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You can fool some of the people, blah, blah, blah, etc. (sm)

Posted: Aug 14, 2012

Recent polling by left wing groups shows more and more Grannies are viewing Paul Ryan favorably.  Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, Bozo.  Check link if you wish.


Gee, well then I guess it must be so. - anon

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There are better ways to spend your time.

No need to get your grannie panties in a bunch.

How about you leave a world worth living in to the rest of us?

Talk about greedy.

and... - puleeeze

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Ryan wants to SAVE our country.. The "mediscare" tactics are insane - LISTEN - Ryan's plan does not change a thing for those 55 and over - because the govt already made promises to that group. It is the younger generation that will have the chance for change and making their own decisions. THe govt needs to get out of the way.

yes, the gov't needs to get out of the way and - azmt

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not tell me what kind of contraception I can use or force me to have a baby that is the product of rape or incest.
Did Obama tell you that lie? - Nonny
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That's totally ridiculous. People shouldn't be so gullible. You eat right out of their hands, so they give you more. Pathetic.
Really? Check with Paul - a little Google would not hurt
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perhaps he has changed his position retroactively
Why referring to Obama flip flops? - we were talking about Ryan
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Ryans positions on women's health ? - Here are some
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You better be rich in Ryan's World if you want control of your body.

Ryan co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment that would give legal rights to a fetus starting at conception. This would outlaw some forms of contraception and in-vitro fertilization.

Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. In addition to his support of the personhood amendment, Ryan won his congressional seat in 1998 by emphasizing his opposition to all abortions without exceptions.

Ryan voted to ban abortion coverage from being included in the state health insurance exchanges--even when women are using their own private funds.

Ryan has supported defunding Planned Parenthood. In 2011, he voted for an amendment that would block Planned Parenthood and the health care organization’s affiliates from receiving any funds in a 2011 continuing appropriations bill. Now we all know that the primary services Planned Parenthood provides are women's health including Pap smears and mammograms and STDS Men also receive assistance in regards to STDs.

Right...the younger generation...like me...sm - JTBB

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so, what if you're 49 like me, lost a substantial amount of savings (retirement) with the recent economic fumble, an MT with carpal tunnel, a husband who is retired (firefighter for 25 yrs) with a pension that DOES NOT keep up with the cost of living, and yet I've paid my whole life for a system that I won't get to use? I guess you think it's fair that folks like me should have to work (assuming we can find any short of moving to India) basically until we can't to try to pay for private insurance with no security at all after paying for that security for the last 34 years.

If you really want to be fair about it, just take all those current monies (that come from us..the younger ones as what the older ones have put in has long been spent) being doled out to the elderly right now and pay the deficit down, and just let them wing it with the private companies. Otherwise, this isn't a case of throwing granny under the bus, it's a case of the tea party throwing the rest of us under the bus.

BTW, the govt didn't just "promise that group" of citizens. They promised all of us...that's why we pay social security, for OUR security.....not just to give it to already well endowed private, money-hungry, political arm twisting institutions that have historically done nothing but harm public stability
Thank You!! - 52 and counting...
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It's more than a little distressing that the monies we have paid into social security are no longer available. Where did they go? To cover costs of infrastructure that no one wanted to pay for through taxes.
p.s.: social security paid for "no new taxes" - 52 and counting
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Wrong - Democrats tapped in to Social Security - with the promise to pay back the IOU
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when they did not want to balance the budget. You have to go back and actually look at the vote that took place, which opened up this "SS Lock Box". They started the slippery slope and never replaced the funds.
And - the
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Bush administration tapped into it for the war. They did not start the slippery slope.
Sad you don'the know your history - Dems started the SS tap LONG before Bush
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This shows the lack of education now-a-days...try going back say about 35 years or so for the facts of who made the deciding vote to open up the SS coffers for use besides SS. HATE TO BURST YOUR BUBBLE SUNSHINE, IT WAS A DEMOCRAT.
Did any of them pay for uber tax cuts and wars - based on "bad intelligence?" nm
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Dems tapped SS under - LBJ so he could fund
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his "Great Society" and the social programs LBJ wanted to start and expand, and to fight the spread of communism during the Vietnam War. War against communism must not have worked by the looks of the posters on this board.

