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"Get Over It, Barack..." amusing opinion piece....

Posted: Nov 8, 2010

  "Get over it, Barack..."

You see Mr. President, these are in fact YOUR words.

 I was listening to an interview of Tim Scott of South Carolina who won a historic race in the Republican “shellacking” of the Democrats this past November 2nd (Notice I used the very Word that the President used).  He was being interviewed on CNN.

 It wasn’t really an overtly hostile interview, but you could clearly hear that tone of the drill sergeant in the voice of the CNN commentator, even if mellowed out somewhat.  The way he was drilling Mr. Scott seemed as if he had the perspective that the Republicans had actually lost by winning.  I know, I know! That doesn’t make any sense.  Maybe when I share the line of questioning he blasted upon this newbie Repub it will help you understand why I use that particular phraseology.

 “So you that make up the new Republican majority now, you realize, don’t you, that you still have a Democratically controlled Senate and a Democratic President and thus will not be able to get much of what you promised done, don’t you!”

 “We will try to do what the people elected us to do”, Mr. Scott spoke very quietly.

 “But, but, with so much opposition and gridlock just waiting for you, and without a veto proof total majority, ARE YOU GOING TO BE WILLING TO COMPROMISE with the democrats to get anything of value done?”

I pulled over to throw up.  (Sorry, graphic I know, but if you’re anything like me, you probably needed a second to empty your stomach contents yourself!)

 Did this CNN reporter forget for a moment that the Republicans had just taken over the House of Representatives?  Well, of course he hadn’t, I mean, he had even said so.

 But the line of reasoning that he was fostering upon Mr. Scott, was, I’m sure it was without his knowledge, going to become the standard line of the day as the Democratic talking points!  See, they’ll run something like this:  “NO! Don’t acknowledge their victory.  Warn them, Warn them that THEY will have to compromise.”

 Why is it that the left aways expects the right to be THE compromisers?  To hear the President talk, America elected a Republican majority because they were tired of the Republicans not cooperating with him.  So (and I’m sure we could find at least one YouTube of him reasoning this way) he would say that America elected a majority of THEM (those repubs) so that there would be more of them to work with HIM!

 If you have any stomach contents left, I beg you to hold on.  I’m going to quote the President again, this time saying something you might actually like.

 In my mind, as lightening fast as it sometimes can be, I rushed back to at least three other occasions when the President talked about elections.

 First, I remember when he so bravely, after almost a year of wrangling, finally invited the Repubs to a “summit” to hear their ideas about the health care bill that he and the Democrats had debated for the entire summer.  And at this summit, the Repubs actually had some pretty good ideas.  (It was most amazing, too, for all year we’d heard that they hadn’t offered a single health care reform idea at all!)  One of the better ideas, it seemed to me, was about tort reform; getting those pesky lawsuits cut down some so that the doctors and hospitals and such wouldn’t have to pass along all those hefty judgements to you and me in the price of an aspirin.

 It was in the midst of some really good give and take that day that the President uttered the words that I think you may be glad some of us are remembering.

 After summarily dismissing their proposals one after another (and all of it on TV for America to see, too), his old opponent John McCain spoke up, expressing some Arizona style frustration with Mr. Obama for dismissing all of their thoughts on the subject.

 That’s when Mr. Obama said those words that today, I cherish having heard on his lips:
“John, look, get over it, we won!  Elections have consequences…….”

 I’ve heard the President on at least two other occasions say those same words, if not the exact word order and syntax, but he did say them!

 And not only the President.  I also overheard Barney Frank this same day, speak something in the same basic category of words, or at least I think he did.  Yeah, he really did.  It’s just that I have to admit that I had to get the transcript to truly know.  I couldn’t understand the guy.  Barney-speak just isn’t my strong suit.  Sorry.  But he said it too, and in fact, he said it in an even clearer way! In speaking of the rock star election of Barack in 2008, he said, “They (meaning all the rest of us) just need to understand that elections have consequences.  The people took a look and said we don’t like the way you (meaning George Bush) were doing things, and they, they voted us in and said we want to do it your way now.”

 Well, in your own words Mr. President, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. And to quote Mr. Frank, “THE PEOPLE SAW THE WAY YOU WERE DOING THINGS AND SAID, WE DON’T LIKE IT.”  They’ve overwhelmingly given the job to those pesky Repubs now.  I think they want to do it differently.  

So, stop with the Democratic talking points/strategy of getting the newbies in DC to feel so guilty about being elected that they feel the need to compromise with YOU!

 Maybe this time, you should take your own advice:

 Get over it, Barack.  Elections have consequences.


























Zzzzzzzzzzzz... - Thanks, I needed a nap!

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Wake me up when your done ranting and raving about how much you despise President Obama.

