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Finally the truth about Benghazi
Posted: May 9, 2013

Yeah but that's different. If you don't know why - I won't tell you. LOL LOL LOL
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Did I mention LOL? Oh, and wake up!
Because you can't . No message inside. No LOL because it isn't - funny. Shame you think it is NM
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Continue the empty "wake up! because I have nothing" mantra.
*psst* I was being sarcastic. - ;) Loved your post!
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Well, I kind of set myself up for it! And now I'm - LOL'ing for reals! nm
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I think you're missing the - point.
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Yes, people died and it was terrible, but you never saw the Bush admin try to cover it up by blaming anything else other than terrorists.
And how do we know that? - sm
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Democrats were not on a witch hunt to oust Bush or his upcoming predecessors.
All the Obama administration was guilty of is trying to be too transparent too soon.
Republicans are famous for unfounded witch hunts. I would love to see the Republican version of an investigation into the original 9/11 attacks. Bringing to justice the Bush Administration of ignoring mountains of intelligence before the Twin Towers were attacked.
I wonder how kindly the republican inquisitors would have taken to a Democrat in office on 09/11/01.
Didn't know we had a 911 conspiracy theorist posting here - Truthhurts
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How's Jesse doing?
Seriously, if you want to see the reports on 911, just Google it. It's out there big time. The whole report. I had no trouble finding or reading it a couple years ago. If I'm remembering correctly, it WAS a witch hunt against Bush by the Democrats on a lot more than just 911.
Never saw them comment on it either. - What I did hear
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from the republicans was how Bush/Cheney "kept us safe." Guess embassy staff serving the country on foreign soil didn't count back then. It was just business as usual since they had so many other bigger fish to fry in Iraq those 10 years after the "Mission accomplished!" declaration/photo-op.
Remember how the country came together after the 9/11 attacks, united in a common cause to the fight the terrorists? Post-Benghazi, we have the GOP coming together to attack other Americans who just so happen to be their partisan opponents. Still not a peep from them or even a passing murmur on what lessons we should take away from it or how such incidents could be prevented in the future. Just the same tired old witch hunt mentality.
That boy's cried wolf about so many times it just falls on deaf ears by now. It's a real shame and a point I think no one should be so determined to overlook.
You don't remember when that - happened?
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I remember hearing quite a bit about them on the news and on TV at the time - there were investigations and people were arrested. But nobody lied about what happened. If Obama had just come out with the truth - that it was a terrorist attack, mistakes were made, so on, it really would have been a non-issue, at least as far as I'm concerned.
Maybe you don't remember Nixon, but I recall that it wasn't the break in that Nixon was burned for, it was the lying about it and the subsequent cover up that did him in. Not saying that will happen to Obama, but I don't see how demanding the truth from him and his admin can be called a witch hunt. Before they can work together to prevent this happening in the future, seems to me they need to know what happened this time and the story about the video is just not going to fly - not with so much information out there that contradicts that story.
I apologize. I'm not following you - sm
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I hope I'm not wasting time by replying by assumption. And I'm not the person to whom you responded.
"I remember hearing quite a bit about them on the news and on TV at the time - there were investigations and people were arrested. But nobody lied about what happened." --can you clarify--Are you talking about 09/11/2001?
Obama did say it was a terrorist attack. How soon do you expect an administration to know every detail of an attack around the world? If they say nothing, they are hiding something. If they try to speculate, they are lying and trying to hide something. It is a witch hunt.
The hearings thus far are showing we did not have logistical means to respond to the attacks in Bengahazi. It would not have mattered the source of the attack. The outcome would have been the same. Terrorism is terrorism. Recent hearings and past hearings have both come up with this finding. So what truth are you looking for that Obama did not reveal?
And let's not forget the funds Congress was withholding at the time for funding for better security for embassies.
I beg to differ about Nixon. It was not the coverup. It was definitely what he was covering up. The uncovering of the coverup led to the dirty tricks and that's what snared him.
No, I was talking about the attacks on the - embassies in the OP.
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And there was no speculation - they all came out right off the bat saying it was the video, which was a lie and they knew it. If it doesn't matter what the source of the attack, why spend so much time trying to convince everyone it was something it wasn't?
I don't blame Obama at all for what happened - it's not like terrorists post their plans on Facebook before they carry them out. But he and his admin knew what was going on and then decided to blame something entirely different and then stuck with that story for quite some time - that's what matters, to me at least. I understand that some may have a different view.
That has nothing to do about Benghazi - sm
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1. Not one of those items listed is about Benghazi.
2. There were plenty of outraged republicans.
3. Don't see any outraged democrats about it.
4. They had a chance to impeach his butt and the democrats did nothing...n-o-t-h-i-n-g. NOTHING!!!! Democrats are as guilty.
5. Whatever amateur made this up didn't do any research first.
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