LBJ pushed for the IOUs to SS and the Congressional Dems carried the vote through Congress with the Dems being the final vote to push it through and allow Congress to use SS.

Yep, for years those Dems spending money they did not have, still don't have and here's another bit of trivia for you....at no time has the Dems ever voted to, nor have they ever,replaced any of the IOUs.
Did any of them throw their hands up at it and - try to dismantle it?
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Remember how unpopular privatization was last time around? Remember what happened in the next election after W unveiled his plan to jack with SS? Yes or no.
right, like I said... - 52 and counting
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...social security excesses are tapped for funds in lieu of increasing taxes. While this is allowed under the structure of social security, I'm not happy about it. I wish my money was there. I made a commitment. It's part of being in a society. And I would like to see that commitment pay off. It should be noted that there are income caps on social security; thus, those of us under the wealth curve have paid more, proportionately, for infrastructure of all kinds, than have those above the wealth curve.
I'm 40 and have little put back for retirement. - Zville MT
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I know it's a long way off, but if we do nothing to the SS system now, we'll end up getting majorly reduced payments, if any at all, by the time retirement does come. I'd love to hear some reasonable ideas of how this can be fixed - I know I don't have all the answers (sure wish I did!!)
I would agree that something needs to be done..sm - JTBB
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Honesty, Zville, I don't know either. I think 2 major things that are seriously being overlooked/ignored (or whatever) are that A) the baby boomers are here...ready to cash in; and B) generations X, Y and Z can't afford the sheer number of us. And then there's the fact that these younger generations just don't have the salaries/education/jobs collectively to do it.
I read an article in the paper the other day... - Zville MT
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That said that since 2010, SS has been paying out more in benefits than it collects in taxes. Apparently the surplus of $2.7 trillion will be gone in 2033 and tax revenue would only allow them to pay about 75% of benefits. That's only 21 years out - I like to think of that as a long way off (LOL), but I know it's not, especially when you look at how long this argument has been going on and the fact that nothing has been done yet. But that's just to start. This article quotes public trustees that oversee SS and they say that the projected shortfall in 2033 is $623 billion, reaches $1 trillion in 2045, and nearly $7 trillion in 2086.

I agree with you that we can't afford all the baby boomers retiring and your second point certainly contributes to that (salaries, education, jobs, etc). Add to that a Congress that can't even agree on what time to have lunch and it's a pretty sad picture for our generation. I know compromise is a dirty word these days, but maybe if the SS taxes were a little higher and SS payments were a little lower? Or maybe lower investment taxes so the little bit of money we have left over could be invested and then taken out for retirement? I don't know - I just wish we could all talk about ideas of any sort without being accused of throwing granny off the cliff or of being a *_________ (insert your choice of marxist, commie, etc. insult here) :)
LOL...I like socialist...sm - JTBB
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I think the one thing we can't do is lower SS payments. These are already below the poverty level, and most folks in our age range are already paying for scripts for their parents...Spiriva ain't cheap folks. I agree we need to get more money somewhere if this program is going to continue (regardless of party). I personally, wouldn't mind paying more into SS, but I'd like to know what I'm paying for is secure.

I think a lot of that surplus (and correct me if I'm wrong) is in bonds that will need to be cashed out..again at the taxpayer's expense.

