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Someone ask me to cite a "source" for waste...

Posted: Apr 16, 2010

Why do we need HUD?  There is so much corruption there..... people living off my dollar free.   Explain to me why I need to provide their housing?  They can provide their own housing.    If they can't buy...they can rent!  I did!  Since when did that become a bad thing. 

NO>....... I DO NOT want to pay for their free housing.... I do not want to pay their HUD or their rental subsidies.  Let them PAY THEIR OWN WAY!!   DUH!  There's a concept..... pay your own way!!

Funny how that just chaps the backsides of so many, usually those that love to know they have it or know someone who does.....

Further enslavement of our people.  Why would they want to pay their own rent when we'll pay it for them?  Billions upon billions wasted on paying for someone else's rent.... building them a place to live just to tear it apart while everyone else pays for what they can afford according to their own wages...

HUD fraud, food stamps fraud, welfare fraud, Medicaid fraud..... are those enough sources for ya?   Or is that a taboo subject in your eyes?

And for anyone who doesn't understand fraud, it means being given something YOU DON'T deserve and those in charge manipulating information in order for funds to be handed out or taken in.   It's all about lying...... 


Do you know what citing a source means? - Answers to your questions.

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The source that backs up your claims is still missing.

It helps to minimize or eliminate slums.
It promotes development of more valuable properties.
Allocation of funds for the elder â€Â¦you know, those folks who have paid into the system for decades.
Banned discrimination in housing.
Assistance to low income families to encourage home ownership and expand their contribution to the tax base.
Provision for community block developments and urban homesteading, a program aimed at improving deteriorating urban areas (can you say crack house) by offering abandoned or foreclosed houses to persons who agree to repair them and live in them for a specified number of years.
Urban development grants to establish housing for handicapped and elderly.
Help for communities deal with the homeless.
Allowed for the purchase of public housing by resident mgmt corps (home ownership of apartments and condos).
Revitalized public housing and mgmt practices.
Provided mechanisms to screen out and evict criminals, substance abusers and individuals who pose a danger to other residents.
Opened up more public housing to middle class.
Encouraged home ownership by establishing seller concessions allowing for home purchase with $100 down payment.

Notice a trend here? It is about expanding the tax base, crime control, preserving and increasing property value, eliminating urban blight and establishing programs for the homeless, low income and middle class citizens that encourage home ownership. It is also about being responsible for something LARGER than yourself. You are a member of your community and a citizen of the nation. You enjoy the benefits of citizenship, don't you? If so, then why do you whine so much when it comes time to do your part to meet the responsibilities, i.e. paying taxes?


PS: This is what citing a source looks like.

Sorry, all that gibberish just doesn't cut it.... - sm

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You have fallen right in step with all that nonsense about using the money of those that do work to support those that choose not to. HUD/public housing is a huge drain on taxpayers not to mention NOT the taxpayer’s responsibility to buy someone else a roof over their head. If many people realized there would be no freebies out there unless serious HARDSHIP and only then for a short time, they would suddenly find a job and learn how to pay their way.

The government’s responsibility was NEVER to house or float someone from cradle to grave. The people within a community always helped take care of one another UNTIL the civil rights movement and then the social programs sprang up and they got bigger and bigger and bigger with NO end in sight. Which, by the way, was the start of deterioration of the black community. Do your homework.

Don't try to go there with the handicapped or the elderly. Don't you know the difference between helping elderly and handicapped and giving year to year handouts to able bodied people who can work but don't?!

The urban junk you try to pull is a joke. Putting in public housing in neighborhoods where people are actually paying for their own homes ONLY brings down the worth of those homes and that is why everyone then starts moving out of the area. Their property value falls like a ROCK!! Who wants to be stuck with a house that is worthless and worrying about your safety daily because of all the crime and rift raft all this brings in. You can yammer on and on all you want but we see it all the time. My home is over 30 years old and we take care of our home. The freebies down the highway under 5 years old,what happens to them? Already showing signs of deterioration and vandalization...why? Why should they? Someone else pays for it, they don't care what happens to it one way or the other. After all, it's not THEIR dollar, so who cares. They should be made tend the grounds, do maintenance and upkeep, but instead, they sit around all day doing absolutely nothing.

