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Bucl Sexton Breaks Down President Obama's

Posted: Jul 8, 2014

Sexton introduced his audience to a concept he learned while working at the Central Intelligence agency called “red cell.” “Red cell is basically a war-gaming exercise, but it looks specifically at high-impact, low-probability scenarios,” Sexton explained. “Things that could happen, and if they did happen, would really make a very big difference. It also looks at things that are likely, and tries to then give us a sense — an analytic sense — of where all this is going.” “It’s a way of viewing potential outcomes without actually knowing the future,” he added. #3 scares me..."The third possibility Sexton considered was that there could be a “public health crisis” that could force Democrats to change their position, which he said “seems to be amnesty in different ways and different means.” According to a border health care official, a number of illegals entering the country have been diagnosed with infectious diarrhea, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, scabies, chickenpox, and growing numbers of sexually transmitted diseases." ;

Senator on tape, Obama told me he refused to - secure the border until we

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pass amnesty.

Scroll over to 3.21 if you don't want to watch all of it. Listen to the gasps.


He is supposed to uphold the law of the United States and - he's not doing it! Funny thing

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is, if I break the law no one claims it's my right. Grrrrrr

Please identify the law you are referring to - facts

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Unaccompanied minors fall under the bipartisan law, William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which passed the House and Senate unanimously and was signed into law by President George W. Bush.

That law says the children cannot be sent back. They must instead be held humanely by the Department of Health and Human Services until the courts release them to a “suitable family member” in this country
Thank you for asking that question. I will be glad - to answer that. First of all, the
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law you are referring to, the noncontiguous country, is being exploited as these children are being buses here by the DHS and letting these illegals invent families. No proof is required. That's where the law is being broken.

You handle your personal safety as you see fit, and I'll handle mine as I see fit.

Obama cannot pick and choose which laws to uphold and which to break.
I would like to know who else is sneaking across the - border too. I've seen
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pictures of the kids, but some of them have tattoos.
Senate just appropriated another $2 billion for - immigrants. nm
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According to Zero Hedge, the president is asking for - $3.8 billion. sm
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At almost double the $2 billion that many had expected, The Washington Post reports that The White House will request $3.8 billion from Congress in emergency funding to deal with an influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America. Funds would be allocated to send more immigration judges to the southern border, build additional detention facilities and add border patrol agents, to help stem the recent surge of women and children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

This is how ACORN was funded - through all kinds of HUD “housing grants.”
Look what else is in that request. More stuff - added in that request.
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He Asked Congress, but they didn't do anything yet, - Truthhurts
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unless it was done today.

Just today he requested ANOTHER $3.7 BILLION from the Senate Appropriations Committee o address the humanitarian crisis on the Southwest border caused by an influx of unaccompanied children from Central America. The request also includes $615 million for emergency wildfire suppression.

On June 30, I provided an update on my Administration's efforts in addressing the urgent humanitarian situation on both sides
of the Southwest border with an aggressive, unified, and coordinated Federal response. Today, I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed emergency supplemental appropriations
request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 that includes $3.7 billion to comprehensively address this urgent humanitarian situation.

If they don't aprove it, they are going to be - portrayed as heartless,
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uncaring, and all that jazz. Plus they have no balls to stand up for what's right.
Think of the message this is sending the jihadis. - sm
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Living in a border state, I've heard the term OTMs (other than Mexicans) for years. I think the ISIS group may just be emboldened by this US inaction to stem the tide of illegals. I pray I'm wrong.
While everybody is distracted by the children, - terriorts groups are coming too,
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OTM, I've never heard that. I lived in Virginia for a while, and we had a name for NOVA (Northern VA) who tends to go with the left, and ROVA (the rest of VA) who tend to be more conservative.
I pray you're wrong, too, but I'm afraid you're right. - nm
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MS-13 gang members and jihadist - let in over the border as
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Why hasn't the Congress acted? - nm
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I support amnesty, and if seen to be against - it, they will be portrayed as
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uncaring. You know the drill.
Its too bad they are afraid of being seen what they are. - nm
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They're too busy being obstructionists. They - think that"ll get them elected in 2016.
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What a joke.
You are saying DHS is going to Central America? - Horrors!
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Are you saying DHS is taking busses to Central America and bringing the kids here?

What I have read:
Under current law, the Border Patrol is required to take child migrants who aren't from Mexico into custody, screen them, and transfer them to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (a part of the Department of Health and Human Services).

Apparently it would be okay with you if Obama picked and chose laws as long as he agreed with you?

I saw a video last night of some people beating the busses with American flags with CHILDREN inside the busses. It made me so ashamed and afraid for the kids. I am guessing these screaming people were probably bussed in. So disgusting.

I also saw a very nice Christian man offering his home to the kids. That made me feel a lot better about the country I live in.
Yes, these children are being bussed here. - and in some instances flown,
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I glad you feel wonderful about yourself, but I have a duty to my children and posterity first.