That article had nothing to do with despising Obama... - sam

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The article was about how the same sentence he used to rub his victory in the faces of Republicans were turned on him when he got the same shellacking. The only thing in the world I have against this President (and would have against ANY President no matter WHAT his political stripe) is the way he has handled his job and his total lack of care what half the country was telling him they didn't want. Don't despise him, but do I think he is a good President? In a word...NO.

Too boring - to be amusing

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Okay...so what do you think the Repub landslide... - sam

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win the midterms went?

And why do you think it is okay for the President to be arrogant and condescending, but when someone uses his own words to describe him when his party takes the losses...is boring?

I would be interested in the answer to that question. Seriously.
Seriously, - you don't have a clue
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Obama's popularity is higher than Reagan's or Clinton's at the same point in presidency. The vote was about the economy, which is the fault of the 'pubs. Unfortunately, some of the electorate has Attention Deficit Disorder and can't remember anything past the last stupid political infomercial presented courtesy of Fox, and paid for by US CoC, and Rupert.
LOL! Are you SERIOUS?? Seriously!! - sam
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Talk about attention deficit disorder. The Republicans did not orchestrate the economy all but collapsing. Barney Frank...Democrat...burst the housing bubble, Fannie and Freddie failed, all those companies hold all that bad paper failed, and the dominoes started falling. Those nasty evil Republicans tried to tell him that was what would happen, but did he listen? OF COURSE NOT, in his arrogance and monstrous stupidity. If you cared at all about the truth rather than the old stand-by it is all the Republicans' fault, you would go to You Tube, view the videos of the Bush representative in house hearings TELLING Frank what was going to happen, to which he responded, "not gonna happen, but even if it did, the government is not to going to bail them out." Well, we ALL know how that turned out, don't we?

You are the one who needs to try to get past the last stupid infomercial put down by the DNC. Frank started it, and yes, Bush made it worse by the first bailout, and Obama capped with even more bailouts adding more to the deficit than Bush did in his eight years COMBINED.

So keep on bringing that "it is all the Republicans' fault" all you want...over half the country knows the truth.

And here is your clue...the midterms were all about telling Obama we don't like what you are doing, in particular, Obamacare. And if you would do even a TINY bit of independent research on your own, you would get another clue...you do not lose 60 House seats if only Republicans voted against the Democrats. It takes most of the Independents and a lot of conservative and moderate Democrats crossing over.

With all due respect...they are snowing you and you are loving it (and by the way, they are loving it too...and counting on it).

umm, I think Mr. Obama gets it - do you?

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The president recognizes the democrats got shellacked in the house. He addressed this openly.

When you're done with the back-slapping, glad-handing victory laps, maybe you and your party can get down to work.

I was not a fan of president Bush, but I never addressed him by his first name, miss.

You should take that up with the man who wrote the... - sam

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who wrote the article...miss,mizz,mister,whatever.

It's not my party. I'm not a Republican. Registered Independent. And it was a lot of Independents like me and yes, Democrats who crossed over that caused the shellacking. Obviously YOU are the one who doesn't get it, and President Obama (like that better, sweetie?) did not get it either, because when asked if it is a referendum on his policies, he said "no." Nothing covers that other than DUH, Mr. President.

Don't you hate it, Mr.President, when your own words come back to bite you on the hind end? Your followers sure don't like it.

And, by the way, maybe if your party had handled it better they would still in the majority. Ya think? LISTENING instead of TALKING might have helped their cause.


I'm taking it up with the gal who wrote the post - and don't call me sweetie

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Whatever. You stop calling me "miss".... - sam
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I will stop calling you sweetie. Condescending doesn't feel good when it gets fed back to you, does it? That is exactly what happened the President as well.

Oh but I understand...The President can be condescending and make snide remarks all he wants because he is one of your party, right? Someone uses his own words to describe what happened to him and all of a sudden everybody "despies" the poor fellow.

Come ON. Grow up already.
you obviously have a bone to pick... - find a skeleton who cares
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Condescending and uppity are not synonyms, despite your obvious mindset.
Methinks YOU are the one with a bone to pick.... - sam
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and as mindsets go, yours also is blatantly obvious. You are completely intolerant to a view other than your own. I believe that is called the liberal mindset these days.

Though not sure where the "uppity" remark came from, uncalled for wherever it came from.

Like I said...grow up already.

Good article - and no, they STILL don't get it - Evil Republican

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Funny reading through the article because a couple time I thought I was going to lose my lunch. Then I read the line about losing his lunch.

It is so true though. They are trying to minimize what a history event just took place. They will never admit they were wrong.

I'm very hopeful with the newly elected congress.

Yep, and with attitudes like that you can readily see... - sam

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why bipartisanship would go over like a lead balloon. They can't even say Republican without curling up their lips and snarling. And they STILL think only Republicans voted for those Republicans in that landslide. Fascinating!!

It makes you understand how Jonestown happened. Kinda scary actually.

Your last sentence rings very true. - Evil Republican

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I have thought that for a long time. Your insights are spot on as usual.

Great article. I totally agree! - nm

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