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Republicans say "NO!" to bill to combat outsourcing.

Posted: Sep 28, 2010

Why would an MT support a party that supports outsourcing?



December 8, 1993 - mt2

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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Clinton said he hoped the agreement would encourage other nations to work toward a broader world-trade pact.

NAFTA, a trade pact between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, eliminated virtually all tariffs and trade restrictions between the three nations. The passage of NAFTA was one of Clinton's first major victories as the first Democratic president in 12 years--though the movement for free trade in North America had begun as a Republican initiative.

During its planning stages, NAFTA was heavily criticized by Reform Party presidential candidate Ross Perot, who argued that if NAFTA was passed, Americans would hear a "giant sucking sound" of American companies fleeing the United States for Mexico, where employees would work for less pay and without benefits. The pact, which took effect on January 1, 1994, created the world's largest free-trade zone.

IMO: President Clinton signed this into policy in 1993. Seems to me Ross Perot knew what he was talking about, sucked not only to Mexico but everyplace else too. In my opinion, Republican and Democrat parties suck and neither gives a rat's ass about the American public. Politicians are out to line their own pockets.

What does this have to do with the no-is-all-we-know vote in 2010? - You failed to mention that

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NAFTA was a culmination of a staged process. Negotiations began back in 1986, first resulting in the Canadian-US FTA, signed Oct 4, 1988 by RR, who fast-tracked its ratification before his second term came to a close. Further negotiations to bring Mexico into the equation occurred throughout the George HW Bush administration. Canadian PM Mulroney, Mexican President Carlos Salinas met with lame duck President Bush Sr in San Antonio, Texas on December 17, 1992 where a ceremonial signing took place.

The NAFTA ratification process ensued once Clinton took office. The house vote was 234-200, with 132 republicans and 102 dems in support. Senate vote was 61-38.

NAFTA gave birth to CAFTA. The July 28, 2005 vote under Bush Jr. broke down as follows: 217-215 with 2 not voting. Yes votes were 202 republicans and only 15 democrats. No votes were 187 democrats, 27 republicans and 1 independent.

NAFTA and CAFTA were clearly republican initiatives. Oh, and for the record, Ross Perot was not the only detractor. The progressives/libs have opposed it from the get-go.

The first serious efforts to reverse, mitigate, roll back, revise, etc. NAFTA (especially in terms of outsourcing of jobs) occurred under Obama. Perhaps this helps to better explain where this no-is-all-we-know thingy is coming from.




Thats not what the article says - from my read

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The republican party does not support outsourcing and that's not what the article stated. But then again wouldn't expect the Huff to post anything accurate.

I've heard a lot of discussions lately about tax breaks for or against companies who have companies overseas. I have mixed feelings.

Since the democrats have been big supports or shipping jobs overseas (and all the CEOs that do ship job overseas are big democratic supporters), I highly doubt any democratic congress is going to give breaks to companies that bring jobs here. The big companies will continue to get their tax breaks whether or not they have companies overseas or here.

Always has been and always will be. You still need to start with the basics of economics (Economics 101) - cut taxes and stop spending. Let the private sector grow so they have many to give jobs to the people here. But the democrats have no intention of doing that. Hence the rich will continue to get richer under the democrats.

Why would an MT support a party that is doing nothing to help the people in this country. I also have lots of other family members who are not MTs and this affects them.

They do not support a bill right now - Angela

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that brings jobs back to US workers. Have you ever noticed how people get angry when you remind them that Republicans controlled everything for eight years, but then they want to blame everything bad thing on Clinton?

No different than - see message

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The anger that democrats have when you remind them that it started under Bill Clinton with NAFTA, and yes, while republicans were in office jobs went overseas, but you need to remember Clinton is where it started and while there has been a democrats running the show (house/congress/senate) jobs continue to go overseas.

The democrats certainly are not the ones for bringing jobs back to here. They don't care and it shows.

I mentioned one incident. Jobs. The truth of the matter is Clinton DID sign NAFTA. You can't ignore the facts.
OK, keep going back to blame - Angela
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then you should go back some more. Funny how Bush (1) always wanted all the credit for NAFTA:

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 between the three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it. The agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch
And then there was CAFTA, son of NAFTA. - With kudos going to Bush Jr. nm
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oh I see it's okay to blame Bush for all the woes, but not mention clinton - Thanks for the clarification
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The hypocrisy is astounding.
It is not hypocrisy to expose the historical context of NAFTA - in its entirety, which
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includes Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr. NAFTA and CAFTA voting records also reveal the truth of who was really behind NAFTA and why it is being so fiercely guarded by its original sponsors' and supporters' party, the ones who think outsourcing is good for the economy.
Repubs supported NAFTA, too - cyn
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The real facts are that both Dems and Repubs supported NAFTA. Daddy Bush promised to sign NAFTA should he stay in office. No one can blame this one on just one party.

I'm a diehard Lib Dem and it drives me bat crazy that politicians of both stripes pretty much destroyed working America.
Daddy Bush did sign NAFTA on Dec 17, 1992. - sm
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For links and details of republican support, see the what-does-this-have-to-do-with post above.
Ummm, only problem here is that NAFTA did not start under Clinton. - Rather that was its finish line. nm
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Must be on FB too much: Was looking for the - "like" button, hehe

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Thanks for sharing!

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