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The hands of Sarah Jessica Parker at 45
Posted: Oct 12, 2010

Yep...sm - mb
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IMHO, she's a little too thin. Some thin women don't age well and actually look a little haggard when they get older. Madonna is the same way. They need to get a little more meat on their bones and they'd look a whole lot better! Again, JMHO
re: SJP - Kiki
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Can you say photoshop? That photo is just another of millions altered to make john q public think better or worse of themselves. Its a darn shame that this done.
PS, IMHO thin people age just the same as thick. I am 110 pounds, 56 years old and my sure don't look haggard. I am usually told I look younger and I think I have beautiful hands! â˜Âº All the women in my family are very thin and look years younger than their age.
I am "very healthy" according to my doc, no arthritis, no heart disease, great cholesterol. (by the grace of God!) I jog regularly.
Thin people absolutely don't age the same as heavier ones - Happy MT Robin
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Those of us who have some extra meat on our bones are less likely to wrinkle. And if you're "lucky" like me and have oily skin to boot, you've hit the non-wrinkle jackpot.
I read an article recently that referred to people like SJP, Madonna and Angelina Jolie and the very pronounced veins that they have. It said it was because people like that tend to eat an extremely health conscious diet with little to no processed food and very little salt. The pronounced veins are a result of a low water tablet in the body essentially.
re: mt robin - geegee
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"people like" the ones you mention look beautiful. Tabloids are horrible sources from which to get your information. My "heavier" younger sister looks much older than I do. She has health issues to boot.
I'll take healthy and prominent veins over health related issues of obesity.
Same here. My sister and I both are always being - complimented on our young looks. sm
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They are always guessing us in our early to mid 30s while we are in late 40s. It is because we have fuller faces and bodies. We don't look gaunt and hollowed out in the face.
We are real women!
When I was in my 20s, mom and I used to go out together - Backwards Typist
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We were always confused as sisters (mom was in her 40s). It wasn't until she hit her late 70s that she started getting wrinkles and she never had a gray hair on her head. I won't be that lucky. LOL
If with a LITTLE meat they would look better, I must look - absolutely georgeous. nm
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ROFL mee three - However SJP is such a mean and - see message
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nasty person in real life that nothing would ever make her attractive (IMO). I refuse to watch any of her movies, when I see commercials with her in them I switch channels and I stopped buying Garnier shampoo when I saw her advertising it.
When a person is ugly on the inside there is not much they can do that makes them attractive on the outside.
LOL And you absolutely know this from personal experience - with her, I suppose? Yeah right.
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Have you never seen her interviewed? Read what she says? - nm
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It's strange, but I have this dislike for her that I don't understand... - MT Still
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I don't like it that I can feel dislike for someone I don't know, but I just have never cared for her and change the channel or page whenever she comes up. But then again, I guess I can't explain why I am interested in someone I do not know either. Maybe I need to turn off the t.v. more and read more meaningful and newsworthy news.
re: mee three - HR
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Seriously?? How do you know? Know many celebrities on a personal level? And really, stopped buying a shampoo because she endorses it? OMG! Do you take the Natioal Enquirer at face value too? Just saying...
I think it's such a waste of time for people to celebrity hate for absolutely no reason. They PLAY ROLES for our entertainment! How can we give credence to what we read in the tabloids or internet? Come on now folks, lets elevate ourselves.
SO what if she has ugly hands!!! Isn't there more going on in the world than SJPs veiny hands? Is there really nothing else to discuss?
I don't care if she has ugly hands - she has an ugly personality - mee three - see message
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I've seen her in interviews and talking to the camera on a personal level. I just don't like her personality. I did watch one of her movies. Some movie where she went to her boyfriends house to meet his family for the holidays. I didn't watch it because she was in it, I watched it cos other actors were in it I liked. Actually the movie was very entertaining and would have done better if they had a different actress than her. Her acting is mediocre (sp?) - and yes I know, I have not starred in any movies recently so I am no more qualified to be an actress than she is and she gets paid a lot more than I do LOL, but it's her personality from her interviews that I just don't like her. She falls right in line with Angelina and Brad for me. Anything they are in - no thanks, I'll pass.
