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Social Security, Bernie Sanders, and Rocket Science

Posted: Aug 25, 2011

Bernie Sanders, Ind/Dem/Socialist, plans to propose legislation that would strengthen Social Security without cutting benefits to any of its beneficiaries. Sanders’ legislation would eliminate the income cap that currently exists in the payroll tax that does not tax income above $106,800:

*****To keep Social Security strong for another 75 years, Sanders’ legislation would apply the same payroll tax already paid by more than nine out of 10 Americans to those with incomes over $250,000 a year.  Under Sanders’ legislation, Social Security benefits would be untouched. The system would be fully funded by making the wealthiest Americans pay the same payroll tax already assessed on those with incomes up to $106,800 a year.

Sanders points out that President Obama himself endorsed this idea on the campaign trail in 2008. “What we need to do is to raise the cap on the payroll tax so that wealthy individuals are paying a little bit more into the system. Right now, somebody like Warren Buffet pays a fraction of 1 percent of his income in payroll tax, whereas the majority…pays payroll tax on 100 percent of their income. I’ve said that was not fair,” said Obama during the campaign.

The Social Security system is currently fully funded until 2037. Lifting the payroll tax cap would virtually eliminate funding shortfalls the program would experience over the next 75 years


It's about time! Thank you Bernie. The next thing...sm - VTMT

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that needs to happen is for SS payroll
deductions to be treated as an insurance policy with the retirement benefit only kicking in if and when income falls below a certain level.

That is interesting. Where would you see that income level? - sm

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Also, I am wondering: Are SS benefits taxed as regular income when you hit retirement age. Anyone know?

Yes they are. nm - oldtimer

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I don't know, maybe $100,000/yr. Thoughts? nm - VTMT

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I guess I am not so crazy on this idea - It makes it seem as though
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It makes it seem as though SS is an entitlement. Since I have been paying specifically into SS as a payroll tax, I do not see it as an entitlement and do not see where there should be a limit on who qualifies for the benefit. I do think we should pay tax on all income, whether SS or pension or capital gains.
Not an entitlement, rather an insurance policy. sm nm - VTMT
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If you get to retirement age and your income falls below a certain level your insurance kicks in.
It is called social security insurance - but the problem is that it really isn't
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an insurance policy because nobody has the right to opt not to "buy" it. The biggest problem is that people have come to depend on it for retirement and it is being used for things that it was never intended to be used for. It was never intended to pay out to offspring of people who are killed, et cetera, et cetera. It was meant to be a safety net, not a retirement plan.

Just curious. - sue

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If President Obama endorsed this in 2008,why didn't the Congress do something about it when it was all democrat? It just doesn't make sensse that ths important piece of legislation wasn't pushed through when he controlled everythibng.

Rome wasn't built in a day. - first things first.

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I know! Because he had to wait for the Pubs to quit - having hissy-fits.

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They will look awfully foolish now if they say NO to saving Social Security. Brilliant plan, I must say.

Why would he wait for the Pubs if he controlled it all? - sue

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He wouldn't have to talk to the pubs at all if he has all 3 branches, just simple civics
Try Googling "Cloture," "Filibuster," "60 vote supermajority" - I know you can do it.
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You are an MT.
Why would you? - sue
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Did I attack anyone? Did I make fun of anyone?? Why do you have to make things personal and nasty?? Couldn't you have just suggested googling? Did you have to make it degrading? In my experience, although I would never accuse anyone of it, people who attack others have either personal problems or are (as we used to be called) "mean-spirited. Have a pleasant weekend.
Just simple civics - Just simple research
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Get it now?
("as we used to be called) "mean-spirited - So you used to be called mean-spirited? Thought so
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mean-spirited - sue
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I am an independent, have voted both ways and will support a dem in my state race. You gave yourself away, my dear. The people who have been branded in the past as "mean-spirited" have been in a group includnig ANYONE who did not tow the leftist line. Blue dog dems, independents, pubs and conservatives have all been attacked because we are not conforming to your line. By the way, all you did was name-call again. No ideas, no substance. Thought so.
I'm an Independent (leaning left). All I did was to read - and copy your post.
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Another thought on SS reform. sm - oldtimer

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I think SS benefits are wacky when someone who works for the minimum amount of years to qualify for SS receives the same or more than someone who has been in the workforce for 50 years. What's up with that?

SS faqs. - see link

[ In Reply To ..]
Not sure I understand. Found this:


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