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golden helmet head

Posted: May 10, 2011

Trump has dropped to 5th place in the polling for repub candidate.  Hickabee first.  The retro way he talked to Starr Jones on Sunday's apprentice only the latest in his open mouth insert foot saga.




Golden? Looks more orange to me. LOL! - nm

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Ah, but the Grinch cometh. - The latest contender

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in their race to the bottom.

2012 - NBw

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with repubs "plan" to end social security, the sobbing alcoholic House leader, lackluster at best candidates and desire to extend tax breaks to oil companies, I think dems are in the cat bird seat.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch - Backwards Typist

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Where do you get the idea they "plan to end social security"? They have no plans to do that. You're listening to the wrong people. Read up on the budget ideas put out directly by each party. What do the dems propose? Haven't seen anything yet except Obama resurrecting the DREAM act and you know why he's doing that, don't you?

Anti-immigration again? - sm
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Could it be because he believes children/young adults who have lived in the US most of their lives should be able to gain a path to citizenship (in the US where most people are immigrants?) The President said, �We should all be able to agree it makes no sense to expel talented young people from our country.� The Dream Act provides a path for legalization of undocumented children brought into the United States when they were young. The path would allow for lawful resident status, and ultimately citizenship, for those children who serve in the military, or attend college, or perform a significant amount of community service.

Again, your insinuation speaks volumes about you.
So we just keep encouraging - illegals to bring
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there children here illegally at a young age and hope they can stay so they will eventually get citizenship while other immigrants are trying to become a citizen the correct way and they have to wait their turn? How fair is that? You liberals talk about how it isn't fair that the rich aren't paying "their fair share" of taxes and yet you have no problem with illegals who aren't doing what is fair by coming to our country and becoming citizens the legal and correct way while others who are doing THE RIGHT THING are being screwed over. Illegals are a big reason California is in such trouble with money. You cannot turn away an illegal from the ER for medical treatment. You cannot refuse to educate their children. So who pays for all this? I don't get why you guys think it is fair for tax payers to pay for people who are BREAKING THE LAW!!!!

I have no problem with legal immigration. I do, however, have a HUGE problem with illegal immigration because....IT IS ILLEGAL!!!!

I also think this whole anchor baby thing needs to end. In my personal opinion, you shouldn't be an automatic citizen if you are born in the US and have parents who aren't citizens. I think babies should at least have one parent who is a US citizen for them to automatically get the US citizenship.
I do not understand your criticism of President Obama - sm
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"The Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that blithely hire undocumented workers.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency expects to deport about 400,000 people this fiscal year, nearly 10 percent above the Bush administration's 2008 total and 25 percent more than were deported in 2007. The pace of company audits has roughly quadrupled since President George W. Bush's final year in office."


Hm-m-m. Evidently you didn't read this article. - Backwards Typist
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Hmmm. Have the Republicans decided to fund - the immigration problem/process?
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Setting priorities seems to be the best they can do, and I would have to agree with the Obama adm. plan. Perhaps the Pubs can see raising some taxes and fining those companies that like to hire illegals.
Why would it be a pub problem when it's Obama's idea? (no msg) - Backwards Typist
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I've thought about this and can never see a good solution to - immigration problems
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I've never been able to visualize a solution to the immigration mess. I wish our leaders well in trying to find one.
He's not just talking about the "anchor babies" this time. - Backwards Typist
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He's talking about ALL illegal immigrants being granted amnesty. He just said it this week.

Another lie - You don't actually believe that do you? - sm

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Another one of the hate-filled lies put out by crats. There is no proof or evidence of this. The reason being is because they don't. There is no "plan" to end social security. Whoever is telling you that is lying and you need to listen to someone else. Besides, I can't believe people in America are that stupid to actually believe the lies. Maybe I'm wrong and people are smarter. I sure hope so.
If not today, then tomorrow - privatize and cut - sm
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The grand GOP plan seems to cut Medicare first, and then Social Security would be next. Boehner has talked about "adjusting" the program before (yeah, like the Medicare death vouchers?). And there is nothing they would like more than to try and "privatize" it (read: give to Wall Street) your social security payments.

What is almost funny, was at the last election, the Republicans would not tell you what their plans would be. Now we are finding out.
Well then - sm
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The "grand GOP plan" (can tell who you listen to). They do not plan to cut Medicare first then SS next. That is all assumptions. You have no proof of this. They are not planning this period. As the elections are coming up, out are coming all the lies and hate-filled fear mongering retoric from the democrats to scare the elderly and people coming up to that age (me included). Yes, I am concerned about SS and Medicare, but at least I don't believe the utter rubbish and lies the democrats are putting out to try to scare me into voting for them. Sorry, I'm not that stupid. The democrats have their plans to and if the republicans come out and say something about it at least I have the foresight to go and research what they are saying to find out if there is anything truth to it. If you have done your research you will find the "grand" GOP does not plan to end Medicare or SS. As it is right now I don't like what the democrats are doing to the health care. That is because I am at that age that under their plans I will be refused certain treatments if I need them.

