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Deletions on this board. Be forewarned about your "wording" of your posts.

Posted: Feb 3, 2013

I had one of my posts reported for being "insulting" and thus removed.  It should have been obvious from the post that I was replying to that I was "insulting" the pundits mentioned there (and, by extension, those who follow them, which I suppose "could" include some on the board) and not directly posters here.  I didn't realize this board had a "slant" in terms of the moderation, but apparently it does.  I'm not a longtime poster here, so maybe you all are already aware of this.  It was quite a shock to me.


Did you not read the stickies at the top of the board? - Perhaps you should. nm

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I have indeed read the stickies at the top of the board. - OP

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I had not violated anything there, so I could only guess that there might be a "slant" going on with moderation.

If I run across them, I'll be sure to report any posts that include slurs such as "demwits," "moonbats," etc., since I fall into the demographics those refer to and so will thus be "insulted" by them (I'm actually being facetious; I couldn't care less).

There is no "slant" in moderating. - Moderator

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It appeared to several posters and myself that you were referring to the ignorance of those that follow these pundits, i.e. the poster and those that agreed with the poster. Just please make sure your post is clear and cannot be in any way construed to sound like a personal attack, as those are not tolerated here.

As far as a "slant" in moderating, there is none - all opinions and beliefs are welcome. What is not welcome are those that insult and denigrate those opinions and beliefs that they do not subscribe to.

My original "they're" referred to the same as are being referred to - in the post I replied to.

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Which may or may not have been reported too, but it still stands as is. How could my referent have been in relation to anything but the same, since I didn't add anything to it, just used the word "they're"?

Some pundits routinely post lies for the purpose of - adversely influencing thought. This is

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very much a political phenomenon that should be discussed. There are political machines at work subverting understanding and the effect is felt on issue after issue.

Apparently a number of people have taken the position that calling lies for what they are and discussing the political groups who choose lies over truth is "insulting." Well, this behavior is far from admirable, and it's easy to see how someone applying these comments to themselves could could feel insulted. Their choice, though.

My question is whether they are using their right to complain as a tool to manipulate this board.

I am often attacked on this board for my positions to the left, but I don't bother to feel "insulted" and I have never complained to any moderator. Ever. Yet some apparently have taken to quite often appealing to the moderator to censor posts they don't like.

Again, my question is, are they using the power of the moderator to do what the lack of power of their arguments cannot achieve?

A dem
Thank you. That's what it felt like, that I was being "censored." - OP
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Since I hadn't violated any board rules and was referring to the exact same group in my reply that the poster above me was referring to. I get a feeling that only/mainly one side ever feels "insulted" here. I have certainly noted that side taking things very personally that were not intended that way, such as criticism of a news source, yet no personal attacks on the poster who posted it. I feel sorry for them if they feel that any criticism of anything in their posts extends to them personally, but how else are we to express our disagreement? I have never disparaged any individual posting here and don't plan to.
I've had posts deleted, by various monitors, because of misunderstanding - what may be more subtle points. I think
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perhaps they can sometimes be in a hurry and fail to adequately analyze what's actually been said--perhaps especially if they're reacting to a complaint or complaints, which often misstate what's being said as well. Over the time I've been here, this has happened a number of times.
The moderator is not there to - "analyze" your posts...
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and decide if they have been "insulting" or not. If someone reports one of your posts saying it was insulting, then that poster obviously felt the bite of some of your posts and reported it as such. If the moderator feels the same "bite" in your post, it is not her job to sit and analyze whether you the poster feel it is relative to the conversation. You keep trying to defend yourself against something you obviously did incorrectly...you insulted someone and now must pay the consequences for your actions. deal with it, let it go, and move on. I highly doubt the moderator is going to put back your posts just because you feel you did not do something wrong. and....you may just push it to the point of being banned altogether. move on already!
(!) - "move on already"
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that wasn't very nice
"Analyze," people also claim to feel "bullied," when 9 times in 10 - they just can't defend statements
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they've based on misinformation. (Now, isn't that a polite word for it? Give me a point?) About the 4th time a poster is told she's just plain wrong, with documentation, yes, she's going to feel piled on a bit, but she should also have learned something and feel apologetic for posting misinformation. OR, produce real facts to teach the truth to others. We can all use the real thing.

Running to the moderator with a phony complaint of being bullied because she can't defend her statement with facts, though, is dishonest, cowardly and sneaky--and very underhanded to use a term from today's posts.
misinformation or not, everybody and I mean - everybody
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is entitled to their opinion and have a right to post that opinion without having to "defend her statement" with facts, according to you, and not have to be told 4 times (mostly by the same person) that she is wrong. That in itself IS bullying and nobody has to apologize to you if you think it is wrong. They are still entitled to their opinion as they see it or feel it, and whether YOU think it is wrong or not, it is all a matter of interpretation. YOU are trying to FORCE everybody to have YOUR way of thinking, YOUR way of posting, and to believe everything YOU say is true. It is all a matter of perception. She, whoever it is, may not see things the same way as YOU, and she has that right. YOU don't have the right to bully her into submission.
But what if she really is wrong? - re facts vs opinion
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Example: Someone can "believe" that nothing is going right with this government, and say, "Everything this government is doing is wrong," and then someone can link to a fact or a statistic to prove that something is going right or that many things are going right. Why should the person who has the opinion, which is fine if it's an opinion, but when stated as fact, feel like they are being bullied when multiple posters prove them incorrect by reputable sources?

