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Dear Rand
Posted: Mar 7, 2013
Short and to the point.

'Bout time he answered that question with a simple yes/no answer :) - Truthhurts
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I watched him with the dragged out answer of "if," "such as," "for example," "hypothetically," etc., but I guess this letter is his way of trying to make a fool out of Sen. Paul.
Tough. The Senator asked a simple question and deserved a simple answer. He wasn't the only one that asked that same question and got the above quotes when a simple yes or no answer would have sufficed.
The law's long in place. The answer already well known. - Rand's question purely self aggrandizing. He
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did win that--He got the attention he wanted, even if much of it is the contempt his unprincipled behavior deserves.
Yeah, but the big boys took him out to the woodshed - bootstraps (nm)
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With a well-deserved reprimand.
Graham and McCain took him to task on the Senate floor big time.
So much for even his own party "respecting" him.
Graham and McCain had very bad days yesterday. - sm
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Most are supportive of what Rand did. Gives me hope. See #PrimaryGraham on Twitter.
Took him long enough to get that "no" - out - was it so hard? (nm)
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I agree.. Getting any straight answer from - the O admin is like pulling teeth!!
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Most of America is living in a cloud and/or don't care what is happening around them until it affects them. Some of you need to wake up.
If Senator Paul really didn't know, he could have - asked any of his staff. nm
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Yeah, but the question is do you trust him - of course he's going to say
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what he believes they want him to say. Doesn't mean he can be trusted to follow it.
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