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Carbon Dioxide Emissions at Record High, international goal

Posted: Dec 2, 2012


Emissions continue to grow so rapidly that an international goal of limiting the ultimate warming of the planet to 3.6 degrees, established three years ago, is on the verge of becoming unattainable, said researchers affiliated with the Global Carbon Project.

The new figures show that emissions are falling, slowly, in some of the most advanced countries, including the United States. That apparently reflects a combination of economic weakness, the transfer of some manufacturing to developing countries and conscious efforts to limit emissions, like the renewable power targets that many American states have set. The boom in the natural gas supply from hydraulic fracturing is also a factor, since natural gas is supplanting coal at many power stations, leading to lower emissions.

But the decline of emissions in the developed countries is more than matched by continued growth in developing countries like China and India, the new figures show. Coal, the dirtiest and most carbon-intensive fossil fuel, is growing fastest, with coal-related emissions leaping more than 5 percent in 2011, compared with the previous year.

“If we’re going to run the world on coal, we’re in deep trouble,” saidGregg H. Marland, a scientist at Appalachian State University who has tracked emissions for decades.


The level of carbon dioxide, the most important heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere, has increased about 41 percent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and scientists fear it could double or triple before emissions are brought under control. The temperature of the planet has already increased about 1.5 degrees since 1850.

Further increases in carbon dioxide are likely to have a profound effect on climate, scientists say, leading to higher seas and greater coastal flooding, more intense weather disasters like droughts and heat waves, and an extreme acidification of the ocean. Many experts believe the effects are already being seen, but they are projected to worsen.


Is this A. Gore??? - anon

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needing to sell another fiction novel?? or publish a fiction documentary?? Running out of government funding to your "projects?" ha ha. snort.

the facts on the subject are overwhelming - Al Gore or not...

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don't let your opinion of Al Gore eclipse the facts regarding global warming. In other words: your grandchildren will not be saved by your embrace of a political agenda over reality.

there are differing "facts" on both sides of this.. - so called earth demolishing

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factor in the environment. I have heard both sides and gravitate towards the one that I feel is the truth. Not everyone views things the same and most not especially the same as "you." I have read, heard, and been shown more facts that support the idea that the earth is NOT in global warming, and that do not support the idea that there is. Al Gore took it upon himself to capitalize off of this myth and earn himself some money because of it. There are "facts" even stating that his own home is not conducive to a "green earth" as well and costs millions just to keep up and also harms the atmosphere. His claims are all hyped up ridiculousness designed and aimed at the vulnerable-minded who would rather drink his koolaid and become alarmed over his dis-facts and untruths, and spend even more of the taxpayer's hard earned money just to support his cause. There are many others who adhere to the notion that the earth is "burning up" and are seeking funding and support for their "theory" when there are no actual facts to back it up. Each individual has their own perspective on this doom and gloom theory and we are all entitled to our own opinions without having to be called "liars." My suggestion is that one reads and investigates ALL the claims on this subject and makes up their own "educated" minds and seeks the truth behind all of the rhetoric and motivation for ill-gotten gains, before drawing a one-sided conclusion that bears no true facts behind it. Just because you choose to believe it....I choose not to. This does not mean that I am against being green and taking care of our environment. I do my part to keep it clean and environmentally safe, but I just don't buy into all the hype about the planet dying. It will still be here long after we are not. Peace.
Ridiculous. Disagreement on global warming is all about the details - from those trying to understand it better. nm
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there are a few problems here... - arroz con pollo
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The first one is putting the word "facts" in quotes. We may have different interpretations about what the facts mean or how these facts arise, but facts are, in fact, facts. If this were not true, we would still be drilling holes in peoples' heads to let the evil spirits out. (While we're at it, some other words that do not require quotes are: theory and educated.)

The second problem is your statement that there are no facts to back up global warming. This assessment may stem from your feelings about facts. Please refer back to number 1.

Third, I am all for debate and difference of opinion. I don't think people who disagree with me are liars, and I don't see anyone calling you a liar.

Finally, perhaps the most poignant issue here is that in the same breath as you exhort us to seek the truth behind rhetoric, you employ an abundance of "loaded" verbiage: myth, hyped-up ridiculousness, vulnerable-minded, koolaid, doom and gloom theory. On the one hand you suggest reading and investigating, on the other, you ridicule "education"!

Certainly, there are many debates to be had on this subject, but if you are loaded for bear, you need to bring real bullets to the party. You're not going to stop a bear in its tracks by telling him he has no claws - no matter how much you want to believe it.

If Algore is associated with anything or within 100 feet of it - its a lie.

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Cannot trust it.

********************. If you aren't then post - proof. (NM)

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We're cooking. :) ARPA-E program just awarded another $130 mil - to 66 transformational energy projects. sm
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President Obama's been quietly but definitively working to develop new sources of energy, so I wasn't suprised to look and find another 66 projects just added to our exploration. All this activity reminds me of the space program, and how the research from that changed our nation and all our lives dramatically.

From the ARPA-E website:

"Washington, D.C. – Today, Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced 66 cutting-edge research projects selected by the Energy Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) to receive a total of $130 million in funding through its “OPEN 2012” program. ARPA-E seeks out transformational, breakthrough technologies that show fundamental technical promise but are too early for private-sector investment. These projects have the potential to produce game-changing breakthroughs in energy technology, form the foundation for entirely new industries, and have large commercial impacts. The selected projects encompass 11 technology areas in 24 states, and support the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above approach to solving our nation’s most pressing energy challenges.