And on your Wall Street comment I have to say just one thing....Oh pullease. your "Wall Street gang" is getting all their benees and CEO raises, etc under who? The DEMOCRATS!!! Please tell me people have enough sense to see this. I just cannot (and will not) believe that America has been dumbed down to the point of below stupidity to believe that Wall Street only benefits under a republican president.

What is almost funny was at the last election I DID know what the republicans plans were. I also know what the democrats plans were. But it certainly is not funny that the democrats lied to the American public and then once in place everything we were told came true. Now that's scary.
...and the dems haven't said anything either. - Backwards Typist
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All I hear them do is attack the pubs plans and lie. What's their plan? Do you know?

If Medicare and SS aren't dealt with now, there definitely won't be any in 20-30 years. Would you rather deal with it then after paying in all those years? I doubt it.

We knew the Democrats plan - Republican plan was the "fillibuster"
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Prior to 2010 election, Democrats had been proposing their legislation for the last 2 years and the Republicans plan was just to say "H. no" to everything. Well, the Republicans have had their chance and I haven't seen really anything positive, just more of the same. Cuts to the poor, more money for the rich, and squeeze the middle to pulp.
As my grandmother would say... - sm
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What a bunch of melarchy. Did you even read the republicans plan. They didn't say "H. no" to everything. Just everything that was not reasonable. Everything that would be a failed plan for the American people. Democrats are like a bunch of children with their mommy's checkbook running around spending like the worlds going to end tomorrow with no consequences. Someone had to be the adults and say no.

The republicans have not had their chance yet, but they are finally getting to be heard (that is when the BO is not shutting them out of meetings they need to be in). How can you possibly say the republicans have had their chance. They were only elected 6 months ago. They haven't had time to fix anything yet. Besides BO has been in there 3 years now and you keep saying he hasn't had time to do anything and you can't expect things to be changed "overnight".
my grandmother says - NWb
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Keep your #@#** hands off my Social Security. I earned it. She would also say "malarky" to Ryan's plan.
I really like your Gramma - nm
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So you would rather have nothing? - Backwards Typist
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What is wrong with upping the age a year or two to retire? What is wrong with changing the limits of contribution higher; i.e., right now you don't pay a dime in if you earn more than $106,800K.

I just read somewhere, but don't know which side proposed it, that they want to lower the amount of SS benefits paid to millionaires and other high income folks (or is that Medicare?). Is that wrong? Frankly, I don't think millionaires and high income folks rely on SS and really is just spending money for them.

For every government program, there's an income limit on earnings. Why not SS?
I guess the Democrats were not listening - to your grandmother
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when they had the majority and passed the law that allowed Congress to dip into the Social Security trust Fund...which was promised would never happen when the SS law was passed. Well it did, and on whose watch at whose request and with whose majority? DEMOCRATS. Had they not done that, SS would not be in th shape it is in today. Yet ANOTHER reason to send more of them packing in 2012, beginning with their leader.

Democrats have NO moral high ground to yap about social security.
indeed - NWb
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The repubs had 8 l-o-n-g years. What did they do? They kept the costs of the war OFF the balance sheet so it looked like we were less in debt. Bush tried the privitizing social security right before the stock market crash. Member that?
What Bush did was suggest offering to - younger Americans
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the ability to be able to invest their SS funds if they so desired. At least then it would have been safe from the Democrats raiding the trust fund, which caused the insolvency we see today. Why not deal with THAT debacle and stop taking shots at someone trying to protect the next generation from Democrat pilfering.
Wall Street might crash again due to their - shenanigans. They (sm)
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caused a lot of innocent people to lose a lot of money. I guess Wall Street is okay, though, huh?
Wall Street "crashed" because of those - bad mortgage loans...
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google Barney Frank on You Tube and find the video where Bush admin warned him it would happen if they didn't stop extending those mortgages through Fannie and Freddie to people who could not pay them back, using those variable interest rates, because if they went up...thousands of mortgages would default. Wall Street has always bought mortgages from Fannie and Freddie, that is how it works. They trusted Frank that he knew what he was doing and bought the mortgages. Well, he was wrong, interest rates went up, thousands of mortgages defaulted, those bad mortgages caused massive losses on Wall Street. So again...Dems screwed us over when Republicans warned them it could happen.

That being said...if they offer privatization it should be up to the inidividual whether they wanted the money in an IRA or in the stock market. I wish I had had the opportunity to use an IRA instead of the SS system...then the Democrats could not have stolen my money. I think young people today SHOULD have the opportunity to have an SS IRA rather than letting the government be "in charge." The government has demonstrated it has NO business running ANY kind of program because NONE of them work and look at the shape we are in.

