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Nice art piece
Posted: Jun 8, 2017

So the Syrian artist is saying Syrian refugees - do not have the grace of God
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How very strange. Does the Syrian artist think the refugees are damned without grace of God?
On the other hand, does Syrian artist believe Trump has the grace of God because he is not a Syrian refugee?
No, not at all. - The artist did not
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put the text there, I did. The meaning is that this could happen to any one of us at any time - but for the grace of God! We sit comfortably complacent with everything that we have, but that could change in an instant and we should be aware of that.
It still begs the question are Syrian refugees - without the grace of God?
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If this happened to anyone of us, do we lack the grace of God? And do people who have good fortune have it because of grace from God?
I really don't like the phrase because it implies unfortunate people lack grace from God.
Well that's okay - if you don't
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like it - my opinion of it is that we are lucky to be in the position we are in, but not to take anything for granted as that position could change. Not an argument, just something my mom used to say! Makes me grateful when I see things like the art piece - that's all
Being obtuse to pick a fight, I guess? - Sm
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There but for the grace of God (go I).
something that you say which means something bad that has happened to someone else could have happened to you When you hear about all these people who've lost all this money, you can't help thinking there but for the grace of God go I.
I'm not being obtuse. To me if you - say there but for the grace of God
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You are implying the person who had something bad happen did not have the grace of God.
If someone looked at you and said there but for the grace of God go I how would it make you feel. I would feel I fell from God's grace.
Oh, that's just religious doctrine - Difference...carry on
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It would be hypocritical of me to argue this with you, as I don't believe either way. (before edit...you gotta love the phone autocorrect)
No, it just makes you look stupid to use something of religious - anon
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significance, that those of that religion well understand, to make a political point. Obviously the poster who asked the question understands what but for the grace of God, etc. means. You used it without understanding it's spiritual meaning to make a political point. Even I, as an agnostic, understood the question.
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