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Does Romney Have Brain Damage?

Posted: May 25, 2012

I'm posting this everywhere I can think of hoping it gets some traction before the election.  Y'know how Mitt said he 'didn't remember' cutting off that kid's hair when he was 18 years old?  (Old enough to be charged as an adult with assault, but that's another issue).

Well, back when he was fresh out of high school, he went to France for his Mormon missionary work.  It's little known and it's been scrubbed mostly out of his Wiki and other histories, but he was involved in a fatal car accident there.  You can google 'romney fatal car accident' or some such and the NY Times had a good writeup on it at the time. 

He was driving, the president of the mission and the president's wife were in the front seat of a Citroen, with three more people packed in back.  It's agreed that he was going under the slow speed limit, and a pastor (possible inebriated) at a high rate of speed lost control of his car passing a truck and head-on'd the Romney car.  Romney was not considered to be at fault.  The president's wife died in the accident.

Now, here's the important part:  Romney was 'declared dead' at the scene by the first policeman at the site.  He wrote, 'il est mort' in Romney's passport, or 'he is dead'.   Romney ended up in the hospital IN A COMA FOR 2-3 DAYS (implying a severe brain injury) and broken ribs, etc.   It took him the better part of a year to recover. 

So now he says he 'can't remember' bullying some kid in the years before.  I have to wonder, either he's lying or he truly doesn't remember.  His plastic personality, the fake laugh, the seemingly conscience-lessness of his behavior while making money... maybe it's residual brain damage.

Either way, if he's a liar or has brain damage and memory problems, he's not suitable material to take on the most dangerous and difficult job on the planet...

Why are we having these particular people forced on us?  (See Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party for another possibility; he'll be on the ballot in all 50 states). 

Thanks for listening.


not for Romney, but... - sm

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I don't really find this argument compelling. Having been in a coma does not disqualify someone from seeking high political office (nor should it, in my opinion).

As for having these particular people "forced" upon us, I can't agree with that, either. We, the people, choose our candidates through our parties and through voting. We may not like the candidates, but they are chosen and voted for democratically.

There's nothing democratic - signalfire

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There's nothing democratic about a system whereby corporations give millions to candidates, where only rich people can run, where the same families (Bush and Clinton?) pop up over and over again, and where someone like Ron Paul is declared 'unable to win' early in the game even though he packs an auditorium over and over again, and someone else is the 'presumed' candidate.

We haven't had a democracy in this country in a very long while. Even the vaunted JFK was involved in vote rigging back in the day.

And yes, a coma is a big issue. Having your brain slammed back and forth inside your skull to the point where you were presumed dead at the scene is nothing to sneeze at; this is a guy who was supposedly bright enough to get two degrees at Harvard, but he 'can't remember' bullying someone (would have been a highlight of my life, but not in a good way...). His friends of the time say they never forgot it and it's shamed them ever since. And yet, he chuckles it off? The man is a sociopath, I'm only positing a possible reason why.

I don't believe he "can't remember" - I believe he's lying

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I would have to agree with you, though, about the corporate co-opting of our democratic process. Once again, however, it would be up to us citizens to reform that process.
Agreed. Wouldn't be the first time. - Won't be the last.
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It's gonna be a long, hot summer.

Funny how the "bullying" - which could not be proved

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from 47 years ago so he's accused of lying. But Obama, who refuses to produce any college records, any college thesis, any means for support during college, any proof of income to support extensive middle eastern travel, and the ever questionable birth certificate to squelch rumor started by Clintons, is never questioned. Even on recent events, not having to stretch back 47 years to try and dig up dirt.
Ummm, Mittens apologized for bullying, even tho he claims - he doesnt remember the HS "pranks"
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Straight from the horse's mouth. No proof needed.