BTW, these are not elderly OR handicapped. These are able-bodied folks who only have to work part time or not at all and can say they don't make more and can get free housing JUST because they don't want to work full time. The system is so screwed up and abused, they are not even made FIND a full-time job. OF course, most folks get why that's a bad thing and why taxpayers are sick of paying for it but the ones who seem to get sooo offended are the ones either on the dole to some degree or another or know someone who is, so they must stick together at all cost.

In case you overlooked what government is for, it is for a strong military, infrastructure, and guarding our borders to keep this country safe....not building ANYONE a home so they can destroy it. I don't know what kind of public housing you're use to, but there is NO ownership here...these are simply handouts....free roofs over someone's head who BTW, abuse the privilege they have been given by abusing the system, allowing people to live with them that are not supposed to be there, i.e., live-in boyfriends, while the boyfriends are walking the streets all day knocking up someone else, or multiple families illegally living in a one-family house. Heck, the kids sit in the classrooms openly talking about who lives with them that shouldn’t be, and then telling the teachers they weren’t supposed to tell anyone. I don't mince words; this happens everyday around here. My government is NOT supposed to be using anyone's money to support a welfare state.

If you think public housing gets rid of crack houses, you are definitely delusional. Of course, it DOES draw more crime which is why the police dept spends most of its time AT the public housing all over the county due to all the fighting, shootings, gang-related activity in all this WONDERFUL public housing you're so fond of. Why is that? Because the majority living there do NOTHING all day long, have NO motivation to EVER do anything, and think they're big stuff being in a gang, painting their gang crap all over the sides of the NEW wonderful housing that, according to you, is supposed to INCREASE property value(right!). It never dawns on them to actually leave the block and go to work! They look like a bunch of dogs traveling in a pack, walking around their compound all day long, looking for OTHER gangs who MIGHT be on their turf, hanging their shoes over the power lines as a "sign" this belongs to them! They don't own turf....they don't own squat but idiocy.

These are not homeless, so don't go there. These folks have NEVER known homelessness in their life. Everyone else has always put a roof over their heads. These are simply those that have been born in the system, raised in the system, know the system very well, and will continue to live IN the system until death.....unless the tap is turned off and they are forced to do what everybody else has to do in order to live..... work! If they can’t afford an apartment, go find a trailer to rent. You gonna tell me they’re too good to live in a trailer now, that they are entitled to a house paid for by someone else? No, they’re not!

Do you even have a clue that assistance programs are supposed to be short-term to HELP someone, not a way of life?!

There are no middle class around here living in public housing. They wouldn't qualify! Why would they want to? Their children would go to schools overwhelmed with students who won't learn, horrible test scores, poor/nonexistent parenting, crime galore in the schools, and the list goes on and on and on and on. For those that just don't care (and there are many) where their children go to school, it doesn't matter to them one way or another. They don't bother to show up for anything anyway and couldn't tell you the name of their child's teacher either.

You don't have to worry about discrimination in housing. They got the system down pat.

There is NO expanding the tax base because THEY DON'T PAY TAXES. I pay them! They buy their groceries with MY money....get it? They don't pay taxes, the taxpayer does. They PAY NO TAXES! EVER! Anything they buy is bought with someone else's money. It doesn't preserve anything because they tear everything up! And there isn't one realtor in this area that would tell you public housing has increased property value anywhere which is why people move further out because they know if they don't move while they can, their house won't be worth squat in a few years. Why do I need to pay for programs for middle class citizens? If they are middle class, they can pay their own way. And since when does having low income entitle someone to someone else's hard-earned money?

They are not entitled to any special treatment because they are low income. I grew up in a very low income home and we didn't expect anyone to hand us anything. And if you have low income, you sure as shoot shouldn't be buying a home and the taxpayers have NO responsibility in buying them one. If you couldn't afford it before, then you can't afford it after. Learn to live within your means. We do!

You've got to be kidding with that benefit of citizenship thing. Shouldn't they be out enjoying their citizenship by actually participating in being a citizen (working) and ALL the benefits that go with it, including paying their own way? Learn to live within their means just like we do.

