“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times…”
For Sarah Palin back in March of 2008, this was especially true.
She was right in the middle of trying to convince the people of Alaska that, despite all appearances, she was indeed pregnant with her fifth child, after surprising even her own staff with the news on March 6th. (Though at first she did not seem to put a lot of effort into convincing people as you can see from this photograph taken on March 29th, at the Spouses’ Luncheon. This is a scant twenty short days prior to Trig's "birth." You will notice that she's wearing what appears to be a raincoat inside of her own house. And there's nothing under those hands but a black scarf.)
Obviously as she got closer to her due date she would have to put a little more effort into the deception. Perhaps a little padding would help.
There, that's much better. (The above picture was taken at the end of the legislative session in Juneau, on April 13, five days before Sarah supposedly gave birth, and only fifteen days after the picture from the Spouses' Luncheon was taken.)
The next twist in our storyline was Sarah's trip to give a speech at the Republican Governor's conference in Texas on April 18th. What really happened there? No one knows. But what is known for certain is that Sarah left the conference abruptly in the early afternoon of April 17th and came back to Alaska, a ten plus hour trip involving two four hour flights and a layover in Seattle. (Not only did this decision seem abrupt, but even Sarah’s security staff was not contacted and did not know she was arriving to have a baby until after the birth.)What is also known for certain is that no one has ever come forward to say that they noticed anything special or different about the Gov during this trip. In fact, she was seen reading a book in the lounge during the layover in Seattle.
Whatever the truth, by noon on April 18th the Governor's office had announced that at approximately 6:30 that morning Sarah Palin had given birth to a son.
So now Sarah did not have to wear that cumbersome belly anymore and she could enjoy the warmth of spring in her shorts and sweatshirt.

See how much more comfortable Governor Palin looks only a few days after she had that baby? And look at that beautiful baby boy!
Let’s see if we can't get a a better quality picture of that precious child shall we?
(Below is a screenshot from, Palin best friend, Kristan Cole’s website which shows photos that Cole posted of a baby shower she hosted for Sarah Palin on a weekend in May, either the 3rd or 4th, I believe. A photo, not included here, but obviously from the same day was later provided to OK Magazine of Sarah and her newborn.)
And here is the OK magazine shot, and its doppelganger from the baby shower.
Now from that same baby shower we have this much more detailed picture of the child known as Trig Palin.
(Please note that I have chosen not to show the face or release the name of the young girl holding “Trig” as she was a minor when these photos were taken.)
He IS just adorable isn’t he?
But wait a minute. Is there something a bit odd about this picture?
Take a close look at this baby’s ear.
Do you see that?
Perhaps a closer view might help.

According to one of the physicians I talked to that is a malformation of the helix. In this case, it's noticeable and distinctive. And, although not as clear, in another picture taken at the same event, this time of the baby's left ear, a similar malformation is possibly visible. Ear defects are often "bilateral" which means on both sides.
Isn’t that odd? I don’t remember the Trig Palin who was photographed so many times on the campaign trail having that particular malformation.
Oh that is because he didn’t.
In fact it appears that Trig Palin has two absolutely perfect little ears. As you can plainly see in this photo of his left ear.

Yet as you can see in this side by side comparison, it is crystal clear that the ear on the infant Trig does NOT match the ear on the older Trig.

I showed the baby shower picture to a number of medical professionals, including an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, a physician, an audiologist who specializes in children’s hearing issues, and a pediatrician (None of them knew they were looking at a picture of Sarah Palin’s child). Each agreed the ear is visibly malformed. I asked them if this defect could “heal” or disappear on its own. “Of course not”, they each replied. I then showed them pictures of Trig Palin's ear from the campaign. Again, none knew they were looking at a photograph of Sarah Palin's son. I asked all if it could possibly be the same child, four to five months later. The answer: "No."
Furthermore I learned that to correct conditions like this surgery is required, and that these surgeries are never performed before the age of four. And even if someone could have been located to perform plastic surgery on a child so young, the result would not be the "perfection" that Trig's ear shows. Some scarring would still be visible. We have countless high-definition photos of Trig Palin's head. Nothing of the sort can be seen in any of them.
“So in other words” I asked. “You are saying that the child in the baby shower pictures must still have that same ear malformation today?’ Each of them answered in the affirmative.
In fact here is a direct quote from one medical professional:
"There is an approximately zero percent probability that these two sets of ears belong to the same infant."
So what does all of this mean? If that baby’s ear could not have healed on its own, then how can the Trig we see today have two perfectly formed ears?
The answer is simple and shocking. Sarah presented an entirely different child to the world as Trig Palin on August 30, 2008.
Just a fluke, you say? A trick of the camera? A shadow? Well, there's more. She did not just do it once.
Look again at this picture of Mercede holding this mystery baby in Sarah Palin’s kitchen, taken on a different day with a different camera.