President Obama's loans, grants and scholarships were his source of educational funding and have been reported on extensively. His summer trip home to visit his mom and sister in Indonesia, then his roommate's family in Pakistan in 1981, is nothing more than standard operating procedure for a college sophomore. His mom was working as a project officer for the Ford Foundation in Jakarta in 1981. More than likely she paid his plane fare. Neither he nor his roommate would have needed much money during a 3-week stay in their parents' homes, where food, shelter and pocket money would have been readily available from family and friends. FactCheck calls speculation over this travel "more birther nonsense."

Speaking of birther nonsense, BC issues have been laid to rest long ago. Ask any of the more sane GOP pols and voters who have since distanced themselves from this pitiful pathological compulsion to undermine the president's eligibility for the office he has held now for 3-1/2 years, and is bound to hold for a second term.
Not what Romney said - try posting the whole story
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Romney said "IF" he had ever offended anyone, he was sorry. He clearly stated he remembered no such incident, the alleged "victim's" family remembered no such incident, and several so-called "witnesses" walked the lie back.

As for "The Anointed One", pass the schedule you posted on to him, 'cause his memory is clearly faulty. Grants, scholarships were to have been granted as aide 'TO A FOREIGN STUDENT" studying in the USA.

If BC issue put to rest, why was there an article, which main street media refused to publish, of the SC taking it up to be heard at the SC as to the Obama being foreign born. Far more questions with Obama and his capades.
Natural US citizens born in Hawaii in 1961 - aren't and will never be
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FOREIGN STUDENTS (shout shout, let it all out). Hawaii gained statehood in 1959, 2 years before President Obama was born. That makes him as American as apple pie, dear.

Mainstream media does not publish chain emails and certainly does not treat their contents as gospel. Your claim that the SC is going to take up the birther nonsense got a pants-on-fire rating on Politifact, along with 18 other idiotic chain email birther claims. THAT'S how come.

There was one anonymous and 4 named witnesses to the bullying incident. None of them were "so-called" and all of them recalled amazingly similar accounts. The victim's sisters were unaware of the attack because they were away at college "doing their own thing" (according to Christine Lauber). Hence, statements based on their lack of knowledge do not appear to be particularly accurate, just face-saving. The only family members who could possibly know the truth (John Lauber and his parents) are deceased, but the eyewitnesses (all of whom are accomplished professionals and appear to be quite credible) are very much alive....and THAT'S a fact.
Blahblahblah - Cheearlead all you want for Oblablah
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Obama still a FOREIGN-BORN ***.

Try picking up a newspaper instead of your "chain emails". Entire SC article was published, but as usual, too many libs busy digging the holes to stick their heads in to read a paper.
What part of pants on fire are - you not getting here?
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Regardless of how many wingnut rags published the chain email, the SC birther hearing Ain't. Gonna. Happen.
What are YOU not getting - Never mind - your posts make that clq
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No.Need.To. Further.Show.Your.Lsck.Of.Knowledge.
What part are you not getting - sm
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No matter how many communist rags you read, that was not a chain email.

What part of the SC hearing do you not get. No matter how much you don't want it to happen it IS going to happen. Deal with it!
OH MY !!! - NM
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We, the people, DO NOT choose our - candidates. It takes SM

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a tremendous amount of money to run, and only those with personal wealth or money from outsiders even has a chance.

..and WE the people can reform this process if we choose - nm

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As long as corporations and special interest groups...sm - VTMT

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are considered to be people and able to contribute limitless money to campaigns our election process is no longer a democratic process.

agree; we need to reform the process - nm

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Yes. (nm) - CMT leaving da biz

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LOL - signalfire

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Cheers, CMT leavin'!

Does Romney have brain damage? - Teddy

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Yes. He is an extra chromosome conservative.

You should be a headline writer - - all you have to do is

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make any statement in the form of a question and you're planting the seed that it's a fact. Sheesh.

disagree - sm

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It's always up to the reader to determine what is fact. If simply posing a question plants the seed of fact, maybe we need to till our soil a little more vigilantly.

two dislikes for a post recommending people stick with facts - rather than rumor?

