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Today my kitty jumped....
Posted: Jan 19, 2012

on the moon and thought one step for kitty kind - nm
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it's too bad the moon didnt have enough oxygen to support life - nm
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and an Astronaut License, for she was able to return to... - nm
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Earth with amazing stories for all her kitty friends. Nm - Old Woman
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and kitty vowed never to jump so high again unless - nm
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unless, of course, the Lion King came to town - nm
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and having been the star of CATS, she enjoyed the theater - nm
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but still remembered her humble roots as an extra on... - nm
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now kitty is so tired from her adventures, she just wants to... - nm
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settle down for a long winter's nap dreaming of... - nm
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And also to see if she won the part for the remake of - That Darned Cat
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mouseburgers and soup of the day... - cream of mouse! (so sorry)
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and Fancy Feast in those beautiful crystal dishes. - nm
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gets to see all her kitty friends at the coffee shop - without having to....nm
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