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Thanks, Pres. Bush, for this lovely cliff.

Posted: Dec 6, 2012

Your policies of war and tax cuts are really working out for us now. 

Maybe we should just elect Warren Buffett for president next election.  Raise the tax rate to 30% for incomes higher than a million dollars a year. why not?  I pay 30% as an IC.  If I can do it, they can.


enough already! - OHMT

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So let me get this straight. You're blaming Bush for giving us tax cuts that our current prez wants to let expire. When are you going to stop blaming Bush and start putting the blame on Obama. He's had the job now for 4 years. It's time he takes responsibility for what is going on now.

Yup, you got it straight. - pony

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I'm blaming Bush because he got us into this mess.

Well, then, Obama must be inept - sm

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because he's made it multiple times worse!

never enough - sm

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Clinton balanced the budget. Eight years of GW Bush brought our country (and a good deal of the planet) to the brink of a financial disaster from which he simply walked away. You do understand that you can't conduct wars without paying for them, right? That's where we are. Eight years of charging up the credit card with nary a plan as to how this would be paid back. What would you suggest?

Then we have to thank the Democrats, too. - Truthhurts

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You do understand that you can't go to war without Congress voting for it, don't you? They had a hand in all of this from voting to go to war to financing the wars, to spending outrageously.

It's been known for quite a few years that the Democrats owned Congress since 2006.

The Federal Reserve, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Frank Raines, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank had a very large part of bringing our nation to its knees. Look up what Frank Raines did to us.

Barney blocked every piece of banking regulation put to his committee stating everything was fine up until the day the crap hit the fan in 2008.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Stop blaming just one side. None of this would have happened without both sides having a hand in it.

Don't like it, too bad. Go back and start looking some things up. Google is your friend.
Both sides made decisions based on bad intelligence info. - NM
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snarkalicious - awake, with coffee...sm
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Before you tell me to stop blaming one side, you might want to take that up with the poster to whom I was responding.

Google is your friend, too, by the way. Take a gander at the voting record with regard to the use of military force in Iraq:

House Vote: 61% of Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution. <3% of Republican Representatives voted against the resolution.

Senate Vote: 42% of Democratic senators voted against the resolution. 2% of 49 Republican senators voted against the resolution.

Now, how did that go again? Oh yeah. Don't like it? Too bad.

Vote still made on bad intelligence. Don't consider you snarky, just basking in the rays - of your non-existent intelligence. NM
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OHMT, I do believe O is taking responsibility. Hold on, we are going over the cliff. - Obama is not bluffing. sm

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Those tax cuts were due to expire. Let them. Stop blaming Bush? The state of our economy can be blamed on Bush, his spending and his lies for the next couple decades, no matter who is in office! Bush stated right up until the last minute he left the White House, "The American economy is strong." Bull, bull, bull, and he knew it. NO ONE, D or R, could repair the damage done by that idiot. He knew good and well that all of the blame would be laid on Obama's shoulders. They also thought that would win them the next election.

Yes, I do think O is taking responsibility "for what is happening now." Obviously, most Americans support this. Part of that responsibility is to make sure the millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share. Heck, Buffet said based on the tax rate he pays, he is considered one of the 47%. He also laughed at the notion that if his taxes were increased that he would stop investing. As well, by their definition, Trump's empire would be considered a "small business." Give me a break. "Job creators," really...? That did not seem to work now did it, unless you count the jobs sent overseas.

I don't fancy the term "entitlement," but I guess that is truly what it is by definition. The R's want to cut these? So very many of us paid into these all our lives and we deserve it. The rest, not so much. However, the republicans lost the election because they are out of touch and have alienated too many sectors of the voting public. Seems that 47% figure was a little off when you count all the middle class, blacks, hispanics, women, etc. This will be political suicide for them as well. If they had their way, I would not be eligible for SS or Medicare, as I had planned in the near future. I am sure they do not worry about this, or their health care. And BTW, speaking of "entitlement," is a $1.6 trillion tax break for them over the next 10 years not a big fat "entitlement," or should we call it their own socialism? Call it whatever you like, they do not give a hoot about the middle class, never have. They are not creating jobs. The middle class are sick of it, as made obvious in the election. I agree that Obama should not compromise on this. It is the very thing that got him elected and he needs to stand his ground on this.

Right on! Stand your ground Mr. President. This...sm - VTMT

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is why we voted for you and why you won the election. I would rather the tax cuts for everyone end than have him back down.
VTMT, it is not as simple as tax cuts for everyone. - please think.
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If everyone continues to enjoy those tax cuts, not as much for the middle class as for the rich, the other things will have to be cut. Again, benefits (or entitlements) that the middle and lower class rely on. This is a very wide range of programs and tax deductions. I need Medicare and SS as soon at 65, if not sooner. I would much rather suffer until that date than for the rest of my life.

