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Crazy System
Posted: Feb 6, 2013
Are you just now learning about - people cheating welfare?
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Was this really a news item?
I'm not understanding the moral outrage. - mrakerkava
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A friend of mine lives on SSI now and gets a little over $900 a month plus a piddling amount of foodstamps (not full benefits). She also owns some nice purses and jewelry from back when she was making good money on her own. This could have well been her, except she never takes out all her monthly cash at once (though somebody without a checking account, like myself, who gets monthly checks would have to cash a check all at once). And I can assure you that my friend is not scamming any system or anybody. She actually voluntarily raises her own rent (by $5 or $10) whenever she gets a COLA (which I think is goofy, but she loves her landlords, obviously, lucky her).
We have no idea what this woman's real situation is based on these very superficial facts, but from what little I can see so far, I don't suspect anything untoward on her part yet.
But it's more fun... - sm
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...to froth at the mouth and infer that all recipients of food stamps are cheating low lifes. It makes one feel morally superior.
Apparently. Me, I'd like a cup of that Yogi kava kava tea instead. :) - mrakerkava (nm)
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sorry. not allowed - doh
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It appears that an earlier reference to kava tea has been removed. I imagine the other beverages are okay.
Too bad. It was an honest answer to a stupid question.
Yep, I caught that, replied to your post down there. - mrakerkava
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What do you think of the idea of 2 separate sides of the aisle political boards? (liberal/conservative, right/left, whatever) I think it might make things easier for the Moderator/s too? If anyone jumps the aisle, automatic deletion based on just that. The lefties are more numerous here (at least if "Likes" are any indication), so I think we'd make an okay go of a board without "them" (though we'd probably need to step up submitting more articles/posts outright, since it looks like they maybe do most of the original posting in threads).
I might bring this idea to the top of the board too, depending if any/enough positive feedback received here, and then submit to the Moderators.
(you're way kinder than I am) - doh
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I don't have a problem with a right/left board, because I enjoy the debate.
As for the moderators' job, I don't think it can be made easier. All they need to do is leave the posts alone unless someone drops an F bomb.
The board has rules for posting, and the moderators should follow them instead of applying them arbitrarily. I just don't care for the selective editing as it amounts to a game of intellectual bait and switch.
But think how much more nuanced the debates would be... - mrakerkava
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amongst ourselves? Like microscopically splitting hairs finely instead of this straight up black vs. white. LOL
I get your point, though, and in circumstances where the "moderating" didn't seem to really be unfair "censoring," I would totally agree. I'm just getting sick of this set-up here now as it is, however, and was just trying to think of an alternative that might help improve it. The separate boards idea is a bit slash-and-burn, though, I guess.
And I love you *too,* Ms./Mr. First-to-Dislike! - mrakerkava
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:) Honestly? I post a lot of articles, but discussion - mostly stays in the mud pits. sm
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Seems that's what most people want, and I am forever forgetting my repeated promises to myself to stop jumping in too. Take the flying mud away, and the forum'd probably lose most of its vigor. Certain of those who went right would no doubt still have a great time doing their thing, but I see both forums still spending most of their time badmouthing each other, responding to posts from a "distance." A dem
I suppose. I'd be happy to pretend the mud pits didn't exist by avoiding them. - mrakerkava
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We could have spaghetti fights and nice tea parties instead. :)
But the vigor probably does come a lot from the tension, yeah. I know on forums I've helped manage where an even higher percentage were in agreement, they did tend to get stale and even eventually fade into non-existence. I concede, uncle. But this moderating situation...
Not allowed, LOL - The Mod deleted my post!
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All I did was answer the question, "what are some democrats drinking these days?"
Oh well. ;)
And one of my great uncles - Fanatical Hypocrite
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used to take money out of the donation plate at church even though he owned two houses and a 30 foot fishing boat. The flaw in every human system is the human part. Lots of people abuse welfare, but far more people don't.
We don't see the news story about the family on welfare because they've fallen on temporarily hard times and now their children get to go to bed with a full stomach every night because the government provided them with a safety net until they get back on their feet.
I know sometimes with the media coverage of everything negative it's hard to remember that things aren't so bad.
I realized a long time ago - grits
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that the story that makes the news is the exception, the unexpected, and the relatively rare. That's why we hear about plane crashes and not fender-benders.
Of course, with 24-hour, wall-to-wall coverage this is somewhat less true than it used to be, but it still helps me sleep at night.
24 hour news is a strange beast - Fanatical Hypocrite
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If anything it does help prove that there isn't as much bad news out there as they'd like us to think since they have to repeat the same stuff again and again, then move on to dissecting the old stuff for little bits of meat left on the bone and finally heading over to see what Twitter and the blogosphere thinks about it. Every day is a slow news day with fast news coverage.
Remember what fuels the news$$$ - Fairminded
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In a capitalistic society virtually everything is guided by how much money can be made. With the news, which is owned and operated by 5-6 MEGA for-profit corporations, it should never come as surprise that what you get to consume "as news" is not only carefully censored, but also manipulated in such a way as to keep you tuned in for as long as possible so you will buy the crap advertised during commercials. Sorry, sad but true. The corporations are guilty of the above, but WE THE PEOPLE are guilty of sucking it down day after day after day.... ad nauseum. ;)
My local news is a half hour of "if it bleeds, it leads." - I watch PBS so I don't end
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up hiding in a closet like our neighbors.
So true. For years I've driven by inner-city schools, - seen healthy bodies at play, no
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hint of rickets or other signs of long-term malnutrition, and known that whatever the flaws we're doing something right. Something big and important.
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