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An Article: "Dems love facts, science only when convenient"

Posted: Nov 21, 2010

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President Obama recently fretted that our politics has become so rough-and-tumble that “facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time.” Speaking at a Democratic fundraiser just before the election, the president worried that Americans were so rattled by economic anxieties that they might lose their heads and choose Republicans over Democrats – a fear that became a reality on Nov. 2.

But his larger point was that Democrats are guided by facts and science and argument while Republicans act on ideological or even irrational motives. As liberals and Democrats are fond of saying, they are part of the “reality-based community.”

Except when they're not.

In the course of the Obama administration, we have seen examples of Democrats in the White House, Congress and across the government pursuing ideological goals that are not only not based on facts and science and argument but actually fly in the face of facts and science and argument. Some examples:

Offshore oil drilling. Recently, the inspector general of the Interior Department discovered that some White House officials altered a report to claim that the administration’s six-month moratorium on offshore oil drilling had the approval of the nation’s foremost engineering experts. “The recommendations contained in this report have been peer-reviewed by seven experts identified by the National Academy of Engineering,” the administration declared. In fact, the experts had not reviewed, nor did they approve, the proposed drilling moratorium. The administration insists it was all a mistake.

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Great article with facts you can research and prove true.... - sam

[ In Reply To ..]
in other words, not a hit piece. Thanks for posting!!

Another exaggeration - I prefer not to have oil with my shrimp, thank you

[ In Reply To ..]
So the remarks were misprinted. Do you type perfect reports 100% of the time?

"One of the panelists who signed the letter, University of California at Berkeley engineering professor Bob Bea, said in an e-mail message that a moratorium should be reserved for "unconventional, very hazardous operations" and shouldn't apply to the "majority of conventional offshore operations, (which) meet fundamental requirements for acceptable risks."

Who are you quoting and where did you get that quote? - Backwards Typist

[ In Reply To ..]
You have no source printed. I prefer sources to quoted parts of articles so I can read them.

What remarks were misprinted? I see nothing in this piece that stated the remarks were misprinted. Please point that out to me.

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