The NY Times said 300,000 illegal aliens since April. That's twice as many illegals aliens coming to this country that landed at Normandy. Our doctors are already overwhelmed. Feelings are fine, but someone has to make the tough decisions.
Do you have a source on these flights/bus schedules? - nm
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On Jan. 29, an application was posted on - the Federal Business Opportunies
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website(contract openings). The post itself says the government was preparing for the arrival of undocumented kids. They sought vendors to handle transportation once they got here.

This is from Jan. 29...

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, has a 'mission-critical responsibility for accepting custody of Unaccompanied Alien Children from US Border Patrol and other Federal agencies,' and then, 'transporting these juveniles to Office of Refugee Resettlement shelters located throughout the Continental United States." A spokeswoman for ICE, Barbara Gonzalez, confirmed the posting was authentic.

As for the bus/plane schedules you asked for, I guess you'll have to call the contractors and vendors for that information.
That very nice Christian man you saw gets paid - to take these kids into this
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I believe that was the law that W. established. - nm
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See post below. It was not for what you think. - sm
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You can try to pin this on W all you want, but you should really pin the tail on the donkey, where it belongs!

Also, related/unrelated, why should pubs pass immigration law when it includes amnesty for the 11 million already here?
This is erroneous being reported, it's based on a - human sex-trafficking,
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so it's not Bush. It's a law from Clinton.
I think the poster misspoke (mistyped). - sm
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The planes are flying the illegals from Texas to San Diego and then bussing them from Lindbergh Field to whatever illegal detention center doesn't have protestors. The planes and busses are NOT going to the countries of the illegals.
I would hope so, but I cannot tell. - sm
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First posted that they were being bussed here and then doubled down by saying they flew here.

I believe this person is definitely trying to give the impression that Obama is driving a bus and flying a plane go pick up these kids in Central America. Perhaps the poster does not understand where the geographical region Central America is?

The posts seem pretty nonsensical.
This law was primarily about SEX TRAFFICKING - Truthhurts
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It is also only RE-Authorization AMENDING the original law. This law first passed in 2000. Who was president then? I'll give you a hint...it wasn't Bush.

Forham University Reviewed the original law:


As did Cornell under 22 U.S.C. §7101-7112, which emphasis is on sex trafficking of women and girls.


Please see Chapter 78, § 7105(b)(C) titled: Definition of victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons

Most of these kids and women coming here are NOT confessing to being raped, threatened, etc. They are stating they are here because they heard if they came before a certain date, they would be given citizenship. The minors flooding over the border are often teenagers leaving behind poverty or violence in Mexico and other parts of Central America such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. “Agents grilled more than 200 non-Mexican immigrants in late May, and 95 percent of them said they headed to the US because they’d heard they could get a “permiso,” or “free pass” simply by showing up at the border.” That is not considered sex trafficking or even just plain human trafficking. Drug gang members are also coming here thinking they will be able to set up new channels of distribution.

Chris Cabrera, the vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, offered more substantive details “I’ve heard people come in and say, ‘You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go. You’re going to let me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us,’” Cabrera said. “Until we start mandatory detentions, mandatory removals, I don’t think anything is going to change. As a matter of fact, I think it’s going to get worse.” From what the border patrol union leader said, not even evidence of gang membership is sufficient to detain and deport illegal immigrant minors.

He and others critics blame the Obama administration’s DREAM act, which has young people from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and other countries believing they can cross the border freely.

“When the president made a decision that he was not going to enforce immigration laws . . . he created a real magnet to pull in a great deal of new illegals, particularly children, who would qualify under the president’s own executive DREAM Act.

This administration, Obama and Biden to be specific, have mainly caused this problem; Obama by the 2012 decision to give temporary relief from deportation to certain children brought to the United States illegally by their parents, although those coming after 2011 wouldn’t be included in that relief, and Biden who believes more, not fewer, immigrants should come to America. “Speaking to a National Association of Manufacturers’ crowd this week he called for a 'constant, unrelenting stream' of new immigrants — 'not dribbling (but) significant flows,' to bolster the national economy, The Hill reported.

‘We need it badly from a purely — purely economic point of view,’ Mr Biden said, The Hill reported. He is such an idiot. There are already too many AMERICANS that aren’t working and he wants to bring more ILLEGALS here? “

So, although I feel for these kids that believed a rumor, they need to be sent back. If they are coming to reunite with a parent who is also here illegally, they ALL should be sent back.
I knew there was a reason for the original law - but I couldn't remember
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what it was. This is being exploited.
Thanks for posting this. I just heart about this myself, and the - original report was erroneous,
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the ones they are blaming on Bush.
Was the law specific? Yup, Bush signed it. - sm
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and I agree with Bush on this one. We have enough money to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, create refugees and leave a mess. It is sort of Karma that we have problems on our doorstep now. We need to step up and take care of these poor kids.

It seems that the same conservative regressives who expound about fertilized eggs being protected beyond all measure will now turn a blind eye to human suffering on our doorstep.