The more I learn the more I know that I will never in this lifetime vote for another Democrat until they start thinking about the good of the country over the good of the party and come back from the wayyyy far left.
It was a plan to ALLOW people who WANTED to - Backwards Typist
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use part of their SS money to invest instead of paying into SS. It was a totally voluntary thing he proposed, but it didn't go anywhere.
And Obama has not massaged the numbers - in his 3 TRILLION budget
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proposal on top of our 14 TRILLION deficit? Why does he insist on making things worse?? And let's talk about what CAUSED the stock market crash. Start by googling Barney Frank and Fannie Mae. That should get you started.
So, do you think the oil moratorium should be kept as is? - Backwards Typist
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Do you think the federal gas tax should be increased? Do you think we should still import oil like we are now until people can afford electric cars and the electric rates that go along with it? Don't forget, there was something in the works to force electric companies to upgrade their facilities and not use coal or oil to produce electric. How would that be handled without higher costs?

Bernie Sanders believes that half the budget reductions should come from increased taxes. Is that still true?

What is wrong with going back to 2008 spending, which my understanding a few months ago, was what the pubs want?

we are paying the lowest taxes - NWb
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since the 50s. People bleating about high taxes havent done their homework.
In other words, you won't mind paying higher taxes on everything? (no msg) - Backwards Typist
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in other words? - NBw
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Is there only one alternative? Drop the Bush taxcuts for the wealthy. There's an idea. Drop the subsidies to oil. there's another.
Do the research on how much of the total - tax burden the "wealthy"
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already shoulder even WITH tax cuts...49% last time I checked the figures. You don't think that the upper 5% of ALL Americans shouldering almost HALF the total burden is enough??

Has your fairness meter gone that wonky?
you do the research - NWb
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The top 10% have 71% of the wealth. They also use massive tax tricks to keep from paying their fair share. Son is a CPA and he was flabbergasted when he was studying tax law. Instead of opening your eyes to the evils of attacking teachers and firefighters for having livable retirement plans, keep on siding with those protecting richie rich and the oyl companies. Serf city here we come.

What difference does it make if the 10% - have 72% of the wealth?
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even with the cuts, the tax tricks, when it is all said and done they still contribute 49% of what is paid in. No matter how you cut it. Closing my eyes evils of attacking teachers and firefighters for having livable retirement plans? What has that got to do with taxing the rich more? If you are talking about unions, who do you think pays for those livable retirement plans? You and I do. They are public employees. It comes out of the state coffers and property taxes...which, incidentally, the "wealthy" pay a big chunk of because obviously they have the bigger houses, yada yada.

How about you opening your eyes to what the Democrats did to social security and fight letting people privatize because that means less for them to steal from the trust fund?? How about you opening your eyes the deficit and the Democrats' inattention to it?

what difference - NWb
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does it make that 10% of a democracy holds 70% of the wealth? What difference does that make??? blink. blink. What's wrong with asking middle class people to work "a few years longer" before collecting SS while we subsidize oil companies and offer tax breaks to the wealthy? . . . the phrasing alone of these inquiries says to me that posters are too far gone to be reached. Take that elderly lady working the hamburger line a set of Dr. Sholl's foot pads while you are there.
What the heck, it gets her out of the house, right?
If the Dems had not raided the trust fund - in the first place
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that lady in her Dr. Scholl's at the hamburger place would be at home drawing her social security, not working to pay more in to pay her OWN because hers was stolen from her. Let's talk about THAT.

A democracy does not guarantee outcomes for anybody. What it DOES guarantee is an equal chance. If YOU had had the idea for Microsoft Windows, you would be rich instead of Bill Gates. That is the way free enterprise works. It was his idea and he made a ton of money, still making a ton of money. Does that mean that you should benefit from his idea??

Again...we would not have a social security issue had the Dems not passed a law to raid the trust fund. When SS was rolled out America was told that money went into a trust fund and would not be used for anything but SS. But, Dems needed that money to fund a myriad of their OTHER programs. They opened Pandora's box and not a dime of the pilfered money was paid back.

Let's talk about THAT instead of oil company subsidies. Typical Dems...steal from SS and then want to tax the wealthy more....which makes no sense because none of it goes BACK to social security anyway, not to pay back what they stole.

Does none of that mean ANYTHING to you?? Or are you just doomed to repeat the socialist redistribution class warfare mantra?
Math - mbmt
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What percentage of taxes do you think that 10% holding 72% of the wealth should be paying? I see something wrong with this picture, mathematically speaking, in regards to them paying only 49% of the taxes.
Yep. Only one alternative depending on which side is the "windiest" - Backwards Typist
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and wins the debate. LOL

I agree subsidies should be dropped but not for all oil companies. The little guys deserve help yet, or else big oil will dominate and be able to stick it to us anytime they want.
you would know more - NWb
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windiest than I would. Secrest out.

I think the economy, high unemployment, - Obamacare, the HUGE

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deficit, their complete inattention to cutting spending....put them about 10 feet under the seat actually.

You know the Republicans don't intend to end social security. The only privitization would be to allow younger people now opt to privatize if they wish. The way Congress keeps dipping into the trust fund, if I were the young people now I would be HAPPY to do that. And yes, the Democrats had the majority when the law was passed to allow Congress to raid the trust fund. There was a law AGAINST that until they passed one so they could.

Thanks for that Democrats....NOT.

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