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How is your piece of the pie?

Posted: Apr 4, 2011

If you have a couple of kids and make less than $57,000 a year, you are probably feeling the pain.  See article.


Tell me again why the rich should not pay more in taxes? 

Aevrage Household income before taxes.


Because being ROBIN HOOD has never been the answer - The rich already, for the most part,

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pay the majority BY FAR of the taxes. We should all pay less. The Govt wastes this money anyway, and frankly, I think its shameful that anyone wants to take from one to handout to the other, especially if it is hard-earned personal income. That was NEVER the reason for the USA's success in the past, and its basically teaching our own kids that its fine to take from others without asking... disgusting.

That's not true if you watched the news last week - We learned that corporations do not pay their fair

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Some, in fact, get subsidy checks from us, the tax payers, so it's our money they are giving to their CEOs so they can have multi-million dollar homes, plural, on us.

Look at the chart...talking about personal - household income, not

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corporate taxes. Two very different things. And the top 5% of the personal income households do pay 41% of all personal household income taxes that are paid in this country. So yes, it is true, socialist redistribution of wealth does not work, and if you believe in fairness you should not expect them to shoulder more than 41% of the burden. They are paying their fair share. As to corporations, you need to be complaining to Congress about the tax loopholes that allow them to do what you describe, because Congress makes tax law and they are the only ones who can change it. Apparently the Democrats aren't too concerned about it either, because they have not addressed it either at any time they have had the majority, which they had in both houses until the midterms. So you can't blame that all on the Republicans either. Thought I would nip that in the bud. ;)

Oh okay... like Obama's GE friend? Thanks Obama.nm - Frank

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My piece of the pie is not great, but - Independent

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I don't want to make up for it by stealing someone else's pie either.

Same here - Zville MT

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I'll work for my pie, not take someone else's.

Here's where the tax laws need to change. The notion that the "rich," whoever they are, should pay more is flawed - everyone should be treated equal under the law, meaning everyone should be treated equal under the tax code. That's why we need to get rid of all the loopholes and crazy deductions and have some kind of a flat tax across the board. Then everyone pays the same percentage of whatever thier income may be, no questions. This also gets rid of the dreaded IRS, thus decreasing the size of the government, plus saving taxpayers oodles of money. Pie for everyone ;)

The rich should pay their fair share, but they can afford not to pay taxes at all - So we all pay more

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Just think what it would be like if the multi-million dollar corporations paid the same percentage that we do. There would be no problems. The percentage could lower dramatically for all of us. They could stop threatening to take their marbles and move to the Cayman Islands and stay here in the U.S.A., start hiring American workers, and we could afford to buy what they are selling.
There are so many problems with this don't - know where to start...
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First, you need to talk to Congress, both Democrat and Republican. Only they can close the loopholes and and make corporations pay whatever tax they are supposed to be paying. But, loopholes should be closed for EVERYBODY. We should have a flat percentage tax that is the same for EVERYBODY. Say 10%. Corporations are still going to pay more money into the system because they generate more income. A flat tax should be just that. You pay 10% of what you earn, period, whether it is $100 or %1,000,000. Everything would still be "okay" because if corporations were paying their 10% corporate tax it would be more than some pay now. In addition, the CEOs of those corporations would pay a flat 10% of THEIR earnings in personal income tax. Which would also be more than they are paying right now. Perhaps a flat 10% federal tax and a flat 5% state tax. That would be 15% overall and less than we pay now, plus the millions spent in maintaining the IRS could be funneled someplace else, because with a flat tax you would not need that infrastructure anymore. It is a win-win.

Believe me, you do not want corporations to move everything offshore. If you want to see 50% unemployment, start making them pay higher corporate tax rates and watch the jobs go. A flat tax with no loopholes would benefit everyone...and it should be the same rate regardless of income. Then everyone truly is paying their fair share...and obviously the more you make the more you pay...also fair.

The majority of corporations do employ American workers. If they didn't our unemployment rate would be much higher.

