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For "Cite Sources", "head in sand", etc. here is some reading for you

Posted: Jul 16, 2010

Since you keep changing your moniker, didn't know what to call you. But, when I had time,  I spent the last 2 days looking up resources. So.....have fun and let me know what problem you have with the below. No blogs are included. Have fun.


1.  Tax cuts: A $1.35 trillion tax cut program—one of the largest tax cuts in U.S. history. Bush argued that unspent government funds should be returned to taxpayers, saying "the surplus is not the government’s money. The surplus is the people’s money." With reports of the threat of recession from Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, Bush argued that such a tax cut would stimulate the economy and create jobs. By 2003, the economy showed signs of improvement, though job growth remained stagnant.  Under the Bush Administration, real GDP grew at an average annual rate of 2.5%, considerably below the average for business cycles from 1949 to 2000. Bush entered office with the Dow Jones Industrial Average at 10,587, and the average peaked in October 2007 at over 14,000. When Bush left office, the average was at 7,949, one of the lowest levels of his presidency. Unemployment originally rose from 4.2% in January 2001 to 6.3% in June 2003, but subsequently dropped to 4.5% as of July 2007. By the end of Bush's presidency, unemployment climbed to 7.2%. The perception of Bush's effect on the economy is significantly affected by partisanship.



Federal Debt under Obama information:


2.  Financial Regulation:  The Bush administration pushed for significantly increased regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2003, and after two years, the regulations passed the House but died in the Senate.



3.  Education:  Bush undertook a number of educational priorities, such as increasing the funding for the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health in his first years of office, and creating education programs to strengthen the grounding in science and mathematics for American high school students. Funding for the NIH was cut in 2006, the first such cut in 36 years, due to rising inflation.[122]

Bush signs the No Child Left Behind Act into law, January 2002. One of the administration's early major initiatives was the No Child Left Behind Act, which aimed to measure and close the gap between rich and poor student performance, provide options to parents with students in low-performing schools, and target more federal funding to low-income schools. This landmark education initiative passed with broad bipartisan support, including that of Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. It was signed into law by Bush in early 2002. Many contend that the initiative has been successful, as cited by the fact that students in the U.S. have performed significantly better on state reading and math tests since Bush signed "No Child Left Behind" into law.



4.  Health Care:  After being re-elected, Bush signed into law a Medicare drug benefit program that, according to Jan Crawford Greenburg, resulted in "the greatest expansion in America's welfare state in forty years;" the bill's costs approached $7 trillion. In 2007, Bush opposed and vetoed State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) legislation, which was added by the Democrats onto a war funding bill and passed by Congress. The SCHIP legislation would have significantly expanded federally funded health care benefits and plans to children of some low-income families from about six million to ten million children. It was to be funded by an increase in the cigarette tax. Bush viewed the legislation as a move toward socialized health care, and asserted that the program could benefit families making as much as $83,000 per year who did not need the help.

5.  Social Services/Social Security:  Following Republican efforts to pass the Medicare Act of 2003, Bush signed the bill, which included major changes to the Medicare program by providing beneficiaries with some assistance in paying for prescription drugs, while relying on private insurance for the delivery of benefits. The retired persons lobby group AARP worked with the Bush Administration on the program and gave their endorsement. Bush said the law, estimated to cost $400 billion over the first ten years, would give the elderly "better choices and more control over their health care".

Bush began his second term by outlining a major initiative to reform Social Security, which was facing record deficit projections beginning in 2005. Bush made it the centerpiece of his domestic agenda despite opposition from some in the U.S. Congress. In his 2005 State of the Union Address, Bush discussed the potential impending bankruptcy of the program and outlined his new program, which included partial privatization of the system, personal Social Security accounts, and options to permit Americans to divert a portion of their Social Security tax (FICA) into secured investments. Democrats opposed the proposal to partially privatize the system.  After the Democrats gained control of both houses of the Congress as a result of the 2006 midterm elections, the prospects of any further congressional action on the Bush proposal were dead for the remainder of his term in office.


