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Interesting article.
I found this statement interesting, and reading the board here, true:
"A March 12 Pew study showed that Democrats are far more likely that conservatives to disconnect from people who disagree with them"
“In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS [social networking sites] because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates,” said the report, tiled “Social networking sites and politics.”
The report also noted that 11 percent of liberals, but only 4 percent of conservatives, deleted friends from their social networks after disagreeing with their politics.
That last statement is astounding. liberals deleted freinds from their social networds that disagree with their politics.
So...interesting article:
;or relegated to the sky-high Fox "myth" heap, no matter how loud they shout about their intractable denials of the mountains of evidence. We have little to no power to exert influence over the policies of other countries. Hence Al Gore's focus on US contributions to the problem, which exceed all other countries on the face of the earth....even China. How ironic that, under a thread about how much allegedly "better informed" the GOP is, you have posted opinion founded on concerted winger misinformation campaigns we've been subjected to for decades.
Take a look at US metric tonnes stat measures, then compare to the weighted average number at the bottom. We contribute a whopping 25.2% of all global CO2 emissions. China is second at 15%, a country whose population is 4.3 times larger than ours. Al Gore's focus is EXACTLY where it needs to be.
Environment Statistics > CO2 Emissions (most recent) by country
| Definition Source ![]() | ||||||||||||||||
Showing latest available data.
Rank | Countries ![]() | Amount ![]() | |
# 1 | ![]() | 5,762,050 | |
# 2 | ![]() | 3,473,600 | |
# 3 | ![]() | 1,540,360 | |
# 4 | ![]() | 1,224,740 | |
# 5 | ![]() | 1,007,980 | |
# 6 | ![]() | 837,425 | |
# 7 | ![]() | 558,225 | |
# 8 | ![]() | 521,404 | |
# 9 | ![]() | 446,596 | |
# 10 | ![]() | 385,075 | |
# 11 | ![]() | 363,484 | |
# 12 | ![]() | 348,357 | |
# 13 | ![]() | 344,590 | |
# 14 | ![]() | 332,377 | |
# 15 | ![]() | 327,858 | |
# 16 | ![]() | 304,882 | |
# 17 | ![]() | 303,778 | |
# 18 | ![]() | 286,027 | |
# 19 | ![]() | 266,083 | |
# 20 | ![]() | 223,862 | |
# 21 | ![]() | 174,809 | |
# 22 | ![]() | 171,696 | |
# 23 | ![]() | 168,320 | |
# 24 | ![]() | 138,983 | |
# 25 | ![]() | 136,686 | |
# 26 | ![]() | 127,130 | |
# 27 | ![]() | 125,023 | |
# 28 | ![]() | 124,069 | |
# 29 | ![]() | 123,686 | |
# 30 | ![]() | 123,603 | |
# 31 | ![]() | 121,045 | |
# 32 | ![]() | 105,983 | |
# 33 | ![]() | 92,150.3 | |
# 34 | ![]() | 90,728.7 | |
# 35 | ![]() | 78,506.7 | |
# 36 | ![]() | 75,299.2 | |
# 37 | ![]() | 74,175.8 | |
# 38 | ![]() | 72,309.8 | |
# 39 | ![]() | 64,814 | |
# 40 | ![]() | 64,381.6 | |
# 41 | ![]() | 63,998.4 | |
# 42 | ![]() | 62,718.9 | |
# 43 | ![]() | 61,139.3 | |
# 44 | ![]() | 59,560.5 | |
# 45 | ![]() | 58,516.6 | |
# 46 | ![]() | 56,849.5 | |
# 47 | ![]() | 56,618.7 | |
# 48 | ![]() | 54,789.6 | |
# 49 | ![]() | 51,320.9 | |
# 50 | ![]() | 48,760.9 | |
# 51 | ![]() | 48,145.7 | |
# 52 | ![]() | 47,530.9 | |
# 53 | ![]() | 44,730.8 | |
# 54 | ![]() | 44,354.9 | |
# 55 | ![]() | 42,815.3 | |
# 56 | ![]() | 42,274.9 | |
# 57 | ![]() | 41,789.4 | |
# 58 | ![]() | 36,927.3 | |
# 59 | ![]() | 35,312.2 | |
# 60 | ![]() | 35,103.3 | |
# 61 | ![]() | 34,584.1 | |
# 62 | ![]() | 33,236.1 | |
# 63 | ![]() | 32,633.4 | |
# 64 | ![]() | 31,353.9 | |
# 65 | ![]() | 29,874.1 | |
# 66 | ![]() | 29,489.7&a
![]() Sorry. Weighted average did not appear. - Here it is.[ In Reply To ..]
