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The smartest thing you ever did?
Posted: Jul 5, 2013

Can give you 100 of the dumbest thing, but can't - think of one smart thing - yet
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Had my first and last child before it was too late. - nm
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Chose to be a confident, independent woman. - Hear me roar! nm
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: )
Completely broke off ties - With my horrible parents-nm
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Did I stun Anyone? - OP. Bottom Line...
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...we speak all the time of eliminating contact with the so-called toxic friends, toxic spouses (husband or wife), but we never speak of the toxic family members, particularly the parents.
I find that interesting. Dump a toxic husband, dump a toxic friend, but keep the toxic family members. In particular, keep the toxic parents who are likely the most toxic of all. Hmmmm.
Can anyone explain that logic beyond "oh, they're blood." Or "Oh, God said so."???
where are you coming from? no one said a word. only one judging you - is you right now. we're not here for that. NM
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Just getting opinions - I probably should start another subject line!-nm
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these are little games not subjects for discussion.. - NM
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Took whatever left over pay I had (which was minuscule and played every lottery game my state had to - sm
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and won a sizeable jackpot so I do not have to work as hard for crappy pay.
Got myself and my kids away - from their abusive father
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and made a whole new happy life!
Bless you!! Very brave. Much happiness, always! - NM
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