You need to clue up on the paying taxes thing. It was NEVER meant to pay for everyone else. Please don't preach to me about doing my part! MY part is not being responsible for anyone else. Ever hear of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? Too bad that isn’t taught in schools around here because the kids sure don’t hear/see that from their parents. We donate to charities of OUR choice where it will actually do some good for someone. We volunteer in areas throughout the year to those in need that actually appreciate help, not EXPECT it. Social programs should not be existing like they do. They are a HUGE drain on the working people, accomplish very little if anything in the long run, and just a way for govt to GAIN THOSE VOTES!

Matter of fact, for those getting a check year after year, without actually working to get it, why aren't they EXPECTED to volunteer their time to actually do something constructive?! You know, BE a citizen, participate in their community, not mooch off of it. I don't need govt telling me where I should spend my money let alone taking it for THEIR wasted projects and fraudulent activities.

What I haven't heard from you is anything constructive on what those receiving all this assistance should be doing on THEIR part! I would love to hear what you think THEY should be doing as a citizen but I won’t because that part has NEVER entered your mind.

Yammer on all you want..... I have nothing to apologize for. I work, I work, therefore, I eat!!

What a long winded stinging endictment you have put together. - Do facts always set you off like this?

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Speaking of yammer, I do appreciate the effort you put into this response, but am unable to digest it and give it the attention it merits until after I get back from the good ole yearly mammo this morning. One boob pancake press comin' right up. What a thrill it's gonna be.

BTW, that yearly mammo is brought to my neighborhood on county taxpayer dime, being among the 17+ million unemployed and all. I certainly am grateful to those who paid into the system (like I did for 4 decades) without grumbling and carrying on, knowing full well that one day, their number may come up too, in the great crapshoot of life. It is comforting to know that at least SOME of my community residents DO care whether or not I live with of die of breast cancer, especially the talented and compassionate bunch of doctors I have encountered within the county health care system. Those are the guys who have made the choice to utilize their education and practice their craft in service to their community rather than lining their own deep pockets. Great bunch of folks. You might outta try hanging out around some service oriented humans from time to time. It obviously would do you a world of good. Ta-Ta for now.
There is a difference between needing help and being - a slug. There are LOTS of slugs.nm
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You still haven't answered the simple question can you? - nm
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Enlightenment is usually not easy to swallow..... - nm
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You are so right! That reminds me, I work in an office - with a girl who only pays 100 bucks

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a month to live in a much newer house than me. She is in her 30s and of good health. She has 2 kids and is a single mom (admits she is not even sure who the fathers are). So, she was offered a fulltime position at the office, but will not work over a certain number of hours because she would lose her subsidized housing rate of 100 bucks a month. She admitted this. She is totally able bodied and CAN work, but wont work any harder even though was OFFERED more work because wants to keep the Govt help -and both kids are on Medicaid. It is sickening. This is just one example. There are probably millions like these. Do people have any pride anymore, or are many fine with living off everyone else? I guess I know that answer, unfortunately!
Explain THAT to those on here who THINK that woman is - entitled to MORE......sm
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She knows the system well and plays it well. The LESS she does, the MORE she gets for doing NOTHING!! The know it alls on here should explain why that woman is entitled to live in a NEW home that she isn't really paying for...her kids are entitled to a certain number of bedrooms for which she DOES NOT pay for.....

She can work MORE hours, pay her way and her kids' way, and live in what she can afford to live in. Those kids will still get Medicaid, regardless....they just might not have a new home. They are not entitled to a new home.

There are thousands like that in my town alone. NEW homes paid for by taxpayers while those folks do as little as possible even with full time work around, just so they can live in new houses with SWIMMING POOLS thrown in. And guess what, those around them are living in what they can afford while PAYING for that woman to MOOCH off my taxes... no doubt she'll pop out another kid or 2 just so she can get more freebies along the way. Where's the motivation to stop mooching? Your story is proof that the LESS she does, the MORE they get.

But you will always get those folks (and I know exactly who/what they are) who think they or their families are "entitled"...... it escapes them that they should live within their OWN means. They actually believe they should be living like someone who has educated themselves, works HARD, and pays their own way. ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY

HUD/FHA home loans - heireann

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You sound very unhappy even after having achieved what I can only imagine is a self-imposed martyrdom, although I would not look to beatification any time soon. You make sweeping generalizations before you have all the facts about HUD and all of the subsidies they provide and just who qualifies for them. Just because your neighborhood is horrible, and you seem content to stay there, why would you think everyone who has received a HUD loan would be satisfied living there or want to raise their family there?

