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Alaska set to release Sarah Palin's e-mails today

Posted: Jun 10, 2011

Alaska set to release Sarah Palin's e-mails today

JUNEAU, Alaska — The nation is about to get a new look at Sarah Palin's tenure as Alaska governor.

The state today is scheduled to release more than 24,000 pages of Palin's e-mails from her first two years as governor, providing a fresh glimpse into how she led the state as she rose to become a player on the national political stage.

The e-mails were first requested during the 2008 White House race by citizens and news organizations, including The Associated Press, as they vetted a vice presidential nominee whose political experience included less than one term as governor of Alaska and a term as mayor of the small town of Wasilla. The nearly three-year delay has been attributed largely to the sheer volume of the release and the flood of requests.



Palin - umad

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Seriously, does anyone care? She's not even an elected official. If, for example, she was indicted for criminal activity like another former VP candidate, I might be interested.

By the way, at least she was vetted. They couldn't be bothered to vet a junior senator and community organizer?

Personally, I would be happy to see Barry's college transcripts. After all, some believe he's such a brilliant man. I'd like to see some of his brilliance.
"My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.
Government should be transparent."  Transparency - the Obama lie that keeps on giving.

Bet this is history she would LOVE to forget. - But

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as long as she is coyly stringing her fan club along with the is-she-or-isn't-she ploy whilst bilking them for SarahPAC funds ($1.3 million at last count) to bankroll her kids summer vacations and what-not, my guess is that there is plenty, plenty, plenty of interest in those emails. Life as a celeb/political coquette is rocky terrain but after all, she has to do SOMETHING to earn her keep. I don't think it is too much to ask for her to be held responsible for her own "leadership" record, or lack thereof.

On the other hand, your attempts to change the subject with that mysterious italicized/bolded VP allusion and worn-out college records reference are of no interest whatsoever.

provide facts - please

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Let's see some facts. Do you have proof she is using SarahPAC to bankroll summer vacations for her kids.

As you state, "I don't think it is too much to ask for her to be held responsible for her own leadership record or lack thereof" well the same goes for obama and his goons.

Sarah Palin is a private citizen. The desperation on the part of the OBAMABOTS/PROGRESSIVE REPROBATES is pretty darn pathetic.

Provide PROOF she is doing this.
private citizens do not have their own PACs. - Dont be so silly.
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If she is a private citizen, what is she doing with one? She is a former governor and former VP candidate. The emails deal with her record as Governor of Alaska before she quit. Fair game for those interested.
More to the point - can you
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prove that she is not? SarahPAC donations bankrolled the event. Piper Palin to the media (who dared to cover the vacation/tour): "Thanks for ruining our vacation." She sure seemed to think it was a vacation, and she is old enough to understand the difference between that an a political event. Wonder where she got that idea?

Why does SP lie when reporters ask her about about the costs of the tour by telling them the info can be found on SarahPAC website? It's not there. The website is a joke. Aside from Sarah's picks, it is all about her. Read the mission statement and then kindly show us how the tour contributed anything toward the mission or the candidates she endorses.

As long as she has not announced, the use of PAC funds is much less restricted and she can get away with this nonsense. I am not saying she did anyting illegal....just underhanded. It reminds me of when she used $63,000 of PAC funds to buy her own book. SarahPAC is a front that she can virtually use as a personal bank account as long as she can get her supporters to pony up. They are certainly free to do so, but should not be surprised when the shady lady gets called on it every once in a while.




Big yawn. They have already stated there are no - bombshells at all in her emails.nm

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With her lawyers relentless redactions, - no one is expecting any
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at least for the time being. Sometimes it's what you don't say that says it all. Those glaring blackouts will lead persistent journalists in the right direction. One case in point would be the memo entitled "Same-Sex" which was 100% redacted. Makes you wonder how many prospectors are out beating the ground this morning in search of the songbird who can fill in the blanks. 24,0000 memos can't be read in less than 24 hours but rest assured they will leave no stone unturned. Just sayin'.
May I ask something? Why do you care? Why - does anyone? She wont be president anyway.nm
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Chalk it up to morbid curiosity. - sm
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If the emails are of such little consequence, then the reasons people are interested in them should not matter to you at all.
looks more like "morbid obsession". Its actually - becoming creepy. nm
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You sound worried about what may turn up. - sm
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The emails have already provided insight into her transformation from the wide-eyed naive, refreshing, plain-speaking, open and uncomplicated sprite into the brittle, even paranoid, politician who seethes with resentment, feels aggrieved and entitled and is intent on pursuing celebrity even at the expense of her family, as the blogger describes in the opinion piece linked to in the post below. If she had it to do all over again, bet she would think twice before declaring war on the lamestream media.


