Free speech or not, Obama should put a stop to this
Posted: Nov 26, 2012
By not doing so, it comes across as endorsement:
"A painting that features President Obama posed as Jesus Christ crucified on a cross is on display at a community college art gallery in Boston.
"The painting by Michael D’Antuono is part of a larger exhibit called 'Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012.' It’s on display at the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery until Dec. 15th.
"The painting is called 'Truth' – and shows the president on the cross with his arms outstretched. A crown of thorns rests on his head."
Read more:;
Oh, brother. You can't do "free speech or not," and suppressing this painting - would be waaay outside his job description.
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Seemingly these are dry times for ammunition? Buck up. Something bad always happens and you'll have something to use.
BTW? You either have free speech or you don't.
the president can't do that - sm
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You are quite wrong when you state "By not doing so, it comes across as endorsement". I cannot imagine one American familiar with the constitution who would agree with that statement, either.
What is he supposed to do? - RC
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Order it be taken down?
He seems to be a political artist. - RC
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I just looked at the artist's site. This one's called Illegal Immigration.

Art is supposed to make you feel something. - grits
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Whether you like it or not, if he evoked a response in you, the artist did his job.
SK, you seem to feel this is a threat. - Why? What are you thinking? nm
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I think that's horrendous - sm
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If I were the one being idolized that way, I would at least ask the artist to knock it off. Unless I craved the power and attention, that is, and had no qualms about being worshipped.
I think it's a moot point. - RC
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The artist decided not to display it because of all the complaining.
Interesting take. I think I'd make sure I wasn't alone with - him, but otherwise forget about it. :) nm
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Willing to bet that if you substituted - Bush for Obama in the pix
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all your "dislikes" would turn to "likes." So typical.
lol .... try substituting Obama for.... - neemeemme
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Romney and see what happens. ha ha!
So true! Substitute any Republican - - instant ridicule.
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Any liberal gets a pass, especially Obama. Way of life in America these days.
Seriously? We wouldn't be talking about this at all. Why are - you? I asked before. Why? Is it something
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to do with the Antichrist or something like that? A conspiracy theory that Obama intends to proclaim himself God, or just King of the World?
I might ask the same of many of the posts on this board... - nomynu
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figure it out for yourself. Somebody posted about it...that's why we are discussing it? Why? are we not allowed to or something??? Why ask why??
Asking what this means to you is giving it the serious - attention you want. nm
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Perhaps the artist made an observation - mbmt
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I can understand why an artist may have portrayed President Obama in that way because of the disrespect shown toward him as a person and the horrible lies told about him, thus "crucified and persecuted." However, I do not think it is President Obama's job to tell the artist what to create and not to create as far as works of art.
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