Do you really think it is as simple as the self-proclaimed Republican experts on here make it seem? Try not to let your judgment stand in the way of your intelligence.
You may have misread her post - I think
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It seemed to me that VTMT is in favor of ending the tax cuts.

But maybe I am the one who is misreading?
I am not sure either. Could be interpreted either way I guess (?) - NM
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I read it the same way you did. - grits
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Okay, read it again. Pretty sure she is for ending the tax cuts. - My Bad. nm
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No worries. ; ) - VTMT
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Tax increases to small business is job killer. Obama - needs to stop his INSANE spending !! nm
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tha'ts what I'm afraid of - OHMT

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Letting the tax cuts expire affects all of us...we will ALL pay higher taxes. Is that what you want? I don't. Don't forget, when Bush was in office, he was working with a Democratic majority. I think he may have made some bad decisions in the name of bipartisanship, but the only way he could get things done was to cave to the Dems.

I'm also tired of everyone saying the rich should pay their "fair share" but then never telling us exactly what that is. The very wealthy make up a very small percentage of the population, and yet they are contributing most of the money that takes care of those receiving entitlements. You can't go by what Warren Buffet says. He is one of the very rich. Tax hikes won't make him blink. But Obama wants to raise taxes on people making over $250,000 a year. There are a lot of small business owners just into that bracket that will be crushed by tax increases (and Obamacare mandates) that will likely put a lot of them out of business. So, if they go out of business and have to fire all of their staff, how is that helping anybody?

I don't like the term "entitlements" either. It's been overused and twisted until it's unrecognizable. I paid into Social Security so, yes, I'm entitled to that when I retire. This is NOT what the Republicans want to cut. What they are referring to as entitlements are welfare, food stamps, etc., that so many people are getting who either don't want to work or can't find a job because no one is hiring. Small business owners are afraid to hire or invest because they don't know what's going to happen in the near future with taxes and Obamacare. This has stalled the economy and it's hurting all of us. I know first hand because my husband owns a small business. Over the last three years we've seen his expenses go up and his income go down. He hasn't been able to hire anyone and is very worried about what will happen to his business in the next couple of years.

I think the biggest thing that has hurt this country is the brainwashing by Obama and the Democratic party. They have created class warfare and divided this country so badly that it may never be fixed. It's the Haves versus the Have-Nots. What has happened to the American work ethic? Work hard and you can achieve your dreams. People envied the wealthy because it gave them a beacon of hope that they, too, could succeed to that level. Now the attitude is "You're poor and you'll never get out of the hole you're in. Let's tell those awful rich people to pay more money so that we can give it to you, since you'll never amount to anything anyway."

Does anyone realize that even if we taxed the rich at 100%, it would only run the country for about 8 days. This is why they need to cut spending. Instead they just spend more, more, more and then take the money from us to pay for it. Obama has borrowed more money than all the other presidents COMBINED. He ragged on Bush for adding 4 trillion to the deficit during his 8 years in office. Obama has managed to surpass that in half the time. How responsible is that?
How is it "responsible" to start TWO - sm
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wars with NO FUNDING and leaving that little present for his successor?

As a matter of fact, the last time I remember hearing "the haves and the have-nots" was when George W. Bush said it during one of his dinners where only the rich were permitted to attend.

The Republicans will do everything in their power to drive us over the cliff. They only represent 2% of the citizenry. And the Republicans want those nearing or in poverty to pay for those tax breaks for the rich.

Didn't anyone get a clue of how heartless these people are when the Republicans (as usual) blocked the UN treaty from being signed that was based on OUR model and our "compassionate" care about people with disabilities?

One more thing: Have you noticed how the workplace has trouble finding jobs, but these "job creators" have all gained nice profits simply by just refusing to hire anyone.

American greed this vicious sends a chill through my spine.

Yeah, it is ridiculous. Obama continues to fail - and nothing left but to blame Bush.. pathethic. nm

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Continues to fail? - Really? Short message

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You can continue to say that all you want, and maybe some will even believe it, but it does not make it true. I think the election result is a pretty good indicator of that.
To short message - me
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Talk to us after the first of the year and at the end of Obama's term. Maybe by then your eyes will be opened cos you'll be sinking like everyone else in the economy.

Thanks Obummer for making things worse - and not trying to fix it

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4 years and nothing.

Your policies of war and no responsibilities for your wrong doings have the sheople actually thinking your mistakes are Bush's fault.

Yeah, thanks Obummer for making stupid people more stupid.

You misspelled "sheeple." - LOL

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No I didn't p"eople"/sh"eople" . Sheople is People - that have no brains and follow the herd

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You still spelled it wrong. - Double LOL
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NO I DIDN'T! You're the one spelling it wrong - Mrs. Spelling Police - sm
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Whether or not something is spelled right or wrong, aint your call.

I've been spelling it the way I've always seen it:







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