I have never posted on this web site, but what you express sounds so ugly. So please, get all your facts correct, or you will never receive that canonization you feel you so richly deserve.
Here's a fact for ya.....pay FOR YOUR OWN HOME.. - whatever you can afford...you live in...sm
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People have gotten to the point on the govt handouts they feel entitled to have better than they have.

My taxes are not to allow someone else to have better living environment than I have. It is for emergency personnel, roadway construction....things that continue to make it possible for "working" people to actually participate in their community by WORKING!!

All this garbage about your responsibility to pay for someone else on the dole.....where is that written? It has become such propaganda over the decades (since civil rights era) that the tax payer should pay for someone else that it has actually become accepted that that's just the way it is. No, it's not.

Why do YOU have such a problem with people paying their own way? Know someone that doesn't? Probably! Not my problem.
If you can afford a trailer, you live in a trailer. If you can afford a house, you live in a house. What's wrong with that? You know someone that you feel should be more entitled? Probably. That's your problem then. Then YOU pay for them. What's wrong with living WTHIN YOUR MEANS? Since when is that a bad thing.

My facts are not ugly, they are just facts and people who either live on assistance (different than those who truly need it) as a way of life or those that are fine with hoping they can live free off someone else are the ones who perpetuate this. You try to make someone out to be a "bad" person when they stand up and say they're tired of paying for people who don't want to make their own way. I see it everyday in my town....it's out and out laziness and feeling of "entitlement" to which they are NOT entitled. What makes them entitled...the fact that they breath?

HUD loans are not necessary. Learn to live within your means. The reason there is HUD in the first place because it has become a way of this country to think people should live this way or that way...at someone else's expense.

Any govt loan such as HUD comes with all sorts of expectations and rules that no one else is privy too. You have 3 or 4 children OR MORE and the rules are you HAVE to have X number of bedrooms because Lord only knows, those children need their own space....what a crock!!

People paying their own way can have 6 children living in one small house and the govt couldn't care less. Why? Because they are paying their own way. But let the govt become involved and there are all these ridiculous rules....

Explain to me why someone who CHOOSES to keep spitting out babies is entitled to MORE bedrooms in their "paid for" home than someone paying their own way? You can't.... plain as that.

It's no wonder when one looks in the paper they see NO HUD accepted. There's a reason for that. They know they are expected to pamper the lazy in order to let them live there and they also know that home will be torn up in no time.

You never have answers...you just yap on. So, if you have a REASON why someone on the dole is entitled to MORE bedrooms based on the number of their children rather than what they can afford, you are welcomed to try to make sense of it. I'm sure you'll try to come up with some silly reason.
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You did not the gist of my post. I said to get facts of all HUD subsidies before you make sweeping statements.

With my HUD/USDA loan in 1986 I bought a beautiful home in rural TN. Also for your information, I am a very well-paid MT for over 33 years, and I worked hard, have never recieved any other subsidy that you seem to think everyone who has ever received a HUD loan gets, and paid off my 30 year loan in cash, in less than 18 years. You told me to live within my means. I do, and very well. Because of my income, I was not paying a small amount every month.

So you see, I am absolutely not living on your money. In your post you talk about bringing down property values in your neighborhood. In my neighborhood the property values have tripled, I pay quite a bit for property tax, and my neighborhood is very settled, have had the same neighbors for over 20 years - a drafter, two very highly paid nurses, a pharmacist, several engineers, and a VP for a company you would recognize. Our homes are all on over 1 acre lots, everyone respects everyone else, the neighborhood is very settled, very quiet. Do you see what I am getting at? I received a HUD/FHA/USDA loan, paid it off, paid cash for my brand new Dodge Charger last year and drove it off the lot. You did not subsidize me in any way. Dont you get it, we are not all living on your dime. Now I feel like I am bragging, but I am just a really hard working MT with a great job. So I do live within my means, very well, and you are not subsidizing me in any way whatsoever, but you included me in your rant.

That is why I said to get all your facts about the HUD loans, what kind of communities we live in. Not all the HUD loans live in the the type of neighborhood you do, would never want to raise my children or grandchhildren there, not my X amount of children to get more subsidies, my one daughter, my one granddaughter, and just added on 1600 square feet so my parents can live with me. Do not worry, you will not have to subsidize them in any way.

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