Can you believe that?
Blame Bush for the border crisis. It never ends. - It's not going to work this time
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because he's been gone for 6 years.
I think they blame Bush on purpose. - SM
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They know better. They know it's not Bush's fault. They just want to say things like this to get a rise out of us. Schoolyard tactics and desperation are reasons that come mind. They've got nothing else. There is absolutely no defense for this colossal failure of a president.
BTW, contrary to the bull about the Republicans - Truthhurts
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refusing to pass immigration reform...read this!

While the problem of illegal immigration is undeniably an urgent one that needs to be addressed swiftly, it is possible that the reason the House has not passed immigration legislation similar to the Senate bill is not that the House is negligent but that the Senate bill is severely flawed. 

Shortly after the bill was filed on the Senate floor on April 17 by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight,” several conservative members of Congress, including Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.), expressed sharp criticism of the legislation.

“It's hard to believe, but the Senate immigration bill is worse than we thought,” said Smith, at the time. “Everyone in the country illegally is given amnesty. The bill guarantees there will be a rush across the border to take advantage of massive amnesty.”

Smith noted that in addition to most of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country, the Senate bill offered to legalize the relatives of illegal immigrants outside the United States and even others who have already been deported back home. 

“So current immigration laws are shredded,” he said.

Smith also promised that the House Judiciary Committee would “come up with a better plan that improves our immigration system and puts the interests of American workers first.” 

A quick review of the immigration-related bills introduced in the House indicates that the bill that has progressed the furthest (with 199 cosponsors) is H.R. 15, the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” and it has some major flaws. The Federation for American Immigration Reform notes:

Democrats describe the legislation as the Senate Gang of Eight’s bill with alternative “border security” provisions. As put by Pelosi herself, H.R. 15 contains the “best of the Senate bill,” without the Corker-Hoeven “border surge” amendment, and with the McCaul-Jackson Lee border bill (H.R. 1417) in its place. Which “border security” provisions the bill contains, however, is completely irrelevant given that: (1) neither actually takes any real steps to secure our nation’s borders, and (2) the bill still contains S. 744’s core amnesty-first, enforcement-later (probably never) approach.

As Senator Sessions noted of the Gang of Eight’s bill:

This proposal would economically devastate low-income American citizens and current legal immigrants. It will pull down their wages and reduce their job prospects. Including those legalized, this bill would result in at least 30 million new foreign workers over a 10-year period — more than the entire population of the state of Texas.

On January 30, The Hill reported that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blasted his Republican colleagues in the House for crafting an immigration plan that he denounced as “amnesty.”

“I think it would be a mistake if House Republicans were to support amnesty for those here illegally,” he said when asked about a proposal to be included in the House Republicans’ immigration principles statement.

“In my view we need to secure the borders, we need to stop illegal immigration,” Cruz said during aBloomberg News breakfast. “And we need to improve and streamline legal immigration.”


refusing to pass immigration reform...this is the real reason:

While the problem of illegal immigration is undeniably an urgent one that needs to be addressed swiftly, it is possible that the reason the House has not passed immigration legislation similar to the Senate bill is not that the House is negligent but that the Senate bill is severely flawed. 

Shortly after the bill was filed on the Senate floor on April 17 by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight,” several conservative members of Congress, including Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.), expressed sharp criticism of the legislation.

“It's hard to believe, but the Senate immigration bill is worse than we thought,” said Smith, at the time. “Everyone in the country illegally is given amnesty. The bill guarantees there will be a rush across the border to take advantage of massive amnesty.”

Smith noted that in addition to most of the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country, the Senate bill offered to legalize the relatives of illegal immigrants outside the United States and even others who have already been deported back home. 

“So current immigration laws are shredded,” he said.Smith also promised that the House Judiciary Committee would “come up with a better plan that improves our immigration system and puts the interests of American workers first.” 

See Senator Sessions full report on the Reid-Schumer bill, a paragraph here: According to CBO, Senate Democrats immigration bill would increase unemployment while reducing wages for the next 12 years and reducing Americans’ per-person wealth for the next 17 years. If you bring in 30 million people in the next ten years, as this bill would do, tripling the number that would normally be given legal status in America, it would bring down the per-person wealth and it would bring down wages. 


So where is the house bill? - sm
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Don't they do one too and then go hammer out the differences with the senate?

Or is this just another sit back and do nothing Boehner/House but blame the president business as usual?
Sorry, I don't have time to check where - Truthhurts
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ALL the bills are but I checked a couple. They are all in committees or just passed out of committee, some since 2013.

Well, I hope you have time soon - last one
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you conveniently forgot to cite a source when I asked. I hate to quote you if I cannot verify where you are getting the information.
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and King Farouk Obama picks and chooses which ones he will enforce.

Try getting an education, your posts lack credibility due to their total disregard for issues you choose to ignore...just like King Farouk Obama.
Please be specific on which laws - I want to know.
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Please don't just cite some law number because I do not have time to look all over. A tiny cut and past with citation will be fine.
See above post, "You Start to Lose Track" - That will give you a hint.
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Happy researching if you ever decide to do it. The information is out there.

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