be the Alpha dog of the house.

They all get along. When I work, I have this really long desk that goes from wall to wall with a window and since we brought the chihuahua/mix home she LOVES to sleep on the desk at the window, along with 1 MinPin. It's the cutest thing! When I'm having a bad transcribing/VR day, I just reach out and start patting them.

I'm so excited for you. Please let us know when your new member of the family arrives and what you decided on!

Isn't it amazing? - RubySoho

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No matter how rough we might be having, all we have to do is look at these little creatures and a huge smile just forms on our faces? They just have a way of bringing their own form of joy into our lives that can't be explained, just enjoyed. Unconditional love personified, lol!

The MinPin - Christine

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I just had to say I just love that hacking gait in the MinPin. I was at a dog show a few years ago and the MinPin was a riot! He jumped straight up in the air when he was in the lineup and the crowd roared. He was being shown by a junior handler who was thrilled at the response of the crowd. Gotta love the MinPin! Gotta love them all.

little dog - 5sleddogs

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I don't like little dogs, but that is just personal taste, but make sure that whatever dog you get you get him/her trained! A lot of small dogs have behavior problems because everybody thinks it is so cute when the little one reacts aggressive toward a big dog or when the little one tries to bite the owner and everybody thinks it is cute.

Get a dog from a reputable breeder, one that breeds for health, temperament and purpose of the breed. Yes, you will pay more for the dog, but you can be assured the breeder has done necessary health testing. In the end you will save money. Also, if you should have problems with the dog you can always contact the breeder who can help you. More than likely you will not have problems if you buy from a reputable breeder.

Maybe you can go to dog shows in your area (check www.onofrio.com) and look at the dogs to see what you like. Then you can talk to the handler about the dogs and what you need to know about the breed.

Good luck :)

Why not adopt? - Shelter dogs need love too

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Why not adopt from an animal shelter/Humane Society?? You could save a dog's life and these days, they have many different breeds of dogs showing up.

adopt - mt

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I would check the shelters first before going to a breeder. My sister got a bichon frise (sp) puppy at the shelter. Someone had dumped a box of puppies in the street and her little sweetie was one from that box.

Little dog... - typing bee

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Thanks everyone for your help. We just sold our house so after we move and get settled in I am going to go to the local shelter and save a little dog's life. Thanks again for everyone's help!
Don't forget the rescue organizations, too - wimt
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If your local shelter doesn't have what you're looking for (ours tends to have a lot of pitties), don't forget the rescue organizations. I work with one, and most of the dogs are pulled from a shelter 150 miles or so north of where we live. They live in foster homes so the foster family gets a good idea of any issues they may have and work with them before they are put up for adoption. We're had min pins, puggles, etc. Both of my dogs are from the rescue (a couple of hounds), and they are great, great dogs. When you're settled in your new home, check out Petfinder.com, and start looking!

Advice on small dog breed - Jusallen

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I have two mini schnauzer's. They do not shed but do need to be brushed. Because they do not shed, their hair/fur tangles and can mat. They are intelligent and, some say, a bit stubborn, but mine are just lovely and loving. I would not want to live without them.

Just to let you know - most breeds of dogs - MT4Eight

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have their own rescue organizations. So whatever breed you are looking for, more than likely has a rescue that you can adopt a dog from. Just google rescue for whatever type of dog you are looking for and you should find. Of course you may have to travel a bit to get your dog, in my opinion it's worth it to save a life and give a good home to a homeless animal.

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