And I don't think arbitrary throw it out there, in your face, "dislike all you want" posts that are purposely intended to inflame on their face should be expected to attract anything but a back atcha in the same tone, which usually also includes a fact.

Then the tattlers run to the moderator, when they were the instigators in the first place. Reminds me of games kids play.

If we just stick to issues without personal jabs starting at the first post in a thread, we might have an adult discussion.

IF she really IS wrong - according to you
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it is up to HER to find that out on her own....It is not up to YOU to beat her over the head with it verbally until she agrees with you. Her private "teacher" you are not, and to put yourself into that position without having been hired to do that, is considered bullying. It's not your JOB. Leave her alone. You can point it out to her once, but to maliciously attack her over and over again with the same arrogant responses, is bullying. If she wants to be wrong, so bet it...let her. and again, what if YOU are wrong? Would you want somebody continuously browbeating you until you change your mind, which by feeling your personality, you would never do, because you are always right, according to you, and everybody else is wrong!
what bullying looks like - sm
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I believe this post meets your same- arrogant-response criterion.
everyone IS entitled to their opinion - sm
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and everyone else is entitled to respond to that opinion.
Exactly. - grits
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The truth of the Internet is that you can post whatever you want, whenever you want, depending on the rules of the particular forum you're posting in. The other side to that coin is that others have the right to respond. If you put it out there, you're opening yourself to criticism, disagreement, dog-piling, insults, belittlement, contempt, and attempted shaming.

I'm not condoning the last 5 items on that list, especially here where they're against the rules. My point is that when you post something in public, you are inviting comments both positive and negative, and it's on you to be prepared to deal with them.

I don't believe our moderators are biased, but I do believe that leftward posts get reported more often than rightward ones, and therefore are censored more often. I've never reported a post, even the ones that have been personally insulting to me. I learned a long time ago not to take anything on the 'net personally. That way lies madness :)

Thank you moderator. The insulting posters have run - rampant for months. (sm)

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I'm glad to see they aren't running roughshod all over the board anymore. I stopped coming here for awhile because of it. Thanks again.

Same here, I responded to an insulting post and - vf

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I used the same language in my response as the original poster usesd, and my post was removed while hers remained. Apparently the original slingers of insults on this board can't take what they dish out so they report to the moderator any response they they can’t handle. The world is filled with those types... the type who hit below the belt, then call foul when they're hit back... the type who never want to finish a board game when they start losingâ€Â¦ the big ol’ cry babies of the world.

all that matters is who complains - it's extremely arbitrary...

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Back when it was all the rage to call democrats communists, I responded to a particularly venomous poster by using the figure of speech "how dare you" in an otherwise even-handed post.

After summarily deleting my post, the moderator advised me that "how dare you" was fight-seeking language. (In contrast to unleashing anti-American allegations at strangers.) It's hard for me to understand how sticking up for oneself is looking for a fight, or how a figure of speech could be so terribly threatening.

Evidently, it's hard for the moderators to sort out as well. A recent spate of "how dare yous" from the right went totally unchecked - no doubt due to the fact that they were not reported. There are lots of intelligent posters here who are capable of speaking for themselves without seeking the hand-holding protection of the moderators.

There are certain things posters can work out among themselves, and they should be allowed to do so.

Like I said before, it's slanted, and there are obvious - double standards.

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I would like to think it's just the effect of fewer on the left complaining than on the right, so we'd naturally be deleted more, but my complaint about a post that is intentionally insulting me is being blatantly ignored now, so Q.E.D. I can't say that I'm surprised, but I am disappointed. I guess we'll just have to deal with the fact that the mod/s are on the side of the minority here (and likely of the same political bent).

Speaking of both sides of the aisle, there's another MT political board where the conservatives dominate, so I was very happy to find that this place now has more like-minded folks (I think there used to be a higher percentage of conservatives here in the past too?). It often bothers me to be in a profession with an apparently larger-than-average number of right-wingers (probably partly as a result of simple demographics and somewhat the WAHM mentality in general), but maybe that's changing over time for MTs the same as with the national demographic now. ::fingers crossed:: Or maybe this board is just a statistical anomaly, and you all simply managed to somehow find each other and congregate here. Either way, yay!
maybe we should just disband the whole - board...
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that would put a stop to it, wouldn't it...both the bullying AND the so-called censorship!

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