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Well there went my opinion of him - not that it was ever high - but....
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now it's even lower than before.
Are you throwing Eric Cantor under the bus - Alongside John Boehner?
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He's also voiced his support. What about all the hawks (more than a few, I might add) that are testifying now to their desire to see more definitive military action? Are they banished as well?
Did I mention Eric Cantor in my message? - Since the thread was...sm
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about Boner that's who was I was talking about. I don't remember seeing Cantor's name in there. Anyone who supports starting a war based on nothing loses any favorable opinions. I neither liked or disliked Cantor because I don't know anything about him, but if he supports a pointless war based on nothing, he too loses my support.
It is called supporting or not supporting someone. Don't know where you come up with "banished" in your fantasy. Banished would be an incorrect term to use. Also throwing someone under a bus would be an incorrect phrase to use, but since you are trying to ridicule it doesn't surprise me. Too bad for you it didn't work.
"starting a war" would be a most incorrect phrase - fyi
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you can call it whatever you want - Reminds me of - sm
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OP contains the phrase onboard with Syria strike. - Presumably
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it is that part of the message which resulted in your lower opinion of John Boehner, since the isolated subject of "Boehner" has no meaning without that phrase. Therefore, in an attempt to clarify whether your dislike of Boehner transfers to other GOP pols who support the strike or, if instead, it is confined to a personal dislike of John Boehner, I asked the rhetorical questions about Cantor and the hawks, since they too have voiced the same support.
There was no intent to "ridicule" you. That's all in your head, or to use your words, "your fantasy." My choice of the word "banish" was used to express the sense of rejection you implied in your statement about Boehner, as was the throwing-under-the-bus figure of speech so often used in political discourse. I "came up with" those words from the English language lexicon, since that is my first language and I enjoy using it while I am writing. From where I sit, they are "correct," since they convey the message the way I chose to deliver it.
Evidently, the political part of the conversation holds little interest for you. I surmise this from the personal nature of the scolding you have aimed my way to which I now reply. You would rather partake in a little ridicule of your own, a sort of tit-for-tat for some imagined insult you chose to read in between the lines.
Sorry. That holds no interest for me, but what does get my attention is the tiny bit of political content you inserted into your reply. The proposed limited strikes are not equivalent to war. They are in response to chemical weapons attacks a tyrant launched against his own people. 1400+ died, 425 of them were children. That is not "nothing" and sending that message Assad's way is not "pointless."
These extremists may ultimately reject so many so - strongly that the GOP will just turn its back.
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Hope so, and the GOP can't get this monkey off its back soon enough for the good of the country.
about "trying" to ridicule... - sm
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"...please don't assume to think you know anyone's 'motive' or 'real reason' why anyone posts anything. If you have those magical powers, then please tell me what the next winning lottery numbers are going to be."
She just asked if you felt the same about Cantor since - he agreed with Boehner's stand. If
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you find yourself feeling defensive, I'm (just guessing here) thinking that perhaps you're doubting the wisdom of trying to turn long lists of conservative leaders into enemies.
Every day the Tea Party turns on another nationally known conservative leader, or leaders. How long can it keep it up before it implodes from the sheer weight of those they've placed "outside" their ideologic balloon?
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