Boehner is still House Speaker
Posted: Jan 6, 2015
Watching the "opening" ceremonies. Boehner looks ill, irritated, like he might cry (that's sort of normal), but he doesn't look right. I guess he might just be irritated with Pelosi. He really needs to get a grip.
He survived the challenge. Seems some of the Tea Party broke ranks and didn't support him. ;
Ok, I'm not one of those that picks at appearance - and makes fun, but
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I am wondering if he has an allergy issue or maybe he has a cold or he is on the verge of crying, again.
He needs to learn the value of antihistamine/decongestants, particularly when appearing in public.
Just saw him on TV tonight, and I think - he has jaundice - yellowish-orange.
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Does he drink a lot?
Okay, I agree he looks really - weird...
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but wasn't it just last week there was a huge outcry on this board because someone dared to talk about how Michelle looked?
Just sayin.
Sure was, but it fell on deaf ears, as usual. - Goose, gander. nm
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those were snipes at clothing and personal - choices
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and as usual this has deteriorated. I am not supposing anything illicit or gossipy. He just looks ill. Haven't seen anyone use a handkerchief in public venue that much since Richard Nixon almost sweat to death.
I hope he didn't give Nancy Pelosi a cold or something.
There's a solution to the geriatric Congress, the flu.
Oh, - OK...
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so we can make snipes at how they look, but not their clothing choices.
Just getting the rules straight.
Just speaking about repub speaker in a way - they can understand/identify with.
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I was hoping to see Hawwy, too! - Dang!!
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Guess he hurt himself badly from that "accident" with the elastic band. He ditched and stayed home. Poor, poor baby Hawwy.
CNN broadcast pictures from his home -- no - no "close ups" though
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The guy is old and could have killed was an accident. Maybe just a tinge of sympathy would be nice.
Empathy isn't in the GOP repertoire, nor - even in their limited vocabulary.
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I see the same thing with democrats. They don't care about the people - No empathy and limited vocabulary
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Just look at the people...Obama, Michelle (Michael), Hillary, Hawwy, Nancy, Debbie dirty hair, etc, etc. They have proven themself to show no empathy towards anyone. Everything with them is always me, me, me and _____ (fill in the blank) the people in the country.
I'm right. I have been taking a very very very close look - For 6 years now and I'm right.
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YOU better take a closer look.
I've been looking - with my eyes open.
Ya think? 3 broken ribs and facial bones - Painful injury
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with very specific protocols, treated with early immobilization for at least 5-7 days during the acute inflammatory stage. Despite that, he's working from home. HR is no "poor baby." He played football, was a boxer, is a runner and stays fit enough to be a effective, scrappy Senate goalkeeper. I'll always be grateful to him his backburner expertise these past 6 years.
What's with the quotes around the accident reference? I can't recall any such AAMT BOS directive.
No I didn't. I wasn't talking about Senator Terrapene - R-KY
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He's 216 in turtle-to-human years. I hear the only way he runs is on sour mash fumes.
Harry? Is that why he fell? - NPC
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I had no idea! That sure explains a lot more than just this fall.
No, it was Bohner, the fake-tan-sporting - old prune.
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Nope. Sorry. Harry Reid is a Mormon teetotaler whereas - Tammy Faye Boehner
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was raised in a bar, where he started learning the ropes at age 8 when he was 13 years under age. Try again.
He must have been a wee giddy today. - sm
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I was wondering about his sobriety today, too. - I would sure hate to be the recipient.
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