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Too much power in one man's hands
Posted: Feb 5, 2013
EXCLUSIVE: Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans
I support the President and would vote for him again - but I hate the drone strikes
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I just hate the idea of killing anyone without knowing you have the right person. It smacks of Bush. Yes that's right Republicans---I mentioned Bush. The only difference is, Bush started 2 wars responsible for thousands of deaths and with no exit plan. Instead of out-and-out war, Obama is taking people out in a safer manner for us, but how do we know he is taking the right people out?
I'm with you, it's probably my greatest ambivalence. - mraker
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I wonder if we'll ever see America lose its imperialist ways? Not in my lifetime, probably.
I agree so much with this - comment
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Tough choices are about picking the the least harmful alternative in most cases.
Choice 1) The US conducts no drone strikes or any SpecOps missions. That means the 22 top Al Qaeda leaders Obama has taken out are still alive and well to plot and conduct strikes against America and our interests abroad.
Choice 2) Conduct only SpecOps missions. While there will be less civilian casualties, there will by more US casualties and likely American prisoners used by the other side as political fodder or dragged through the streets like in Somalia.
Choice 3) Limited drone attacks (I think at one point the president needed to reign them in and he has) that are effective at killing the target and cause much less civilian loss of life than the old cruise missile attacks, remember them?
One of our few consolations is knowing that it would have been no better... - mraker
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probably worse, under Romney. Not trying to deflect, just saying.
'Romney gives a full-throated endorsement of Obama's embrace of drones to hunt down and kill terrorist suspects around the world. "I support that entirely and think the president was right to use that technology." But echoing a point he made earlier tonight, the Republican nominee adds that drones alone won't and can't win the so-called war on terror.'
Not much spare time on my hands - sm
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to gander at longish videos. Maybe you could sum it up?
Sorry, no, it's a little too nuanced for me to attempt that. - mraker
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It will be here waiting for you when you have a few to spare.
There have been zero drone - deaths in the US.
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WHY are they illegal!?
That's it, I am calling Wayne LaPierre.
You betcha. Arm all the teachers with drones!! - mraker
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Come on, Murka, step up!

(apologies for putting that darned Carly Rae Jepsen ear worm in anyone's head again. it's instant karma for me, heh.)
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