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Isn't this just lovely...

Posted: Nov 7, 2010

MUMBAI, India (AP) — President Barack Obama is announcing $10 billion in trade deals with India that are expected to help pay for 54,000 U.S. jobs.

He's also unveiling new export rules to make it easier for U.S. companies to do business with the nation of 1.2 billion people. Some of the changes, including relaxing controls on India's purchase of so-called "dual use" technologies that could be used for civilian or military purposes, have been top priorities for the business community.


Re: Isn't this just lovely...NOT - earlymusicus

[ In Reply To ..]
President Obama has now lost my vote for his second term! He has sold his base down the river. He has turned his back on the very people who put him in office: the working-class Americans who worked on his campaign, gave money (while many were unemployed; I was one of them), and went door-to-door to get him elected. I've never been so hurt, so disillusioned, nor felt so betrayed as I do from this man. I'm through with him! He's lost my respect.

Export definition - means goods we sell to them

[ In Reply To ..]
Obama is not trying to export jobs, but is talking to countries that provide a (buyers) market for goods that we produce HERE. A policy that is good for our business, don't you believe? India,in particular,is a considered a good potential market for our goods. Their middle class is growing (yes,they are making a good deal of money from the outsourcing of American jobs.) Now, Obama did not start the outsourcing of our jobs, it has been going on for awhile.

I was trying to find numbers about how many jobs have been outsourced, but apparently no one knows. I did find this information:

(From 2004) The 29 companies that are leading offshorers have contributed substantially to Bush presidential campaigns. · The 29 companies and their employees have given a total of at least $19.1 million – an average of $657,000 per company– in campaign contributions to President Bush and the Republican National Committee (RNC) since 2000.

210 occupations comprising 22.2% of U.S. employment in 2004 (about
28.9 million jobs) are potentially offshorable. The correlation between skill and offshorability is almost zero. There is evidence that the most highly offshorable jobs were already paying a notable wage penalty in 2004.

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