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can someone explain that to me?

i can improve on that headline! - in the style of vulpine

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"Some people say that Romney might have brain damage"

But, - sm

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headlines have to be short.
good point. - Sorry
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I guess I flunked.

Agree. - sm

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That's how rumors get started. People read the headline, maybe the first paragraph or two, and assume the story is accurate. That's human nature, which the storyteller is counting on.

but that's what critical thinking is for... - sm

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No one can be responsible for the weak-mindedness of others, or the assumptions they make. Nothing replaces research and obtaining the facts. Rumors are rumors. People who proliferate rumors are a drag, but those who prefer to believe the rumors are dangerous.
And yet your all over Fox and blame them for things people do because of things - they said or wrote - sm
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You'll be the first to yell that Fox needs to be shut down because of something they said or wrote that led a person to do something they shouldn't. Never saying that that person was weak-minded, but instead yelling its Fox's fault. You don't put the blame on them who believe rumors, but instead on Fox. But noooow because you agree with what someone hatefully wrote about Romney, now it's the people's who read its fault??? How does that double standard work? Do tell.
back off just one big minute here - sm
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First of all, you don't know me. How dare you go off on a diatribe of "you, you, you..." etc.

Second, contrary to your foolish accusation, I happened to disagree with the OP!! This was MY post: (http://general.mtstars.com/300085.html)

Third, I support no double standard. I oppose ANY media outlet that traffics in nonsense. Similarly, I oppose those individuals who traffic in the same nonsense. Fox is responsible for Fox. You are responsible for yourself.

Before you go off on someone next time, think about what you are saying and apply some critical thinking.
Should have written in my message - they said or wrote - sm
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When saying you in messages it is a generic term. I've said that before in many of my messages. Should have said "posters" instead of you. sorry.

No I do not know you of course. My reference should have been to the poster who claimed people are weak minded for believing some assenine statement about Romney having brain damage. After all how many posts do we read here over and over and over blaming Faux for spreading fear (which I don't disagree with), but yet they do the same thing here spreading fear trying to imply that the candidate they are not for now has brain damage. Then she went and said if posters believe that they are weak minded.

Kind of the double standard that gets to me. I do sincerely apologize. I believe I directed my post to the wrong poster. I guess when I read her post calling people weak minded as though it is their fault for believing what people say, yet on the other hand blaming Fuax for saying things. In other words its always the conservatives fault.
thx - sm
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Thanks for the thoughtful post. You were right, though - I AM the one who criticized others for believing rumors. I am ALSO the one who stated I did not find the brain damage statement compelling. I don't think that represents a double standard.

I am here to say that people shouldn't just believe anything they read or hear in the media. If the media engage in spreading fear or misinformation, I believe that is wrong - but in the end, it is up to us to decide what we think.
OHHHH God here we - go w/the "critical thinking" instructor
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Try exercising the restraint with your "critical thinking" before you go off on another poster because YOU didn't care for the wording in their post. You go off on them, but what about YOUR constant assumptions regarding the "critical" thought process? So far, there are about 3 posters on here that think at all. Would gladly name them, but that would cause the flamers to huddle and possibly spontaneously combust. HMMMMMMM, might serve a purpose after all.
heck - sm
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Hey gal, didn't mean to offend. I just am not willing to buy into the idea that Romney has brain damage just because someone suggests it.

Rumors and misinformation abound in this day and age. It's up to each of us to determine what we believe, and we are responsible for ourselves - just like Fox is responsible for itself, CNN is responsible for itself, and so on.

I am not even a Romney supporter, but I came out to say that I didn't find the original post (about brain damage) compelling. Am I supposed to believe that Romney has brain damage because I don't care for his politics? I don't get it.

Romney brain dead - No. - Omaba is from snorting coke

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slosh, slosh - tippietoutoo

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No he doesn't, but Obama does (sm) - Get a grip!