I think a HUGE problem in the whole system is medical expenses. Between those as well as the cost of living going up, seniors don't stand a chance. Maybe we can cap medical expenses for those whatever age and up.
Going in the right direction, I mean left. - insurance rebates
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The results do not show overnight, but I am thinking we are already are seeing rebates paid back to customers from insurance companies because of Obamacare. Obama's administration has already uncovered record amount of fraud in the Medicare system (oh, those POOR doctors). 30 million more people will be in the system--not just the high risk people, but the healthy people who need to pay their fair share and the moochers (emergency room abusers). Things are starting to improve and I think we will be seeing more of the positive results if the Democrats can maintain control and we can take control away from Wall Street and the big corporations.
Insurance rebates - Why does no one ever mention these are TAXED?
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depending on how they were paid for, who paid for them. Everybody is jumping for joy, can't wait to see if they're still jumping when they get the 1099s.
Ha, Ha! Having the rebate and paying a little tax - is better than
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having no rebate at all (like it was under Bush and would be under RomneyRyan.)
Yes we need better and more jobs, not more military - Voting straight Democrat ticket!
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Education + infrastructure + a healthy population with basic needs met + a fair shake in the country for all = a competitive nation with a high standard of living for ALL.

I'm VOTING STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN - So we cancel each other out
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PSSSSS....Just so you know Under Obama (D) we have had a net loss of 850,000+ jobs....hardest hit, women.
I'm voting straight democrat - so now we're ahead
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PSSSS.....The downhill trend started before Obama came in office and Obama has been trying to turn it around.
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Pssst and Obama has made everything 1000-times worse, and continues to do so.

All that matters is November.
You just quoted a republican talking point I - suggest doing some SM
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research on those repub numbers and find out what they took out, manipulated, or left in to accommodate that untruth.
Pssst. Did you now this is another bogus claim - out of the Romney camp?
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According to the National Women’s Law Center, the majority of jobs women lost were in the public sector. Of the 530,000 public sector jobs the GOP budget cuts targeted, women lost a disproportionate 69.1% of them. Romney plans another 10% reduction in the federal workforce and to remove federal oversight in order to “empower” states to slash more public sector jobs on the state level without repercussions.

Another debunked Romney claim that 92% of job losses under Obama have been women has been rated “mostly false” by Politifact, their only caveat to a “pants-on’fire” finding being the aforementioned GOP-driven public sector losses, stating the Romney camp’s “reading” of the BLS data is flawed. Many of the losses took place at the very beginning of the administration before any new policies took effect, which makes them a bleed-over from Ws reign. Team’s Romney’s take is further compromised by their failure to do a comparative analysis for the months preceding January 2009.

Just as a point of reference the average SS payment - sm
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is a little over $1200 a month (Medicare payments come out of this amount), the maximum about $2400 a month. The $2400 would go, if my calculations are correct, to people who earned $110,100 a year or more for 35 years.

My musings include:
1. I think that the payroll deductions for Medicare and SS should be considered an insurance policy which kicks in after 65 only if a person's income falls below $110,100 per year.

2. Another idea would be to increase the maximum level of income for payroll deductions to higher than $110,100.

3. I agree with increasing the eligible age gradually.

Are you running for office soon? :) - Zville MT
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Those are some good ideas, especially about the payroll deductions! I also agree with increasing the eligible age gradually (although I may not when I'm 65 and still typing - LOL).

Again this would take some compromise from our govt and the country. I hope this next congress is a little better at compromise than the last several have been - from both sides!
I suspect they figured that the 45 to 55 age group - will not be heard
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They are wrong.
You do know, I'm sure, - that 700+ BILLION were taken by the libs
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from Medicare to fund Obamacare? That's misappropriating monies that I, as a senior citizen (as of next year), have put toward Medicare my whole adult life. That's why Medicare is going broke -- they need to give our money back to its rightful fund.
Sigh.....sm - JTBB
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What Obama did was cut monies going to providers....NOT BENEFITS FOR SENIORS. They moved that money into a system that actually adds to benefits by providing more screening services.