Yes, actors and actresses play rolls for our entertainment. Some good, some not, but when you see them interviewed and they bring you into their home you learn a little bit about them (not a whole lot, but enough to leave an impression). I just don't like her. I was interested cos I really like her husband, but I just don't care for her. That's my opinion.
As for the shampoo bit. I ran out of the shampoo. I loved the smell of it and it worked as good as the others I've used, so when I saw her in a commercial for it I decided no thank you. Too bad, I'd love to try their facial cream, but her face keeps popping up, so no thanks to that. I don't think she's a very attractive person on the outside because her nasty attitude shines through. Just like Angelina Jolie.
As for her hands...I don't really care. PS - I am not the OP so don't ask me about anything else to discuss than her hands.
LOL but youre reading the thread and replying - Pot, Kettle?
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I get a very condescending vibe from your post which is insinuating the OP and all the other posters are beneath you for posting and commenting on the bony hands...yet, you're obviously reading the thread and chose to take the time to respond.
Pot/Kettle much?
how do some women do it? - sm
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I was always naturally thin and tall, maintained my weight around 130 at 5 feet 9 inches. I hit my mid 30s and shot up to 175. I'm down to 165 but that is where I hover, even with moderate exercise and light eating habits. How do some women stay so thin? I know its genetics but can't they bottle it? LOL!
re: sm - kassy
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I am very lucky! It is genetics. My mother is Asian and dad is Hispanic and both sides of the family are slim. On both sides of the family they are very physically active and competative. I still run marathons. I am 62 and about 105, 110. Doc also say i'm fit as a fiddle. All my brothers and sisters are in their 50s and are all thin, athletic and none of use have health issues! We are blessed too.
My friends always say I should "bottle it".
re: SJP hands - Nuggit
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I think she has an awesomely fit body! I've seen her in real life too! She's petite, tiny and MUSCULAR! She has a great body. Looks like an athlete.
re: sm - hands
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OMG! That is like the national enquirer! You know, the people that always have aliens in the headlines!
SJP hands - mt2
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She has had old looking hands for years. I have noticed them in her movies and commercials. Did you see that show "Do you know who you are?" (or something like that), she had a tendency to puts her hands on her face a lot and they were just horrible. I figure everyone has their cross to bear, this must be hers. LOL.
Renee Zellweger's hands were the same in Chicago. - Bony, skiny, splotchy, veins popping. Eww.
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and that mouth that looks like she's been sucking on a lemon - Perfect Beautiful Me
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What else? Who else?
OOh and those skinny stick-legs... - Need I go on?
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I think she looks horrible in a short skirt.
I think she's very pretty. - Kendra
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I like her squinty eyes. I think they make her look a little different than everyone else.
On red carpet, when is is squinting over her shoulder, all - scrunched around, with puckery lips??? nm
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re: Celebrity bashers - SooLin
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I find it amusing that there are so many celebrity haters/bashers and fans of gossip magazines!
I don't know why people like to jump on the bashing bandwagon instead of just leaving well enough alone. It's like gossiping, an ulgy trait.
Celebrities are just somebody's commodity! They are dressed up, told how to stand, pose, pucker, what to wear, what to say, when to stay it and where to go. It's just their JOB! It's not who they are and we certainly don't KNOW then enough to say that they are "mean", "stuck up", "opinionated"...
I think it would be more constructive if we turned the microscope on ourselves, that which we have control of, rather than to point out all your perceived opinions of people we don't even know.
I think it's a waste of time to celebrity bash or read those gossip mags. IMHO...
Heck, I dont just bash celebs, everyone is fair game. - BUT, I dont read gossip mags, I have standards. nm
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With probably no idea on how to clean a house. - nm
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