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Look, you've got a guy in the office who is either a liar or has brain damage and memory problems. Can't remember where he was born.

You are trying to say he is not suitable material for the job? Are you kidding me? Tell me you have to be joking on that statement.

Everyone does stupid things. Yes, even yours truly. Many of them will claim they forgot about it.

I guess though people have to try and dig up dirt on just about anything, when there is enough dirt on the current one - to include his drug habit. IMHO someone on drugs does not make a suitable person for this job.

Get a grip people!

Great post - ,,,

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BAIN HYPOCRISY - the Libs are spinning hard

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Libs and Dems so want to villify Bain. funny how you never hear the Libs/Dems tell you the guy running Bain (and has been running it for quite some time is a DEMOCRAT and has contributed thousands to OBAMA and several Dems around the country. Why never talk about that fact? Crickets? No comment from the party of hypocrites? Why no mention of his record? Why did OBAMA not return those funds?
putting middle class workers out - of their jobs
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and destroying their pensions is wrong no matter what party. Obama is properly horrified. Go ahead on and vote for the middle class destroyer. You deserve what you ask for.

What and Obama is saving the middle class? - Take off the rose colored glasses
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Obama should be horrified at the destruction he leaves in his wake.
like you and the - mirror
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Swim for shore. we are all on our own. hang on to your free enterprise raft.
You (of course) - are forgetting
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all the jobs he saved while working at Bain - those companies have continued to grow and hire more people.

Unlike when Obama decided to play favorites in the green energy industry, most of which recieved money from us and then went bankrupt (BTW, those people lost thier jobs, too). I fail to see the difference between the two except with Bain, they used thier own money, while Obama used the taxpayers money. But there's no outrage about Solyndra, right? That's just business - sometimes investments fail, right?

Not a Rumor, but Fact - signalfire

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I can see that it might be up for discussion that the man could have residual brain damage, but the fact that he was severely injured in a car accident, was considered dead by the first professional at the scene, a police officer, and was in a coma for 2-3 days is established fact, even though his campaign has tried to keep this quiet. His Wiki profile used to have references to it, but they've been scrubbed. You actually have to do some digging to come up with reference to it now.

I'm sorry if there are some Romney supporters that don't like this information out, but I think it's important for voters to take into account; I've lived long enough to see other candidates' health issues be deep-sixed and it IS pertinent to their ability to do the job.

no, it's not a fact - two left feet

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Unless you are in possession of an MRI or CT of the head, then no - this is not a fact. Believe me, I don't care for Romney. But I don't think calling this a "fact" is the way to go here, nor is it particularly relevant that a police officer thought he was dead.

Incidentally, even a concussion is a brain injury. If this made people unsuitable for employment, we would have lost a great many candidates, teachers, astronauts, etc.

Brain injury doesn't make people mean, incompetent, or stupid. I guess I don't see where you want to go with this.

Agreed - signalfire

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Agreed that neither a concussion nor a brain injury of any kind makes someone 'mean, incompetent or stupid'; but it sure doesn't help. (By all reports, Romney was mean beforehand...)

A 2-3 day long coma, not medically induced, is not a concussion. It's a sign of severe brain trauma. Ask any doc. The thing I find a salient point here is that the campaign is trying to erase this from his history, and he's claiming either a loss of memory ("I don't remember cutting off that kid's hair", followed by "I didn't think he was gay, we never thought about that back then"; totally untrue, I lived through those times and gay kids were routinely bullied). So, he remembers that kid, but not holding him down while he was screaming and taking a scissors to him repeatedly, which is assault and battery! My point is, is he a liar, or was he admitting to memory loss in his chuckling, tossed off response to a serious charge of bullying?
Our point is, what accounts for - Obama memory lapses
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lies, intellectual dishonesty, spin, distortion of truth. Yeah, we all get it, you love Obama and will overlook anything, but will crucify anyone you don't like. You employed by Media Matters? Sounds like.