As to affording what they are selling...if unions would stop lobbying for and forcing employers to pay more and more and more for wages and bennies for a certain segment of workers only, then those employers would not have to pass those costs on to us in higher prices of goods. That is the way it works, and we can thank the UAW in large part for what cars cost. And the UFCW for what groceries cost in unionized stores...and on and on and on.
Corporations are already making everything offshore - So much for patriotism
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The corporations lack ethics and patriotism, but they have money. We're supposed to get down on our knees and beg them to say, "Please Mr. Corporation, don't leave us. We'll do anything, give you anything you want. Just stop saying you're going to leave...but wait, you already did leave. COME BACK, Mr. Corporation! We'll be good little employees."
You need to put all this griping where it - will do some good....
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AT CONGRESS. BOTH PARTIES. It has been established that both parties have contributed to the deductions, loopholes, credits, etc. that make it possible for corporations not to pay corporate taxes stateside. And, if corporate taxes were not the second highest in the world here, many would not earn money offshore. Now sending money here offshore not to pay taxes on it is illegal. However, taking the money making offshore is legal. Boht parties support that in action, no matter WHAT they say. Democrats whine about the rich and corporations, yet they have controlled the committee in congress that makes tax law for 44 of the last 55 years...so they are actually more responsible because they had the ability to make the law and have not done it. At least the Republicans are honest about it...they don\'t demonize corporations on the surface and pander to them behind closed doors.

Bottom line, right now only one side is even talking about closing the loopholes and re-doing the tax structre, and that is the Republican Paul Ryan.

So if you are really serious about this, you should be posting his name and supporting his budget.

But if your real intent is to rile the masses to support socialism...then at least we will know what your real agenda is if you persist, a Democrat who wants socialism who gripes about corporations but is unwilling to put vote were mouth is.


Well said! - Trigger Happy

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I may have a smaller piece of the pie but at least I worked to earn that piece. I didn't depend on someone else working to give it to me. I live within my means. I earn my money. I pay my taxes.

So many of you hate the evil rich people and yet who runs this country? Uh....EVIL RICH PEOPLE. Oh yes...I said it. Democratic politicians are rich too.

Some of you want redistribution of wealth. So let's say we take all the money in our country and split it equally between every LEGAL citizen. We would all be equal financially, right? WRONG! Some people will blow that money on drugs and/or alcohol. Some people will blow that money on anything they want to buy. Did you ever hear of lottery winners going bankrupt? Duh! It happens. Then you have those who would spend some of it....maybe pay off their debt and just save the rest of it. Then you have others who will take that money, invest it, start a business, etc. and make a butt load more money than they were given. So where does that leave us? Still with poor, middle class, and rich. You start taking money away from people who earn it and give it to the people who don't and not only will you discourage hard work but socialist countries only have 2 classes....the rich and the poor. The rich will still be running this country and the poor will depend solely on them for survival.

I'm sorry but I don't want to depend on anyone for my survival. Dependence breeds inability. Besides, I highly doubt I will strike it rich so I'd be stomped on until I was poor and I can honestly say...I don't want that.

Give a man a fish you feed him for one day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Helping those less fortunate to help themselves is one thing. Giving handouts and keeping them dependent is another. That right there is why I'll NEVER be a democrat.

I will get off of my soap box now. ;)

I didn't see anyone say they wanted redistribution of wealth - only that we all participate by paying taxes, peri

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If we all, even the rich corporations, paid a reasonable amount of taxes, we wouldn't have to pay the unreasonable amount we pay now. They don't, the poor can't, so the middle class does. That needs to change.
The middle class is slowly dying in this country, leaving - us with only the rich and the poor.nm
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So who is paying for the tax breaks for the rich?? - The poor and middle class.nm

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My piece of the pie is only a bit of the crust. - (The part that got burned, & is all charred.)

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Hey - nobody told me there was pie!!! nm - ndmt

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rich - IceT

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Define "rich." Unless the rich are defined, I don't how we have this discussion. To say that the rich should pay more taxes is too general of a statement. How rich and how much in taxes should they pay?

