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Rick Perry calls Hillary Clinton

Posted: Jun 15, 2014

a “very, very capable public servant, great secretary of state, first lady,”


What will his fans think?


They will say - "And then he woke up"

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LOL! - True that!!

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He's having a senior moment. - sm

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And I'm serious about that. He wants to run again so of course he isn't going to say anything bad about it. Still trying to find an independent site that talks about this. If it comes out of CA or democrat site I doubt it's validity.

Will keep searching, but I would have to say he's having a lapse in his memory and critical thinking skills and therefore with such poor memory and judgement on his part I would never vote for him. Don't trust him.

No matter what you might personally think of - HC,

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she has a resume that is head and shoulders above any competition R or D, she has years of learning how to play the politics game and I imagine she can be one tough B---- when she has to be. I'm looking forward to having our first woman POTUS and sadly the best the R's can do is are nut jobs like MB and SP, both of whom are thankfully nearly forgotten except by dead end fox newsers.

Hillary - nn

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If HC is "capable," Mr. Perry has an advanced form of dementia.

HC is "capable" of... - sm

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...carrying out the destruction already started by BO. Remember, she, too, was a follower of Alinsky.

Oh, please! Alinsky? Again with the Alinsky bashing? - sm

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Okay, go ahead and hate on Alinsky all you want. He was a radical, yes, but not a socialist or communist like he's portrayed. Alinsky didn't really like communists because of their rigid ideology and the fact they were humorless, not his thing. He fought for the little guy against the big corporations and taught people how to affect change if they banded together.

"Get this: according to The Wall Street Journal, the conservative holy of holies, the one-time Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, Dick Armey, whose FreedomWorks organization helps bankroll the Tea Party, gives copies of Alinsky�s 'Rules for Radicals' to Tea Party leaders."

Study history, people, and stop believing everything you hear. If Alinsky was so bad, the conservatives wouldn't be using his playbook.

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