The TRUTH is, no one can possibly get inside someone else's head and "KNOW" what he meant to say. Can only go by what they actually say. Sad for the libs/dems, Obama has said lots that is simply not true and flat out lies. Check out the pinocchio ratings.
So why then is the campaign so diligently trying to - scour the info?
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I find that element of the story to be quite telling. Perhaps we ought to file some lawsuits to ascertain full disclosure of the nature his neurologic deficits before handing him the keys to the kingdom.
Since you are referring to Obama - by all means, get him a brain scan
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to "ascertain the full disclosure of" Obama's "neurological deficits". Unfortunately, the clown already has the keys to the kingdom, but should be like taking candy from a baby to get them back.
Imitation is the - sincerest form of flattery.
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The thread is all about Mitt's being declared dead, his subsequent coma and lingering questions over his brain injuries. Do try your best to stay on task. Don't count your Mars bars before they hatch. Snatching those keys is easier said than done. First you're gonna have to come up with SOMETHING that resembles a platform addressing voters' issues and Mr. Coma is going to have to find some kind of record to run on. That Bain thing isn't working out that well and being the 47th-in-jobs-creation gov is worser still. Good luck with that.
Imitation is the - sincerest form of flattery - tell yourself whatever you need
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to sleep at night.

Bain is not working out for Obama, on that point your correct. Because so few actually looked factually at Bain and relied on the lies by Obama, sure you wouldn't know that.

When Romney ran Bain, Romeny BROUGHT BACK JOBS TO USA, that had previously been sent overseas by his predecessor. OBAMA FLAT OUT LIED ABOUT THAT FACT.

Guy running Bain for the time frame Obama keeps belly-aching about is a Democrat and contributed heavily to Obama campaign, along with several other Democrats. OBAMA FLAT OUT LIED ABOUT THAT FACT.

Steel factory layoffs Obama boohooing about took place 2 YEARS AFTER Romney left. Obama FLAT OUT LIED ABOUT THAT FACT.

We all get it, you love Obama, hate Romney.

You are right though, Mr. COMA-OBAMA needs a record desparately since COMA-OBAMA is clueless and Obama in dire need of a brain scan just to see if there is one; 'cause Obama sure aint using it.

But Heh- the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schulz would be proud, you got all the talking points just like they wrote them, dam the facts.

Not fact - you might want to read something else besides the - National Enquirer - sm

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I read the National Enquire's page about this which your post pretty much matches up to what they wrote.

You are stating that something is fact when it is not.

It also states in the article that he was "feared dead". The person who wrote "il est mort" was not a medical professional.

By trying to incite fear stating brain damage (which you have no real knowledge about) makes you no better than Fox.

From everything he has done his career, I can tell you this...no, he does not have brain damage. Obama on the other hand is another story.

Don't you mean 57 states? - Geo Cache

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That's how many Obama said there were.

Dems in a pathetic spin - ...

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and immediately result to mean-spirited hate speech.

oh please... - signalfire

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If you actually HEARD the audio from that quote, you would realize he said 'fifty......long pause here...' seven states.' He was obviously distracted and meant to say 47. It's the mean spirited Karl Rove types who have made a huge deal about this. Considering GWB's verbal faux pas, that is nothing.

More excuses for Obama - Trigger Happy

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his followers never fail to give the man a free pass for anything and everything. I have heard the audio. No matter whether he got distracted or not...the man said 57 states no matter how you try to spin it...he said it.
Shh.... - Geo Cache
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Never try to arm a lib with facts...they can't handle it.

