Scott Walker: I can defeat ISIS because I defeated 100,000 union protesters
Posted: Feb 26, 2015
A few weeks ago, ABC News’ Martha Raddatz asked likely GOP presidential contender Scott Walker how he’d deal with the threat posed by the Islamic State terrorist group, also known as ISIS or ISIL. It did not go well. The Wisconsin governor mumbled something about the need for an “aggressive strategy,” which prompted Raddatz to ask what, specifically, that would entail. Walker then suggested “other surgical methods” beyond the airstrikes currently carried out by a U.S.-led coalition, and even floated a ground war in Syria, although he added that he didn’t consider that option “an immediate plan.”
Walker had the chance to clarify his position today, as he spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference. But he only further betrayed his utter cluelessness on foreign policy.
“For years I’ve been concerned about that threat,” Walker said. “I want a commander-in-chief who will do anything in their power to ensure that the threat of radical Islamic terrorists do not wash up on American soil.”
Referring to the massive protests that greeted his signature 2011 law targeting public employee unions, Walker then boasted, ”If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the globe.”
There you have it. Strip ISIS of collective bargaining rights, and the militant group will disband. Who knew?
LOL. How's that for some foreign policy cred?
Governor Walker, you've cited Wisconsin's proximity to Canada as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?;
Sort of a male Sarah Palin - Gotcha
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I wonder what newspapers and magazines he reads?
Walker is nothing more than a moron. Heaven help the US - if he becomes president. We are doomed. nm
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Do we have to resort to name calling? - ProMT
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Do we?
Referring to Lerch, Clapper, Chillary, Dillary and Bozo? - Of course
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Although I don't know who Mr. Clapper is, my instinct is to assume it was not nice.
That's his name, Clapper. - SM
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I could say so much more, but I'll leave it at that and stick to the facts.
And they wonder where the names come from? - OMG
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No names were being bandied about in the original post about Clapper and Kerry.
As long as we're insulting public figures, did you ever (sm) - me
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notice how John Kerry's tongue juts out of his skinny little lips like a snake when he's talking. He just grosses me out.
It was stating the truth. What is your problem - with that?? nm
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I think I see the problem here, and I happen to agree. - sm
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Resorting to calling Walker a moron is an unnecessary insult......... to morons.
They are name calling because they are afraid of him - nm
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So by this logic... - sm
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...then the right-wingers on this board are mighty afraid of the president judging by all the names he's called.
All aboard! - The Republican clown car
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has officially left the station!
Come on, hurry up! - sm
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Don't keep the conductor waiting!

Absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post - Now that's a true clown
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nm is necessary.
You get 65,915,796 dislikes. - There...... fixed it.
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Don't those extra nonsense votes seem meaningless..... exactly right!
Anyway, when the votes were counted, the majority of Americas voted for Obama twice and wouldn't trade him for those idiots McCain/Palin or liars Romney/Ryan.
A very good thing that Obama has brought to light in this country is the utter contempt and hatred that exists within the Republican Party and the Tea Party for their fellow Americans. Their rhetoric of hate for this president and their contempt against half the country who don't agree with their propaganda is exactly what CPAC represents..... a bunch of wannabe clowns, spewing their utter nonsense, running at the mouth, reminding the millions exactly why we voted the way we did.
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