What I saw does not say the word \"rich.\" - It said the upper 5% of

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wage earners (personal income tax) pay 41% of all personal income taxes paid into the Treasury. Now if you take Obama\'s idea of rich (which is $200,000 to $250,000, which he calls \"rich\" for purposes of tax brackets and higher taxes)...that would be a greater percentage I am thinking. Of course, when he turns around and says that $176,000 is \"relatively modest\" who knows WHAT he considers rich. lol.

I want to know who spends $12,000 a year on - sm

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car payments and insurance. We have 2 cars, one paid for the other a 2010 with a $282 a month payment and our insurance for the year is only $800 for both. We only spend $4100 for payments and insurance...I'd like to know what everyone is driving. We make just over $105,000 a year and were approved for $50,000 for a new car. What did we buy, an $18,000 car that fits our needs perfectly that was brand new off the lot with no miles on it. It's really not hard to live within your means no matter what your income.

I paid $65,000 for my car a few years ago and $892 for insurance this year - I just checked my records

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I couldn't remember how much my car insurance was, but you made me curious. I don't have car payments because I paid cash for my car a few years ago. My car insurance is pretty low though, $892/yr. I had to go back over and pull the file and check it again because that does seem low, but that's what it is.
My auto insurance is significantly higher than that... - Kendra
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We have no accidents and good driver discounts and all that on a $50,000 2005 truck and a $25,000 2008 car. When we moved from the West Coast to Mississippi, our insurance more than doubled (darned hurricanes!). We pay about $3600/year for car insurance, but there is higher risk involved with hurricanes and such, so I probably should pay more.
I agree. My $892 seems low to me. Maybe it's because I'm old - lol
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The car is a 2004 model too. That may make a big difference.
Everything is relative. What seems like cheap - to you will seem (sm)
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very expensive for someone who can't afford to pay cash for their vehicles.

Just like if someone can earn only $10,000 per year is going to feel a 10% tax much more than will a millionaire or multi-millionaire. That person will never be able to pay cash for a vehicle, and that's most of us.

No doubt you got a cheaper rate on your insurance simply you are richer than most people.

Forgive me if I don't play my little violin for you. I reserve that for the millions of poor and lower middle class people that corporations are creating these days by offshoring.
I didn't get that the poster wanted any violins played at all - Kendra
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Why so nasty? And, I don't think that $100K/year for a double income family is all that rich ;) No need to be catty, this person is not part of the "evil rich."
yeah - sm
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Agreed. Self-righteousness sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Everyone should pay. The rich are the ones with tax accountants, regardless of the number - just sayin

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When I think "rich" I think the top 5% or so. Sometimes I think "rich" means someone who makes more than 1 million/yr. Sometimes I think "rich" means someone who makes $250,000 or more/yr.

The exact number doesn't really matter to me. I just know that those who are above the middle class, whatever that number is that allows them to be above us, are being allowed to "opt out" of paying taxes. In fact, we heard of 5 huge corporations this last week who did not pay taxes at all, and a couple who even got taxpayer money as subsidies, when we need our money more than they do. Yes, they make a splash when they have a big ceremony and "donate" part of our tax money to some cause or another, but I would rather that they had paid the same percentage of taxes that we had to pay. I think I pay 35% right now, although I try not to think about it at all.

but who is responsible - icedT

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It comes down to all the loop holes in the tax code. Who writes the tax code? The Ways and Means Committee. The lawmakers on that committee should take responsibility and be held accountable for this tax unfairness and not put under the umbrella of blaming one party or the other. For the past 55 or so years (between 1955 and 2010), the Ways and Means Committee has been chaired by a Democrat for all but 11 of those years. Even still, both parties are both responsible for giving tax breaks to the rich.
I agree with you really. Get rid of the tax loopholes, but... - I just dont have faith that it can be done
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I think that the same power that has brought us to this point will find ways to get around the system no matter what we change. I'm just not convinced we can fix it so that it's fair. I'm all for trying, just don't think it will work.

Paul Ryan wants to decrease taxes on the - richest people to 25%.nm

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