Pubs are obviously trying to push this lie. I think it's just sad they are using their mothers in commercials, etc to try to give this lie some legitimacy. They must think we are just retarded.
700+ Billion loss **sigh** - Libs will twist and spin
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a thousand ways to Sunday and back. They can spin it anyway they want, Obamacare guts Medicare. There was a congressional hearing that took place where, out of Obama's own mouth, he said that the goal was to do away with Medicare, place all seniors on Medicaid, period. But if you only watch the LSM, you would never know that. I watch CSPN to get the truth. It is real time, you can see exactly who says what without the spin and talking points. They also archive hearings, transcripts, etc. Takes work, but you can find a lot of information through the channels that carry the actual hearings. You can ditch anything you read on this board from 99.9% of the posters - they are completely clueless and will only gasbag their party ideology, screw the facts.
Here's another source - Regarding Obama himself stating
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He was going to cut Medicare by 1/3, which in essence collapses Medicare and puts seniors in a bad way. He said it on 11/09/2009 in a sit down interview with Tapper. Came out of Obama's mouth (sans TelePromPTER). You'll still have those on here that refuse to believe it, just like they refuse to believe Obama smoked dope, sold coke, embraced marxism...even though Obama said every single one of those things.

Hate to be a bummer - Al Fabbet

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at the turd polishing party, but I can't help it. Now, since the GOP VP pick, RWers are scrambling to come up with ways to change seniors' opinions regarding the VP pick as well as his plan when it comes to Medicare. Remember how well Ryan's plan went over during town hall meetings a few months back? The GOP does. Anyhow, leading up to the election, we are sure to hear that argument you stated over and over and over and over: Ryan's plan does not change a thing for those 55 and over.

Please keep in mind that as Americans, regardless of political view, most of share this way of thinking: 1) We always want better for our children than we have for ourselves. 2) Among our biggest fears as we age - even more than sickness itself - is becoming a burden on our children/loved ones.

Face it, seniors like Medicare, and for that "won't change a thing for those over 55" nonsense to work, RWers are assuming that seniors would just jump and disregard what they probably feel is best for their children and grandchildren just because the GOP said so. And JTBB is right... our generation would be the ones getting totally screwed. Too old/no money for going back to college and career change, too young/no money to retire, underwater mortgages, retirement/savings drained in order to keep treading water, etc., and then not being able to benefit from a system that we paid into. You really think that our parents (the seniors) are going to embrace the Ryan plan and put extra burden on their kids just because they're over 55 and would be safe??? How about their grandkids when we don't have the money to make up the difference after we use our vouchers and have to borrow money from them or - even worse - move into our child's spare room (that's IF they even have a spare room) because we get sick? The seniors will be fine with that as long as they have theirs? My father is a senior, lifelong republican, and will not be voting republican this November. And for the RW/GOP to assume that seniors - including my father - would be so greedy and vote solely in their own best interest regardless of the impact on their children is insulting.

It could very well play out that with Ryan as the VP pick, the GOP just lost the senior vote... we'll see.

A wise man once said "You can't polish a turd, Beavis." Maybe since it came from Butthead, they'll finally understand. There's no way of making this look good.
Who are kdding, you love "polishing turds" - ....nm
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we didn't realize you could tell shinola from... - oh, nevermind
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Glad I read this. Otherwise, my reply would have - been a near verbatim duplicate.
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Great job! I'm one of those in Ryan's "safe zone" who would sign my benefits directly over to my son in a heartbeat if I could, then keep transcribing 'til I drop dead in my chair. I'm a hands-off mom to a 35-yo who's been threatening to sit this election out. I've changed my mind about letting him get away with that, and intend to drag him out by his hair to the polls if I have to. He'll be staying home this November OVER MY DEAD BODY.

Old ladies with dementia still have an eye for a handsome man. - LOL! nm

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Must be why they voted of Obozo first time around - ....

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So...you think the pres is handsome? - VTMT
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Oh, gag me. - Old woman
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I thought he did, what with all the throat-cramming remarks... - ? no
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