Weighted average:128,255.4 Worthy of note, the US population represents approximately only 4% of the world's population, making the 25.2% US contribution more than 6 times higher per capita than the rest of the global population. Also, it is 45x higher than the weighted average. ![]() Here's some facts for you - backwards typist[ In Reply To ..]This is what I believe plus the fact that the U.S. has more vehicles per person than any other country. IOW, a family of 4 drivers usually has 3-4 cars, while other countries rely on 1 vehicle or bikes to get around because of road conditions. Overview: We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. The Amazon Rainforest covers over a billion acres, encompassing areas in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and the Eastern Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. If Amazonia were a country, it would be the ninth largest in the world. The Amazon Rainforest has been described as the "Lungs of our Planet" because it provides the essential environmental world service of continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. More than half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live in the tropical rainforests. One-fifth of the world's fresh water is in the Amazon Basin. ![]() Little lightheaded here today. Didn't post link nor finish this post - backwards typist[ In Reply To ..]I believe it's mainly because the rainforests are disappearing as the reason for global warming, if it is truly global warming and not just a cycle the earth goes through over time. Since scientists can't agree on whether it's global warming and since some scientists has debunked it while others uphold it, how can we make a true decision if they can't decide? http://www.rain-tree.com/facts.htm ![]() Pew Research: 67% of Americans now believe there is SOLID - evidence of global warming.[ In Reply To ..]That's 85% of Democrats, and obviously should be 85% of Republicans too, instead of only 48%. Unfortunately, but some people feel that what "team" they're on defines what is true, rather than what is true defining what stands they should take. BTW, the chance that global warming is occurring? 100%. The mercury thermometer was invented almost 2 centuries ago and has been in use around the globe for almost as long. ![]() Good points - Fanatical Hypocrite[ In Reply To ..]You made a very good point in your first paragraph. My wording did seem to imply that it was their political ideology that made them good. I did not mean to imply that. Many of my close friends and family over the years have been conservative. A lot of people I considered very immoral were liberal. We all get too obsessed with categorizing people. You're a liberal or a conservative. But people come in a wide spectrum. Part of it is that, as Americans, we all take politics too seriously. But to live up to my name, I will now divide liberals into two distinct categories: Ideological liberals and hipsters. Ideological liberals believe in the ideals of liberty, equality, compassion and progress regardless of whether it is a convenient time or not. Hipsters are doing it to be cool. They don't care about other people. They donate to charity to look charitable, they vote for Obama because that's the liberal thing to do and they lack empathy, having replaced it with pity. For me, I consider pity to be the lowliest of human emotions. I think it's far better to hate someone than to pity them. Because you can hate an equal, you can't pity someone you think is your equal. As for your defense of Republicans on the subject of prejudice, I believe I worded it too harshly and I apologize. It was insulting. However, I stand by the assertion that more prejudiced people join the Republican Party than the Democratic Party. That isn't to say that Republicans are more prejudiced, just that if someone is a racist, the party that has the most white Christians is going to attract you more than the one that is a hodge podge of cultures and beliefs. I think that full-blown racists are a minority in the Republican Party, but I think they are far fewer in the Democratic Party if only because socioeconomic circumstances have made the Democrats more diverse and therefore less tolerant to racism (other prejudices abound). As far as the less classical racists, they are divided up equally between both parties. You know, the type that wouldn't call themselves racist because that's not tolerated, but their underlying belief is that their particular race is better or at least a lot of other races can be put into a hierarchy. On gays, disagreeing with their lifestyle is fine. Disagreeing with their equal rights is not. I don't care if someone downright hates gay people. It's a free country after all. You can't tell them they can't get married though. If I said I didn't agree with the Christian lifestyle and didn't think they should be allowed to get married, would I not be trying to oppress them? Besides, marriage long predates Christianity, so who gave it to them to decide who