What? Dream on... nothing is being found. - How disappointing for the haters.nm
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no stone unturned - icedT
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What's the end game? What do they hope to prove?

The way I see it is that those who hate her will continue to hate her and those who adore her will continue to defend her.

I honestly do not understand the obsession by those who hate her to continually put her in the spotlight. They are making themselves look pretty silly and catty. Why can't we let her just go away?
These were requested in 2008 - when she was VP candidate
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You are right, no one does really care, except in the "train wreck" sort of way. There is the celebrity fascination; however, it is obvious she does not have the intellectual, social, or emotional qualities for president.
Yeah, well Obama has no common sense to be - president, which seems even worse now.nm
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2008 - anon
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And so were Obama's college transcripts. Still waiting for those.
Good one! Obama and "transparency" are really - a joke... on us, unfortunately. nm
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Palin - jbmt

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American Way: Sarah Palin email frenzy backfires on her media antagonists

The trove of more than 13,000 emails detailing almost every aspect of Sarah Palin’s governorship of Alaska, released late on Friday, paints a picture of her as an idealistic, conscientious, humorous and humane woman slightly bemused by the world of politics.

One can only assume that the Left-leaning editors who dispatched teams of reporters to remote Juneau, the Alaskan capital, to pore over the emails in the hope of digging up a scandal are now viewing the result as a rather poor return on their considerable investment.

If anything, Mrs Palin seems likely to emerge from the scrutiny of the 24,000 pages, contained in six boxes and weighing 275 pounds, with her reputation considerably enhanced. As a blogger at Powerline noted, the whole saga might come to be viewed as “an embarrassment for legacy media”.

Mrs Palin, who suddenly resigned as Alaska governor in July 2009, is no longer a public official. She holds no position in the Republican party. Despite the media hubbub that surrounds her every move, she is unlikely to be a candidate for the White House in 2012.

She is, however, viewed with a kind of horrified fascination by many in the media, who faithfully records everything she says and does while at the same time decrying her as ignorant and even evil.

Whether or not she runs for the White House – and the solid consensus among Republican leaders is that she won’t – the scramble over the Palin emails confirms her status as a pivotal figure in the race to challenge President Barack Obama next year.

It comes at a moment when the battle for the Republican nomination appears set to be transformed by the late entry of Governor Rick Perry of Texas, a social conservative and Palin ally who could almost immediately leap to the front of a currently lacklustre field.

Sources close to Mr Perry have confirmed that he is “highly likely” to announce a presidential run in the coming days. Intriguingly, they have also hinted at a something they believe would increase immeasurably Mr Perry’s chances of winning the White House – an endorsement from Mrs Palin.

On policy, Mrs Palin and Mr Perry, who succeeded George W Bush in 2000 and has since become the longest-serving governor in Texas history, are in almost perfect alignment. In addition, they are both beloved of the Tea Party, highly suspicious of Washington and physically attractive (Mr Perry is often likened to the Marlboro Man), charismatic figures.

Mrs Palin has repeatedly said that she believes Mr Obama can be defeated and that she will do everything to achieve that. With her popularity among independent voters very low, despite the intensity of her core support, throwing her weight behind a stronger candidate would be a better way of preserving her political capital and earning power than being one of the losing candidates in the Republican primaries.

The notion of Mrs Palin as White House kingmaker would have seemed wildly improbable if anyone had raised it before August 2008.

It was then that she was catapulted to international fame by Senator John McCain’s surprise decision to make her his vice-presidential running mate. Her reaction? “Can you flippinbelieveit?!”

This was a world, as the emails reveal, in which the then Alaska governor fretted about things like there being alcohol in her official residence, that might be a temptation to the teenage friends of her children.

In May 2007, she sought help from her staff in keeping the alcohol in the governor’s mansion away from young people, stating that it should be boxed up and “removed from the People’s House” – both for practical reasons and as a statement about her administration.