“With ARPA-E and all of the Department of Energy’s research and development efforts, we are determined to attract the best and brightest minds at our country’s top universities, labs and businesses to help solve the energy challenges of this generation,” said Secretary Chu. “The 66 projects selected today represent the true mission of ARPA-E: swinging for the fences and trying to hit home runs to support development of the most innovative technologies and change what’s possible for America’s energy future.

The OPEN 2012 projects will focus on a wide array of technologies, including advanced fuels, advanced vehicle design and materials, building efficiency, carbon capture, grid modernization, renewable power, and energy storage. The projects were selected through a merit-based process from thousands of concept papers and hundreds of full applications. The projects are based in 24 states, with approximately 47% of the projects led by universities, 29% by small businesses, 15% by large businesses, 7.5% by national labs, and 1.5% by non-profits. Today’s announcement brings ARPA-E’s total portfolio of projects to about 285 projects for a total of approximately $770 million in awards."

This link is to descriptions of the new projects. They're all over the country and will also provide stimulus to local economies in the process.
$130 million that would be better spent... - in cutting the deficit
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and government spending on projects that are so unneeded. These so-called "percentages" are based only on one side of the forum, and only so that "funding" can be provided for unnecessary projects that may, but probably will not, benefit anyone other than the individual who is projecting the project in the first place. Aside from the taxpayers money being confiscated for funding of these so-called projects that are not even realized enough yet for public support, the energy companies themselves will then turn around and raise their rates (us again) to support the new builings, infrastructures, grids, research for alternatives that never transpire, etc. I cannot afford all of this "stuff" and the space project is really no comparison to all of this either. It benefitted us in some ways, but not enough to compensate the total cost over the many years it was implemented.
No. If we don't move forward, we sink into the ground. But, we ARE - moving forward! The era
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of stagnation is behind us, and once again we go where no man has gone before. Anyway, the way not to have deficits at all is to create great new products and sell them to the world. I'm actually very happy and hopeful knowing we are moving forward, that our nation of 300 million people is finally really taking on this problem.

"The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas."
Dr. Linus Pauling

"Capital isn't so important in business. Experience isn't so important. You can get both these things. What is important is ideas. If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life."

"When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: Only stand out of my light. Perhaps some day we shall know how to heighten creativity. Until then, one of the best things we can do for creative men and women is to stand out of their light." John W. Gardner

"There's a way to do it better find it." Thomas Edison

quoting old has-beens does not mean - we are moving forward..
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we are moving backwards towards depression and recession, once again, as I just read an article that is lowering the value of homes again, which is recession. You can aspire to see through rose-colored glasses and think that all is hunky dorey now that O has been reelected...but personally I think you all are in for a frightful awakening, and soon.
Edison, the has-been! - Who knew?
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yep, the light bulb, telephone, and wheel - can only be reinvented
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so many times before it becomes stagnant.
I was feebling trying to inspire. Come on, pick up that tired - old spirit and applaud the doers. :)
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It's always been the few who've made the difference for everyone else, and they're still busy at it. In the meantime, surely sitting around complaining about how awful everything is and searching blogs for confirmation that everything is in the toilet is a drag? The election's over for now. Time to go dancing?

Edison was much more than his inventions - smsg
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You would find his biography and philosophy very enlightening.
did you just call Linus Pauling a has-been?? - lol (no message for you)
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We're broke and fighting over how to fix the deficit/debt - backwards typist
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and they keep spending?

Was this money already allocated from the non-budget of last year or will this be part of the stimulus money Obama wants us to approve AGAIN.
Well for starters - Algore is the liar
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Well we can start with his disastrous VP time (eeks I cringe when I think back to that, a bad dream that was, no nigtmare). Okay, then we move to the his "global warming", his "carbon credit scheme", and the list goes on and on.

Here's a link by the Science & Public Policy Institute:
















or, or, or, or, or
Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and - not for lying. Come on. Self honesty
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isn't just a virtue, it's terribly important. If you can't trust yourself, you're in real trouble.
Algore was asked to return his NPP - because he lied
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How about some independent sources, independent sources, independent sources.

That does not include MSNBC or Fox or CNN or NBC or ABC.

kind of like that election he lost? - ; )

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He may be a nerd, but I don't think he's a liar.
I wouldn't consider him a nerd, but his lies - are numerous and documented
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I posted above a ton of links that list what his lies is.

A nerd is someone I consider to be an intellect in sciences or math or computers, someone with high intelligence, which he's not. While he is awkward socially at least the nerds I know of from school days cared about other people. Something he does not.

I, along with many other scientists, etc consider him to be a liar. There are many links describing all the lies he has told, and without conscious. I guess its the mind of a pathological liar, but he's pretty pathetic actually.

And the right wing is so concerned with grandchildren - inheriting debt

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created by George W. Bush, but they could care less if they inherit a dead earth... all for the cause of subsidizing the oil companies and the Halliburtons/BPs, etc.

It's all about energy sources. Here's a site - with a bunch of international projects,

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big and small, related to energy.

On the small side--but enabled by new energy technology, turns out Logitech is bringing out a solar-powered keyboard. No more rummaging for new batteries when my wireless starts acting up. :)

Another 80-degree day here in our little metal-topped fishing shack in Florida. Wouldn't it be nice if I could transfer some of THAT energy to you guys up north?

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