Look closely at that ear. Do you see it? It was there all along.
This picture was taken the week right after Sarah "gave birth".
Here is another one. This time of Levi holding the child identified as the Governor’s son. (Seen for the first time on the Tyra Banks Show)

Do you see the ear? Again, although it's not as clear, the ear of the baby in these photos has the same "ragged" pitted appearance. And you can see it in every shot taken that day.

As most of you know I have been absolutely convinced that Sarah Palin did NOT give birth to a baby on April 18th, 2008. But what has come as a huge surprise was that on two separate occasions, she presented a newborn baby to two separate groups of people as Trig Palin her newborn son with Down syndrome. (She did it once in her own kitchen while presenting him to the Johnston family, and again at a baby shower given in her honor.) As you can plainly see THIS baby has a distinctive malformation of his ear. However the baby that was introduced to the nation only four months later does NOT have any malformation of his ear whatsoever.
In fact, though today's Trig has many of the characteristics of a Down syndrome child, he also possesses two perfectly shaped ears.
As Andrea Friedman pointed out so eloquently: "My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes"." Perhaps with this new evidence we can understand, now more than ever, why Sarah treats this child like a prop.
Because that is EXACTLY what he is.
It is well past time that the “lame stream media”, to use Sarah’s very own phraseology, start to ask the really hard questions about Sarah Palin’s pregnancy.
When the questions first arose the Alaska media failed to do so.
When they resurfaced five months later the McCain campaign failed to do so.
And in all of this time since the world discovered Sarah Palin the national media has also failed to do so.
It was left up to a rag tag group of bloggers to stay with the story until some real evidence could be produced. Well we have done our part, will the rest of the media do theirs?
There are still so many questions left to answer. Who is the baby's real mother? Who helped Sarah pull off this deception? Who else in her family knew about this? Exactly why did she feel the need to lie about her pregnancy?
I am still conducting interviews and digging for those answers, but it would be ever so helpful if reporters with expense accounts and the support a national publication or television network would lend a hand.
(By the way I encourage EVERYBODY to download pictures off of this post, and take screenshots of the blog. There is a very good chance that this will cause a tsunami of anger directed at me and the Immoral Minority. I have already saved it as a pdf file and I have many friends who have done the same. But just to be triple sure it would be nice to know the content is safe on friendly computer hard drives all across the world.)
Update: Speaking of a "rag tag group of bloggers" my friend Bree Palin is on the case as well.
Update 2: Palin's Q & A joins the party!
Update 3: I notice that some people are getting fixated on the young woman whose face I blacked out. That young lady has NOTHING to do with the baby. She was just a girl who happened to be at the shower. It is also not one of the Palin girls. I would not have felt the need to protect their identity since they are already well known.
Update 4: It looks like Todd did indeed quit the Iron Dog at Puntilla Lake. Hmm I wonder if he received a frantic phone call? (By the way thanks for the link Anonymous.) (The Fairbanks Miner has more.)
Update 5: The Alaska Report asks the obvious question.
Update 6: Let me clear up another misconception, this time about the photo on OK magazine. I did not say that it and the photo next to it were identical. I actually referred to it as a "doppelganger", in other words, a "look-a-like". If it had been the same picture I would have said "Look the same picture shows up in OK magazine." However what is clear is that those two pictures were taken the same day, with the same camera, of the same baby, and only moments apart. The important point is to prove that Sarah herself had identified that baby as Trig Palin to a national audience. She was not just trying to fool a few friends and potential family members, she lied to the whole world.
Update: Oh wow! I think I inspired a Facebook group. Cool!