“Here’s my thinking: with so many kids and teens coming and going in that house, esp during this season of celebrations for young people – proms, graduations, etc, I want to send the msg that we can be – and ‘the People’s House’ needs to be – alcohol-free. There’s a lot of booze there – its too accessible and may be too tempting to any number of all those teens coming and going.”

In a February 2007 exchange, one adviser recommended that when she was in Washington she meet Pete Rouse, a Senate official who had lived in Alaska. “He’s now chief-of-staff for a guy named Barack Obama,” the aide wrote, adding that Mr Rouse “wants to help Alaska however he can”. Far from shrinking at the idea of conferring with a Democrat, Mrs Palin replied: “I’m game to meet him.”

The emails will finally confirm – in all but the darkest recesses of the world of Left-wing conspiracy theories – that Mrs Palin is, in fact, the mother of her youngest son Trig, who has Down’s Syndrome.

After relentless promotion by Andrew Sullivan, the British blogger who now works for Daily Beast/Newsweek, of the proposition that the mother was in fact Mrs Palin’s daughter Bristol, a teenager at the time, the subject had become part of mainstream debate.

The emails show Mrs Palin’s determination to protect Bristol but also her desire for a degree of privacy. “I wish I could shame people into ceasing such gossip about a teen, but I can’t figure out how to do that,” she wrote.
Communications from her children and husband make her family appear close and loving.

An email from Bristol, referring to her younger sister, said: “Hello Mother, Um, I’m sitting in library and I really thing you need to get Piper a cell phone!! Wouldn’t that be so adorable! She could text me while she was in class!! It’s a done deal right?! Perfect! Ok, I will talk to you later and I need some cash flow! Love ya!”

To an extent, the emails remind Americans of the person they saw take the state at the Republican National Convention in Minnesota nearly three years ago – refreshing, plain-speaking, open and uncomplicated.

Since then, her image has hardened into one of a brittle, even paranoid, politician who seethes with resentment, feels aggrieved and entitled and is intent on pursuing celebrity even at the expense of her family.

Mrs Palin as a person has become so remote that it is hard for to assess how much, if any, of that widely-held caricature has a basis in truth. The email release could mark the end of a chapter of what conservatives have termed “Palin Derangement Syndrome”. Her enemies in the media appear to have overplayed their hand.

Expressing a sentiment that will resonate with many, Greta Van Susteren, a Fox News anchor who is close to Mrs Palin, argued that she had been subjected to “a media colonoscopy” by news organisations on “a mission to destroy”.
With a film entitled The Undefeated, chronicling Mrs Palin’s rise to prominence, about to air, the former Alaska governor is doubtless hoping that harsher perceptions of her can be blunted.

Probably the person who has damaged her most, apart from perhaps the CBS anchor Katie Couric who elicited blank stares when she asked what Mrs Palin read, was Tina Fey, the Saturday Night Live comedienne and impersonator.

It was Fey who seared into the popular imagination the Palin phrase: “I can see Russia from my house!” Mrs Palin had never said any such thing but it encapsulated the feeling that she was frivolous and lacked any foreign policy credentials.

Three days later, a staffer called Patrick Galvin emailed Mrs Palin saying: “My suggestion is you offer to go on SNL and play Tina Fey, and you interview her as she plays you.”

Fey’s impersonation was so powerful that the two women are inseparable in some minds. Fox News, for which Mrs Palin works on a lucrative contract as a commentator, recently aired a picture of fey instead of Mrs Palin by mistake.
Perhaps now might the time for Mrs Palin to take up Mr Galvin’s suggestion.

Toby Harnden’s American Way column is published in the Sunday Telegraph each week.

Pinning hopes on rootin'-tootin' coyote shootin' - Gov Big Hair, the patriotic secessionist?

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Good luck with that. I did appreciate his apt description of Palin. "...a brittle, even paranoid, politician who seethes with resentment, feels aggrieved and entitled and is intent on pursuing celebrity even at the expense of her family."

That is such baloney. Gee, keep making fun of Palin - as if Obama is doing a good job.

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He is worse than Carter. The country is a mess. He has solved NOTHING since taking office, only caused more division, class warfare, and bankruptcy of the nation.. sad.
Palins endorsement of The Marlboro Man invites - ridicule all by itself.
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Slamming dems doesnt change that.

Palin-phobia/nm - it shows

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