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Just goes to show you that the Democrats are better liars than the Republicans LOL nm
Posted: Nov 7, 2012

just goes to show you that the country has spoken - truth abounds
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Country has turned ignorant. Wall St. tanking today - -they also know we are doomed now.nm
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300 points in a 13000+ market isn't tanking. Typical TV - drama. Cut their ratings--turn it off. nm
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Face it. USA is more divided than ever,, and - full of moochers... we are done. nm
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Ever heard of Europe? Understand how what happens - there affects world markets?
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The market was up before that news hit the fan. The day's not over, dear. There is no political hay to be pitched behind stale, failed hate and doomsday rhetoric.
I'll say. Mostly kids that don't understand what they really were voting for! - Truthhurts
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Still wet behind the ears and dumb where research was concerned. They just believed lies. A lot of them were just enchanted because they were allowed to vote for the first time.
I think would-be voters should be given a civics or history test before being allowed to vote. :-)
Neither I nor any of the many... - (see message)
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...people I know who voted for Obama fall into the category of "kids" or "wet behind the ears."
I have a feeling Republicans are kicking themselves that they didn't try to appeal more to the up-and-coming generation of future voters who will be shaping the country for years to come. I know a lot of "kids" who are fine examples of great, intelligent, informed citizens. I'm sorry if you don't.
Oh, I'm a grownup. I voted for what I believe and against - almost everything you...fall for. I told
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myself I wouldn't answer this stuff, so I'll make this my last indulgence for at least a while. I despise your positions on almost everything. I despise spite, lies, mean-spiritedness, poor-spiritedness, resisting change only because it's change, determined ignorance, kissing up and kicking down as a "natural" order, and all the rest of it.
America was once great because of progressive thinking by people who did great things in spite of opposition from little-minded people who fought them all the way, and if we are going to be great again, it will be people like me who make it happen--again.
Do you also despise the democrats when they do the same things? - Truthhurts
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IOW, spite, lies, mean-spiritedness, poor-spiritedness,'little-minded people' etc.?
It's on both sides and you know it. Why can't you admit it? You don't seem to have the ability to do that. All you do is deny the problems and despise my OPINIONs and POSITIONS.
We, on this board, are allowed to have our opinions and positions without being despised. Debate and discussion are nice. Despise and hate are not. Can't you just try it once?
Because the virulent, nation-destroying version is almost - entirely on the right. We all know it. nm
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Just keep telling yourself that if it.... - (s/m)
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...makes you feel better, but it's cold comfort if you ask me.
I think the middle class has spoken. They are tired of rich, power-hunger pubs. - nm
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No,, they once again fell for a line, and they - love O giving them cell phones. nm
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cell phones were for the poor, not the middle class - unless you mean another "they"
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That's a joke!!! Try doing some research on the rampant - fraud...
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people getting more than one phone from different suppliers then selling them on ebay, not to mention now Obama wants to add the internet to his "free phone" plan. Just keep the freebies coming and he'll continue to be popular - no one hates Santa Claus!
so now you throw fraud in? - what ARE you talking about?
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I'm not going to do your research - for you, but...
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recent FCC audits found 400,000 instances of one person - or one household - having more than one subsidized cell phone and even the FCC acknowledges that the costs have ballooned - by 2011, the program was costing 1.75 billion a year. Just in Ohio, it cost 26.9 million in the first quarter of 2012. A survey conducted by the FCC across 17 states found that on average 9% of phone recipients were ineligible - in some states, the rate was up to 18-19%. I'm sure you can google "FCC audits and Obamaphone" and get plenty of information.
This, like every other govt. program, started out as a limited assistance program to support the poor and disabled who couldn't afford land lines. Now, like every other govt. program, it has spun out of control.
no need to - sm
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I was simply asking the author of the post to try to tell me what she thought she was talking about, particularly with respect to the "them" who love getting free cell phones.
The thread went from discussion of the middle class to an obtuse reference to free cell phones. I was hoping the author of the post might care to be accountable for her remark.
Since we were talking about the voice of the middle class, who do YOU think the poster was referring to?
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