1. Providing affordable, accessible health care for all, reining in healthcare costs, and eliminating waste.
2. Strengthening our public education system.
3. Defining a clear path to energy independence while protecting the environment.
4. Taking climate change seriously.
5. Ending our mission in Afghanistan responsibly.
6. Working with our allies to prevent Iran and South Korea from developing a nuclear weapon.
7. Defending a woman's right to choose.
8. Freedom of and from religion and separation of church and state.
9. Passing a jobs bill and farm aid bill.
10. Wall Street and banking reforms.
11. Tax reform including closing loopholes that allow big corporations and the top earners to pay a lower tax rate than the middle class and some to pay no taxes at all.
12. An amendment to the Constitution to overturn the Citizens United decision.
13. Defending gay rights and marriage for all.
14. Rewarding companys for keeping jobs here in the US.
15. Reforming immigration laws.
Lots more too. Sorry, I got going and couldn't stop.
Don't be sorry... - SK1
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I asked out of true interest and appreciated you taking the time to respond.
It's easy for us (the general "we") to have tunnel vision when we're only looking out of our own two eyes at a person/situation. I always appreciate "seeing" out of someone else's eyes.
Took this right off the Obama web site, huh? I can tell. - Aunt Sue. (sm)
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They're not entirely accurate, but what the hey? Might as well let it slide. We know what a manipulator he is. Some are easier to manipulate than others.
Sue, please... - SK1
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I asked a question and she answered it. My intention wasn't to have her get flamed or her opinion be invalidated.
Who's invalidating? I've seen the list. I'm responding. - Aunt Sue
What about all those shovel ready jobs (sm) - Aunt Sue
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he promised that "weren't as shovel ready as he thought" and then actually had the cajones to LAUGH ABOUT IT!! That's your president that you're so proud of.
Too bad Bush didn't tell him how bad it really was on turnover - nm
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total disclosure, of course, when he turns over the reins in November. He's that kind of guy.
So funny, especially after Romney's day today of flopping all over on health care and defense. - anon
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I find it odd how confident republicans are since Obama has been ahead in every poll since Romney was named the nominee and now is even further ahead.
I have played with the electoral map and frankly, Romney has no path to victory.
At least he and Ann can ride - their dancing horses
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into the sunset. Happy trails Willard. Hope we never from your tax-dodging @$$ again!
while the King of Kenya and his Queen:: - eat their dog
Haha! Maybe they can get one almost ready to be eaten after Mr. & Mrs. - Mittens put it on the roof
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for an air conditioned car trip. After being hosed down by Mitt, of course.
Flip Flop #101 - but are they lies or flip-flops? - Hard to tell, huh? (sm)
[ In Reply To ..]
Said lobbyists wouldn’t work in the White House; then gave them waivers to work there.
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