6.  Immigration:   In 2006, Bush urged Congress to allow more than 12 million illegal immigrants to work in the United States with the creation of a "temporary guest-worker program". Bush did not support amnesty for illegal immigrants, but argued that the lack of legal status denies the protections of U.S. laws to millions of people who face dangers of poverty and exploitation, and penalizes employers despite a demand for immigrant labor.

Bush also urged Congress to provide additional funds for border security and committed to deploying 6,000 National Guard troops to the Mexico – United States border.[158] In May-June 2007, Bush strongly supported the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, which was written by a bipartisan group of Senators with the active participation of the Bush administration. The bill envisioned a legalization program for undocumented immigrants, with an eventual path to citizenship; establishing a guest worker program; a series of border and work site enforcement measures; a reform of the green card application process and the introduction of a point-based "merit" system for green cards; elimination of "chain migration" and of the Diversity Immigrant Visa; and other measures. Bush contended that the proposed bill did not amount to amnesty.

A heated public debate followed, which resulted in a substantial rift within the Republican Party, the majority of conservatives opposed it because of its legalization or amnesty provisions. The bill was eventually defeated in the Senate on June 28, 2007, when a cloture motion failed on a 46-53 vote. Bush expressed disappointment upon the defeat of one of his signature domestic initiatives. The Bush administration later proposed a series of immigration enforcement measures that do not require a change in law.




7.  Hurricane Katrina:  Bush declared a state of emergency in Louisiana on August 27, and in Mississippi and Alabama the following day; he authorized the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to manage the disaster, but his announcement failed to spur these agencies to action. The eye of the hurricane made landfall on August 29, and New Orleans began to flood due to levee breaches; later that day, Bush declared that a major disaster existed in Louisiana, officially authorizing FEMA to start using federal funds to assist in the recovery effort.  Three days later, on September 2, National Guard troops first entered the city of New Orleans. The same day, Bush toured parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama and declared that the success of the recovery effort up to that point was "not enough".  

So, Bush was there 3 days after Katrina hit.  FEMA , Mayor Nagin, and Gov. Blanco was the problem with the recovery, not Bush.  Aid was turned away from the city. There was no chain of command.

8.  Foreign Policy:  In March 2006, a visit to India led to renewed ties between the two countries, reversing decades of U.S. policy. The visit focused particularly in areas of nuclear energy and counter-terrorism cooperation. This is in stark contrast to the stance taken by his predecessor, Clinton, whose approach and response to India after the 1998 nuclear tests was that of sanctions and hectoring. The relationship between India and the United States was one that dramatically improved during Bush's tenure.

After September 11, Bush announced a global War on Terrorism. The Afghan Taliban regime was not forthcoming with Osama bin Laden, so Bush ordered the invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime.

In a September 20 speech, Bush condemned Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, and issued an ultimatum to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, where bin Laden was operating, to "hand over the terrorists, or ... share in their fate.”

Despite the initial success in driving the Taliban from power in Kabul, by early 2003 the Taliban was regrouping, amassing new funds and recruits. In 2006, the Taliban insurgency appeared larger, fiercer and better organized than expected, with large-scale allied offensives such as Operation Mountain Thrust attaining limited success. As a result, Bush commissioned 3,500 additional troops to the country in March 2007.

In the latter half of 2002, CIA reports contained assertions of Saddam Hussein's intent of reconstituting nuclear weapons programs, not properly accounting for Iraqi biological and chemical weapons, and that some Iraqi missiles had a range greater than allowed by the UN sanctions. Contentions that the Bush Administration manipulated or exaggerated the threat and evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction capabilities would eventually become a major point of criticism for the president.