gets it and doesn't. As for prejudice against conservatives in the Democratic Party. Oh yes, quite a lot of it. No argument there. Same for liberals in the Republican Party in my opinion though. We are both extremely intolerant of the other, partly because compromise is off the table for both parties, so now only one of us can get what we want. As for wanting conservatives "destroyed". I can't say I've never met a liberal who didn't want the other side destroyed, but I see the same rhetoric all the time from Republicans. All the talk is about getting your guns and retaking America. If and when you hear that from our side, what do you think they are talking about? With Benghazi, I was referring to the conspiracy theory about Obama knowing beforehand. Could you post a link of the video you are referring to. The only one I know of showed him watching gathered footage after the event. I will agree that Obama probably knew it was a terrorist attack before he told us. Stupid lie, but in no way responsible for their deaths. Finally, regarding Al Gore, while I have no especially strong opinions of him one way or the other, I seriously doubt that him and the vast majority of scientists and experts on the planet are doing this for the book deal. Can't be ruled out, a scary book can bring in a lot of money, but I seriously doubt that. Besides that, once again, global warming is a moot point in my mind. Unless you can debunk the concept of pollution being a bad thing, I don't really care about climate change. We all like air and water. As usual, I quite enjoy our debates. That's the great thing about the boards, exposing ourselves to opposing view points, having to actually think about our own to defend them and not having to risk getting punched in the face by a particularly upset partisan:) ![]() I disagree with some of your impressions - backwards typist[ In Reply To ..]Specifically, 1. "They hate gays, divorcees, single mothers, everyone who isn't white, anyone who doesn't conform to gender stereotypes, anyone who isn't Christian, anyone who espouses in ideal that differs from their own. Now, they have a great deal of empathy for their own, which may well be part of the study. I.e. if a white Christian is in trouble anywhere in the world they will do whatever they can to support them. If it's anybody else, they can come up with an excuse as to why that person is human garbage." Don't know where you're from, but where I'm from, the color, gender, religion, or orientation doesn't matter one bit. We treat everyone the same - except those those who can work but don't try to get a job, just like you. 2. "I don't see the GOP as a whole as open-minded. So few on this board are open-minded to the possibility that Obama didn't know anything about Benghazi. I'm not saying you have to give up the investigation or say everything's fine, but the conservatives here have already convicted the president with no evidence." This one is especially troubling to me since liberals, progressives, and democrats convicted Bush without a full investigation back then but gave Clinton a pass. Conservatives and Republicans want the truth from Obama. He is not giving us the truth because it's probably an impeachable offense. Since some of the cables have come out (you know, the hard copy proof) of the incompetency from the administration, the buck stops with Obama and he's showing us that he's too busy campaigning to worry about what happened in Benghazi right now. Plus the fact of the real time viewing. That really irks me. Oh, I'm sure Obama will get around to worrying about this if he's re-elected, but in the meantime, he doesn't impress me as too worried about it. 3. "I also don't see being more receptive to criticism. Most of the time when you bring up an opposing view point to a Republican or a Liberal they take your head off. I don't see a big difference." I can say the same about a Democrat, liberal, or progressive. My mean streak comes out when I see messages that are true lies; i.e., NO RESEARCH and just post from liberal/democratic/progressive BLOGS and OPINION PIECES, which are just their opinion, but when an article from a trusted source is posted from a conservative or Republican, they are jumped all over. Someone even "blasted" me (almost called me a liar) when I posted an article from one of those LDP pieces as a test! So, tell me how I should react to those posters? I thank you for being honest, though. Most are not, and to ease your mind, I'm a registered Republican but never vote straight ticket (as I've stated many times) and I hope Romney really wins because I think he will be better for the country, but hubby doesn't think he will, so that should make you happy. :-) Have a nice day. ![]() When did I become unemployed? - Fanatical Hypocrite[ In Reply To ..]On your first part, you can see my followup to Sarge's post for more info. I realized it was too harshly worded, but I was being honest. Just what I've seen. Everyone sees the world differently. Never met two people of the same background