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Know what really stood out at the DNC?..sm

Posted: Sep 8, 2012

For me it was the honesty, conviction, solidarity and boldness with which they embraced immigrants, minorities, gays and women issues.  They have always been on the side of social progression, but in my view have never before really embraced their stances like they did this last week.  I think we just found that backbone Patrick was talking about.   ;

I was impressed at how upbeat and joyful the - VTMT

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the convention was as a whole and how the speakers shone a light on the truth. Big money will NOT buy this election.

Big money wont buy the election, but common sense might - The dems have no common sense... at all ! nm

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"Big money" on which side? You think Dems don't spend - "big (union, Hollywood, trial lawyer)) money&

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Yeah they were real upbeat and joyful when they were - voting to try to keep God out of the platform.

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Except for that man and woman they kept showing. - nm

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Hardly. The discord and dissension was widely reported. - Took 3 votes and finally "decided" the a
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Come on now.

That's the way I try to live my life and that's why - I vote the party.

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They may have not been as progressive as I would like (now and in the past) but they are always headed in that direction and never fail to eventually get there. Even if I were a fiscal conservative, I could never, never, never be a part of the social exclusion they promote.

If the powers that be or their supporters ever come to understand that one thing (and I have heard more moderate GOPers express this same thing), one of two things would happen. Either the democratic party would shrink, or the (the horror!) they would learn to come together and reinvent the art of compromise, 21st century style.

I am a few years shy of retirement, but from what I've seen these past 10 years or so, I know that will never happen in my lifetime. I feel for the level-headed among their ranks who understand just exactly how much the extremists have tarnished their brand and how deeply they have damaged perceptions of their policy agendas.

The "extremists" I have witnessed were on the left. - --such hatred for those who disagree. nm

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I've heard many say....sm - JTBB

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that if the GOP loses this election, that will pretty much be the end of the Tea Party and far right types as far as having any power. I think they are probably right. I don't think all those who invest in the GOP can afford (or rather just won't) keep backing a losing ticket. I think after this the pub party is going to have to go through a major adjustment back to the middle. If Romney loses, just think how much money was lost. The bright side is that a lot of that money went into the economy via commercials, jobs for supporters, etc...lol.

Another point...sm - JTBB

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is that I think the Dems have drastically gained ground in the middle, mainly due to the GOP going so far to the right. As an example, notice that dems are taking strong stances on military where that used to be a weak point for us. Obama has consistently kept the military well funded, well equiped, and well positioned to come home. That pretty much leaves the GOP with nothing to work for unless they want to try trumpeting a new war...in like...say..Russia? LOL.

I think the same has happened with abortion. The GOP has gone so far right with the idea of no exceptions for abortion, that allows us to come in and tell those pro-lifers that yes, you can be a democrat. Freedom of choice means just that. With that freedom, you have the choice of not having an abortion, just like you have the choice of having one. I know a ton of pro-lifers, and I can honestly say that all of them that I know do agree with exceptions for life of the mother, rape and incest.

So I think when you take issues like this, you will see that the dems really are working with the idea of compromise. It's slow, but I think it's getting there.

Ever heard the phrase.. "Its the economy, stupid"? - That is what will do Obama in... failed miserably.

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We like, "It's the arithmetic, stupid!" better. - Check it out. You might be surprised. nm

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arithmetic? I can handle that. Label it any way - you want, Obama has ruined it. nm

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Obama's ears? - Just a guess

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Oh please...I think I just threw up in my - mouth a little.

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The democratic party has NOT been very honest from what I've seen. They may have solidarity in their own group but they have done nothing but promote division and anger against, who Obama himself terms "the enemy."

They only embrace immigrants and minorities because they offer them freebies and amnesty in return for votes.

As for gays...yes some really care but if our president genuinely cared about the gay community, he would actually try and do something to help gay marriage become illegal instead of doing nothing and saying that he supports gay marriage. Those are empty words in order to get more votes.

As for women, more women have suffered financially under this administration and have lost more jobs. This administration itself employs less women than Bush's did.

But hey...as long as you feel all warm and cozy with your interpretation of the DNC, it is all peaches n cream. I guess we won't know who is right and who is wrong until either Obama or Romney get elected this time around. However, I suspect that if Obama is elected again and things still haven't improved, you guys will still be saying how great he is....oh and that Michelle is just wonderful too....barf!

As for flat out dishonesty, take a look at Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who denied saying something when they have a sound bite of her saying it. Talk about bold face lies. HELLO!!!

Exactly how...and I'm talking specifics...sm - JTBB

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has the democratic party "promoted division and anger?" I really would like a serious answer to this because it seems to me that the only angry people are on the right.

I guess you missed where I said - sm

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Obama himself called those who disagree with him as the "enemy." Obama has done nothing but encourage class warfare. Anyone who disagrees with Obama has been called a racist.

As for anger...I do believe there was quite a bit of anger shown on camera by certain people who voted a big NO when it came to voting whether or not to add God to the DNC platform. There has been a lot of faith bashing going on from a lot of people from the left.

There are several instances, but you are obviously blinded by your political party and cannot see the anger and division promoted in your own party.

The right by no means is guiltless either...but at least I admit it instead of following blindly.
Hmmm.....sm - JTBB
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Obama did use the word "enemy." He also came back and said he should have used "opponents" instead, as he was initially referring to a bill that was split along partisan lines.

I really don't think you can count what obviously seemed to be anger to you at the DNC. Discontent..maybe, but not anger, and it obviously didn't serve to be a damper on the festivities. Besides, this line you guys have had about dems causing all this division was going on long before the DNC.

Faith bashing? Really? I'm gonna need an example for that one. I really don't see that going on. What I do see are people saying they don't want religion in politics, especially since we're supposed to have separation of church and state. What I also see are religious folks constantly trying to put the "moral code" of their religion in our laws. When this is fought out, the religious seem to take it as a "bashing," when in reality its a simple matter of keeping your faith to yourself.

What I know is that the right wing media has been pushing all that stuff you're buying. If folks would just take the time to fact check some of the stuff that comes from those folks, just maybe they would actually learn something. Of course, your party has already said their campaign won't be dictated by fact checkers. No kidding.

I didn't watch most of it, but... - Zville MT

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I'm so glad I just happened to be watching when Gabby Gifford led the Pledge - what a truly inspiring moment!

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