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Lovely--Judge reinstated after beating daughter
Posted: Nov 8, 2012
She has cerebral palsy.
Ugh. I just tried to watch the video. I don't recommend it. 
Was an occasional occurrence for me growing up - sm
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and it brings back memories. Unfortunately in my time (I'm in my mid 30s) it was considered "discipline" and not "abuse" by a hot-tempered parent.
My dad used a belt - RC
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But never like that. I don't understand why parents think beating their kids is discipline. Nothing hurts more than having someone tell you they're disappointed in you (my mom's trick). You can take a belt to someone over and over, but it just makes them hate you. It doesn't make them a better person.
I just cannot believe this man is not in JAIL. But no, he's sitting up on a bench somewhere, judging OTHER people.
I am against hitting your kids too - BS
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I can see the side of people that use corporal punishment, but when they hit their kids in anger no good message is given. It just teaches that you hit someone when you are angry.
I don't understand - RC
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How this guy was allowed to continue being a judge. He's blatantly beating his child, and it's just honky dory because it happened a couple of years ago?
And I really don't see hitting your kids, ever. Like I said, my dad used the belt on me, and it just made me hate him. It didn't make me want to "behave." It made me want to lash out.
I "spanked," never beat, both of my children and we have - wannie
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a very good relationship now (they are 30 and 31). I got spankings from my mother and it didn't make me love her any less. I appreciate her more now than I ever did (she's now 85). She used a "switch" and it hurt, yeah, but I'm none the worse off for it. I have no problem with parents who discipline other ways, but I do believe in "spanking."
I don't doubt you have a good relationship - RC
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with your children. And all kids are different. I have an okay relationship with my dad, and I would never, ever bother to bring up to him things that happened 20 years ago, but the fact remains I believe strongly that he was wrong to punish me that way, and I wish I had grown up with a father who had a different approach.
I think adults sometimes don't realize that kids are capable of realizing they did something wrong with being hit for it. Kids are capable of feeling bad for something without physical pain.
I understand we all have different opinions and that's fine. - wannie
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We just have to agree to disagree.
That's true. The rod was not spared in our household - grits
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- my mother would use whatever she could get her hands on. She was like a Looney Tunes character; she'd reach out of the frame and come up with an Acme (tm) implement for striking. I've been hit with everything from a house shoe (preferred) to a flyswat (not so much).
With all that said, my mother is my best friend in life, and she's said repeatedly that if she had it to do over again, she wouldn't be so quick to use corporal punishment. Despite the "whuppins" that I got, what I remember most is her look and words when I'd disappointed her. The physical stuff didn't stick, but I still cringe thinking of her non-physical reactions.
My dad (R.I.P.) only used his hand but he had a BIG hand - backwards typist
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Once he used his foot to help me up the stairs and he wore a size 13 shoe.
But you know what? It wasn't abuse to me. It was discipline because I wasn't an angel as a teen. I also respected him to the highest degree.
I saw it. That was not a spanking, and that was not a CHILD. - He is a juvenile judge!!!! sm
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I saw that horrible video back when it was first aired. That was a 16 year old girl, and that was no "spanking."
This man is a juvenile and domestic judge for crying out loud!!!!
She was 16 at the time. She had "very mild" CP. It was said that she video taped this without her parents' knowledge. They eventually divorced. The girl had money coming in from her father, car, etc. When she refused to work more than part-time or go back to school, he was going to cut her off and she black-mailed him with this video. She appeared on a talk show with her mother at the time, and she did not appear very mentally impaired to me. Regardless, this man has no business sitting in judgment of other parents. He was the one who seemed mentally impaired to me.
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