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Hit piece on Romney from 1965 - (sm)

Posted: May 11, 2012

Proof that the media in this country is dead.  They can worry about what Romney did or didn't do, bullied a boy, cut his hair, whatever.  It's not even clear and now the one who said he did it admitted he wasn't even there when the so-called incident occurred.  Then they have our not so esteemed President in his own words in his book that no one reads saying he spent most of his high school days in a daze due to drugs.  This is high school folks.  Also we are not allowed to see any of his college writings, which in most people's opinion would say more about his character or lack thereof than something that happened over 40 years ago.  Does the media question any of this?  No, of course not.  He gets his usual pass.  I'm fairly certain that what he is hiding in his college writings are socialistic and reveal what he is really up to and what he really believes it.  No one questions this.  Yes, the media is dead.  Let's wake them up.


I did drugs and was a bully in high school - the difference

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I changed, Obama changed, Romney hasn't.

Just how do you know this? (sm) - anon

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How do you know Obama has changed? IMO, he's gotten worse, more deceptive. I think his college writings would really show us something that he doesn't want us to see. Why are they under lock and key? I'd still like to see the original birth certificate, not the computer-generated one he puts out for publication.

It would also be interesting to see Romney's writings... - sm

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and his sermons when he was a bishop in the Mormen church. As a matter of fact, has any president ever offered up their college transcripts or the papers they wrote? Why just Obama? Did we ever see Clinton's or Bushs' birth certificate? What about McCain? We did see Obama's which he released to the public after the right wingers wouldn't accept that he was born in the US.
Birth certificate - sm
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Adobe Acrobat proved that was computer-generated.
Not true says the creator of AA and - factcheck.org nm
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I don't want to see his sermons - sm
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I'd like to see his writings from school, but I don't want to see any of his religious garbage. I don't trust that and don't want any of that near the white house. No offense, everyone is entitiled to believe what they want, but I don't want his religion influencing over what he does when he gets in. I and many others in this country are not mormon and some of us know what that's all about. I don't want to hear any of what he thinks religious wise. Just do the job he is hired to do and leave that other stuff out of it. It should not be any where near the wh
I just cannot imagine a bishop of any - sm
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religion running for president of the US.
I want to see the - family's
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sacred undergarments. And maybe a photo of granddaddy's multiple wives?

No proof Obama changed - still looks like a coke head

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Not one shread of proof for any of your "opinions".

If you are going to state - that

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someone looks like a "_____" then you must be prepared to xplain what that means. Not everyone knows the signs that point to such things. b responsible 4 your words at least. If dont know and just post drivel fess up.
Get a dictionary, then a mirror - ...
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If you are this clueless, you must be 3, and I don't take orders from a 3-year-old. When you start backing up your posts/words and start being responsible, then we'll talk, otherwise, moving on. You're nothing more than a flamer looking to start something. WE all know what YOU look like...Now figure that out!

heroic - Tansy

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Someone who is strong to stand up against middle easter terrorists! I see that when I hear the hair cutting story. He did not hesistate. He knew it was wrong in 1960 for man to color his hair and took action. I am impressed with him.

scary - (?)

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Wrong for a man to color his hair? He did not hesitate, "and took action"? Perhaps I misunderstood you and you're joking.

In America we do not support citizens behaving as judge and jury in order to persecute others forcibly when they do not comply with our beliefs. Our country is pretty much based on this fundamental tenet.

All I can say is OMG! Are you serious? - nm

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Romney... - Bully, animal abuser,

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what else?
Well, Obama did not just abuse a dog. - He ATE one !! or two.. or more. nm
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food and pets are different - yes?
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Most people agree that people who eat chicken are not abusing chickens, for example.
food and pets are different - yes? - Not if you're the dog being eaten
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vegetarian? - nm
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Did he eat the dog in the states or - elsewhere? Remember
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"When in Rome..."
Speaking of when in rome (sm) - Aunt Sue
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He said his mother was on food stamps. Where did he get the money for such extensive travel? To countries that eat dogs, Pokiston, and the others?
My guess is his dad's family... - nm
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for the record - ...
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I happen to be a vegetarian. If you are not, then by your own logic you are an abuser of chickens and farm animals. Animals are consumed as food all over the world; this is not generally considered animal abuse.
dont know your candidate's actual first name - but
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really focused in on that canine cuisine. heaven help us. I'm tempted to call the United Chicken Chokers union to report all.

Hit piece on Romney - The most bizarre thing by libs/dems

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is they publish a "hit piece" spewing their opinion as fact, with no facts to support the piece, about an incident that may or MAY NOT have taken place 45+ years ago, "supported" by someone who claims he was not there and will not confirm the incident ever happened, on a man who has died and his family had no knowledge of the incident and is openly denying it ever took place. Don't ya think his family would have noticed his "long" hair being cut off? Obama and the Obama-owned press made this headline news, 1 paper ran 10 pages, they ran it above the crease, but:

1. Obama's "real" birth certificate took years to produce(and still questionable whether it is fraudulent); he gets a press pass.
2. Obama "real" girlfriends can't be found, but a composite is okay; he gets a press pass.
3. Obama college records, grades, papers can't be "located", but he gets a press pass.
4. Obama passport info sketchy at best, but he gets a press pass.
5. Obama has no means of support throughout college, travels extensively overseas on very costly trips with no way to pay for them, but he gets a press pass.
6. Obama, by his own admission, bullied, smoked dope, snorted coke, sold drugs, but he gets a press pass.
7. Clinton abused/raped women and was impeached, but he gets a press pass.
8. Obama regime, through DOL, now wants to "CONTROL" how the unemployment rate is distributed, but he gets a press pass.
9. Edwards cheats on his dying wife, fathers a child out of wedlock, he gets a press pass.
10. Weiner sends porno picks of his body parts, but he gets a press pass.