In late 2002 and early 2003, Bush urged the United Nations to enforce Iraqi disarmament mandates, precipitating a diplomatic crisis. In November 2002, Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBaradei led UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, but were forced to depart the country four days prior to the U.S. invasion, despite their requests for more time to complete their tasks. The U.S. initially sought a UN Security Council resolution authorizing the use of military force but dropped the bid for UN approval due to vigorous opposition from several countries.


The war effort was joined by more than 20 other nations (most notably the United Kingdom), designated the "coalition of the willing".

North Korea:  Bush stated "the United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons." Within months, "both countries had walked away from their respective commitments under the U.S.-DPRK Agreed Framework of October 1994." North Korea's October 9, 2006, detonation of a nuclear device further complicated Bush's foreign policy, which centered for both terms of his presidency on "[preventing] the terrorists and regimes who seek chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons from threatening the United States and the world". Bush condemned North Korea's position, reaffirmed his commitment to "a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula", and stated that "transfer of nuclear weapons or material by North Korea to states or non-state entities would be considered a grave threat to the United States", for which North Korea would be held accountable. On May 7, 2007, North Korea agreed to shut down its nuclear reactors immediately pending the release of frozen funds held in a foreign bank account. This was a result of a series of three-way talks initiated by the United States and including China. On September 2, 2007, North Korea agreed to disclose and dismantle all of its nuclear programs by the end of 2007. By May 2009, North Korea had restarted its nuclear program and threatened to attack South Korea.





Oh, forgot, I also have statistics for GNP but it's in Xcel. (nm) - Backwards Typist

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Wow - you really have done some research - anonymoose

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I am going to enjoy reading this and looking further into it. I'm not sure what posters you were posting about or what they posted (guess I haven't gone down that far to read all the messages), but I'm going to enjoy reading this. I have been thinking lately that maybe I have misjudged past presidents (Clinton & Bush). I need to do more research on them and what went on. So many issues are confusing to me, but just didn't know where to begin. I need to put my personal distastes aside and just look at facts at what really went on in both administrations, so your post is giving me a lot of good information.

Thank you very much for taking the time to compile this. Always grateful for info.

Great job... Backwards.. and interesting.nm - Independent

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Bush was definitely not perfect by any means - sm

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but I do believe that later on down the line, he will be looked back on as a good president. That is if we aren't a socialist country by then and the libs haven't changed the history books to tell a different tale.

LOL! Very funny! (sm) - Nikki

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It's the PUBS (specifically in Texas) that are changing the history books!  This has been well publicized for several months now.  So you respond by turning it completely around and accusing the DEMS of doing it.  That tactic isn't usually as funny as it is this time.  LOL.  It's almost as funny as your prediction that Bush will be looked back on as a "good president."  (I can't think of a Dem who would change the history books to reflect THAT!)

The history books have already been - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
"changed" from the original history. This was done by liberals. Texas is just trying to change it back. Get a clue. What is funny and sad is that many liberals, including you, are so blinded by your party politics that you can't even see the good and bad in politicians on both sides. Crats are always wonderful and pubs are evil. Until you can open your eyes and see that there is both good and bad on both sides, you should really shut your mouth.

Definitely got that one right on - anon

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As you said he was by no far perfect, but he did some good things in office. Every president does good and bad. Unfortunately I'm still waiting for that "hope" we were promised with this regime.

There was a lot that I didn't agree with Bush on, but when he first took office for the first time in 8 years my taxes went down, I was able to afford to go on a vacation, we were able to afford a larger apartment and say goodbye to the one bedroom mold infested apartment we lived in, and people in my family and friends were able to afford a home (one within their means that is). There was a lot to clean up after the Clintons left, but he did. I understand that a lot of people who adore this current president don't like to be called socialists, but that just is what it is. It is also very sad to see them trying their hardest to change our history books, making the founding fathers out to be villains and the communists and socialists as the hero's. I too think that in time he will be looked on as maybe not a good president, but having done good things while in office. Even my friends who voted for the current crowd are saying give me back Bush any day over what's in there now.

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