Mitt Romney - Another Mormon

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I often wonder what goes on in the brains of those people who attack other people and then they think the person they are attacking has a problem?? I can assure you he has no memory problem, and does everyone remember every single event in their lives? Maybe he does remember and simply does not want to talk about it because he was probably repentant and paid his dues for that incident and it was a world away from where he is now. If you would like to bring up some good things, we would like to hear that too. I know this incident was not great, but there are far worse things happening in this world than finding mundane things to attack someone with. How about finding a cause to fight for, someone to help, helping the elderly, or someone who is blind, volunteering in a hospital..this would certainly change your world for the better. By the way, he would make a much better president then Obama, who has lied to the American people, takes credit for everyone elses' achievements, and because Romney was ahead of him he jumps on the bandwagon and endorses same-sex marriages? Is this a ploy to get the vote from the lesbian-gay community, which is large, and they control a lot of business in the United States, or is it he has lost the following among the black community, and needs the votes from those he never once cared for?? He seems to change sides to his benefit. His VP endorses lesbian/gay community and then Obama sudden follows!! Think about that!!!!

You are very threatened by Romney, huh? - I think Obama is too. LOL !! nm

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Radiology Report For Brain MRI And Pituitary MRI Performed And Additional FLAIR And Contrast EnhanceMay 03, 2012
My MRI with and without contrast was some abnormalities that I do not understand and can not find answers to my questions. I am very frustrated at this point, to say the least.The negative findings are as follows:A 1.2cm focus of increased FLAIR signal is present within the deep left parietal lobe just behind the left lateral ventricle which extends posterior superiorly to the subcortical white matter of the left parietal lobe.  There is no surrounding edema.  There is no associated en ...

"Voting With Her Brain And Not Her Skin Color."Oct 08, 2012
"Voting with her brain and not her skin color."  My favorite comment mentioned in this article. It hurts my heart to know that this kind of racism still exists in our country.  Sensitivity warning:  Some of the comments in this article are pretty explicit and vulgar.  ...

Anybody Ever Heard Of "streaking" In The Brain?Jun 09, 2011
My aunt has been having problems since before Easter with constantly falling and memory problems.  Has seen numerous doctors, been to multiple hospitals, etc.  The one neurologist actually told her to go to PT for a month and he would see her back after that.  The one hospital wanted to do a brain biopsy.  They say its not MS - have done multiple spinal taps.  She has now been in Cleveland Clinic for over a week now, has PT/OT three times a day.  Is having to relear ...

Red Listens To "my Heart And Brain" Does NotMar 28, 2016
Latest New York Times interview. So inept. ...

"Brain-dead Buffalo"Oct 23, 2016
during her meltdown after interview with Matt Lauer. LOL Don't believe it? Google it. I don't think she has very good comportment. ...

Ann RomneyMar 01, 2012
I know, I know, it's an "old" video (from 2007).   It took me a couple of days to find it.  When I first saw it in 2007, I was quite impressed with this woman, not even  knowing about her health battles.  No matter your politics, this woman is a class act. http://www.myspace.com/video/mitt-romney/the-decision/16602414   ...

Romney Is To The Apr 17, 2012
what Dukakis was to the Democrats in the 80s. Couldn't find anybody better to run and embarrassing to watch. Oh, and they were both Govenors of Massachusetts ...

Do You Know That When Romney Was Being...Jul 16, 2012
considered for the vice presidency in 2008 he released 23 years of tax returns to GOP nominee John McCain?  Now he wants us only to see 1 year, and maybe 2011 in the fall?  What is he hiding?  Me thinks he may be hiding very damning and embarrassing info that he does not want us the voting public to know.   ...

So How's Romney Doing? ...smJul 26, 2012
This is just priceless. ...

Romney's 47%.Sep 23, 2012
My husband and his friends at work discuss politics at lunch, probably not with as little respect for each other as is sometimes shown on this board, but nonetheless that's a topic for another post. Yesterday, a lady who has been one of Obama's most ardent supporters, usually saying she just cannot support Romney because he is rich and cannot identify with her, told them of an incident she had witnessed that morning. She said a young man walked off his job and said ...

How Can Anyone Believe Anything Romney SaysOct 10, 2012
when everytime he says something his people have to walk it back?  To misspeak is one thing but to tell so many lies he can't remember what his position is from one day to the next is beyond belief. ...