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Here is the complete transcript of Joke sent by Judge
Posted: Mar 1, 2012

"I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is" - ouch
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I don't think this judge is alone in his - sm
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feelings. He just got caught is all. In fact, when Obama was inaugurated, the very first thing Mitch McConnell did was to say all he cares about is making Obama a one-term president.
This was long before the Republicans refused to work with him, and we've seen the results of THAT, though I guess it was for the best, with the Republicans so interested in legislating people's bedrooms and compromising women's health.
I hope Obama is elected again, and I hope he gets to live out his second term.
I am surprised. - sm
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That those who post that all racial slurs are actually President Obama's fault have not weighed in here. Perhaps there is finally something so over-the-line and blatant that they have not yet been able to twist it into a talking point?
He is a federal judge and should step down. nm - oldtimer
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any woman who - SAM
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who would stand passively by while a man called her daughters, sisters,friends and mothers whore and slut and laugh and call it a joke does not deserve to walk erect. A person who would forward that joke about our president should not have a job except in refuse collection. Both groups should be rounded up, jostled, tosseled and forced to stand face to face breathing in each other's vile stench for eternity.
This will happen - Alice
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This will happen, just not in this world. My opinion, of course. But, I believe in Karma.
It's the same with those who have been abusing us in any way, shape or form, whether it be in daily life, as employees or ICs, or just as human beings who share the ground we all walk on. They will get theirs. No one of them is immune..
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