that saw the world in the same way, much less people who come from very different backgrounds. Well, first off, your reply about my statement on prejudice. If your community is like that, I am honestly happy for you, I just haven't seen that. I hope for society's sake that more people are willing to help people from the other side. The best I've seen is the kind that will help you and give you a constant lecture about how you should be more like them and then you wouldn't be in the situation in the first place. Also, LOL about me not working. I can work and do. I've been working in transcription full-time since I was 16. I have never been unemployed more than 3 days in my whole life. For your second point about Benghazi, most liberals did immediately think Bush was guilty because of his party affiliation. Just as most Republicans immediately think the Democrat is guilty. It's the sad reality. I jumped on the bandwagon too without needing much evidence either, though I was also a teenager and prone to loving conspiracy theories. Now I look back at him as a pathetic president, but he's not the James Bond villain I saw him as when I was young. It's wrong when either side jumps the gun. For your third point, the problem is that we disagree on what "research" is. When I was a teenager, I researched all my conspiracy theories and found tons of evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. People get caught up in the word "research." You can find anything on the internet by researching it. A little bit of "research" revealed that Mitt Romney is an alien. Unfortunately, I doubt we'll ever both agree on what is a legitimate news agency or a decent source. You don't like it when people post blogs and opinions from liberal rags, well I consider Fox News a conservative rag. How should you react to these posts? How should I? One man's research is another man's propaganda. ![]() Classic examples of biased misinterpretations of clinical data. - Link to the actual 3/12 Pew report is inside. Note[ In Reply To ..]no mention of open or closed mindedness on either side. I don't have any problem with the data presented, though. Note that 80% of network users don't drop "friended people," that those who are dropped are typically only tenuous connections (not fairly good friends), and that no differentiation of types of liberals or conservatives involved is made. As everyone on this forum knows, we find some people impossible to have a pleasant exchange with. Probably with good reason none of us would describe our ending such associations as meaning we were closed-minded. As for liberals closing off more of those, there is a certain type of conservative we are all well experienced with here on this forum, who closes himself in an "information bubble," unreachable by any ideas that don't appeal and thus unable to engage in an open exchange of ideas; what information these people do accept is very often selected, twisted and misinterpreted to support their preconceptions. This is a national phenomenon, not limited to this forum and not limited to conservatives, but it IS predominantly seen on the right and at least partially explains more liberals cutting the connection than vice versa. ![]() As for political knowledge, link to 13-question (!) Pew survey inside. - Neither Pubs nor Dems need be proud.[ In Reply To ..]Although probably everyone on this forum would get all 13 (I did, but it's really, really basic), the pub average was 7.8 and dem 6.9. Those are both FAILING scores and reflect very poorly on all of us. ![]() Can I pat myself on the back? I got 10 out of 13 questions correct nm - backwards typist[ In Reply To ..]:-) I'm proud of myself, but a bit sad that I didn't get all of them correct.:-) ![]() This entire post illustrates the value of PRIMARY SOURCES. Go to the - original authors, skip the twisted analyses.[ In Reply To ..]Unless you have a twisted agenda to fulfill, of course. Similar Messages:How Open-minded Are You? 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I hardly ever hear from her unless there is some disaster in her life and this past winter she and her 16 year old daughter even moved in with me for 3 months while she and her boyfriend were separating after 13 years living together. I am a very active gal, always going to movies, to dinner with friends and to any art exhibit, wine tasting, interesting event I can find. While they were here the ... Ho Boy! Am I Gonna Open A Hornet's Nest Here, But May 13, 2013 I just gotta do it. Someone far below was accusing Republicans of fraud, ethnic violations, etc. Well, I did a wee bit of research over the weekend on Democrats. Keep in mind that the following names include only the years from 2008-2012, except for Bill and Hillary Clinton. These names include mayors and governors. I did not put what investigations they underwent since this list is quite long. If you have a favorite Democrat that you would wish to know the background, let me know. ... 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