These libs/dems are now so desparate, what little reason they had, has been completely destroyed. The only thing transparent about the Obama regime is their complete lack of any credibility, common sense, ability, efficiency. The Obama regime has made their ineffectiveness, ineptness, inadequacies, childishness, incompetence, inabilities, ignorance, hatefulness, racism, abusiveness, pettiness, intolerance completely transparent for the world to see.

does that mean he cannot - count on your

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vote this fall?

#6 is the one that gets me. Does anyone (sm) - Very interesting

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find this suspicious? In that time period, didn't he travel to Pakistan? I find this all very interesting, but no one asks. Who paid for his attendance at Haavad? I say it was the Weather Underground and like groups, who had plans for him. He is now 4 years into destroying this country. Let's not give him 4 more.

Yes, you're right - but no vetting at all

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Find it even more suspicious that the press can find a classmate of Romney's 45+ years ago, can get all sort of details about the dog carrier from 25+ years ago, but cannot find enough ink to write one teeny, weeny little fact about who paid for his education, why was he listed as a foreign exchange student (papers Obama filled out), the extensive Pakistan/Indonesia travels, who he met with, when, who financed it, how Obama supported himself, what happened to his passport for that time frame, the communist party rallies he attended and signed into, the Iranian-born Muslim sympathizer Jarrett employed as Obama's "senior" personal adviser...all of these and more within the last 15 to 20 years, but they "know" someone got a hair cut or not, MAYBE by Romney in 1965? What jackasses.
Very strange indeed. What I can't figure out is (sm) - Aunt Sue
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WHY is the MSM in the tank for him? Why? I don't get it. What's in it for them? Why are they afraid to vet Obama? Fear? Lots of questions, wish I had answers.

Am unsure why #7, 9 & 10 are in here - sm

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#7 I've never heard that Clinton "raped" anyone. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Adultery is not rape when they both consent.

#9 Edwards is getting his own now, not a press pass.

#10 I wouldn't call what happened to Weiner a press pass either.

The common thread to all three of these guys is they are "ego" cheaters. It's all about the need to feed their egos. It's a very different type of cheater. Not saying it's right, by any means.

And I am a staunch right-winger :)

Clinton - had more than 1 accusation

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of rape. Cathleen (Kathleen) Willey. There was also other women when he was running for governor, then Pres. No one even mentioned adultery, other than your post, regarding Clinton and we all know the meaning of adultery and what it is when there are 2 consenting adults. These were NOT consenting adults. There were a number of allegations of rape, sexual abuse, but some of these women were actually physically threatened, as were their families, if they reported it to police or followed through on charges. If you research enough, you'll find the truth. P.S. Sad thing is Clinton did NOT deny the charges, just went on with business as usual and the press let him off easy and accused all these women of being crazy (yet many of them had no knowledge of the others, did not live close, did not know each others names, etc.)

BTW - Lame street media very "light" if they report at all on Edwards. Also, Weiner blamed Breitbart and the Lame street media was all over that. When it was revealed that Weiner lied, actually took and sent the porno pics himself...not 1 single Lame streeter apologized for lying, villifying and trying to smear Breitbart, who had nothing to with the mess. Those all sound like "passes by the press" since they passed on any truth in the stories, just went after the person that they thought was a republican or a conservative and gave unwarranted leniency to the Dems and Libs.

I must disagree with number 10. - DD

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You really think Anthony Weiner got a press pass? That was literally plastered on all stations 24/7 for days and days. Also the Edwards story has been in the news constantly with the trial.

As a matter of fact most of these issues were brought up in the past by the press to the point of ad nauseum.

Hit piece on Romney - Shows you how petty and desparate

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dems and libs are. Too bad Obama and the dems are so genetically impaired they can't put the same effort into running the country as they do their pointless smear campaigns and hate rhetoric. Shows you what Obama, dems and libs hold close to their heart and it aint America. For the ones on this board that will go all "huh, what do you mean?" Give it a little thought, no matter how painful that may be.

This kind of thing amazes me really. - Trigger Happy

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No one seems to find Obama's past worth looking into...nor do they find it suspicious that Obama has spent a lot of money keeping his college records, etc. from public view...not to mention his associations with questionable characters. However, they have no hesitation in reporting a story about Romney from high school...ridiculous.

Talk about a major distraction from what is important right now....our sucky economy!!!

And they cannot even prove it - actually happened

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which is the saddest part of all. Willing to try and destroy someone, based on lies, things that cannot be documented, and the person it supposedly happened to is dead, and the family disputes it ever occurred. Pretty sad that Obama camp would stoop to using a dead man as a political football with no regard for his family or memory. Shows you how low they actually are and how the truth means NOTHING. This is backfiring on them big time...Obama can't stand up to or own up to what he did 6 months ago, let alone if someone pulled LIES going back 47 years. Obama's spent millions on HIDING HIS PAST.

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